Commit aece433b authored by vbystricky's avatar vbystricky

Check ippStsNoErr as result of ipp function instead >=0

parent c65e5a1e
......@@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@ public:
*ok = false;
if( ippicviFilterBilateral_8u_C1R( src.ptr<uchar>(range.start) + radius * ((int)src.step[0] + 1), (int)src.step[0], dst.ptr<uchar>(range.start), (int)dst.step[0], roi, kernel, pSpec ) < 0)
if (ippStsNoErr != ippicviFilterBilateral_8u_C1R( src.ptr<uchar>(range.start) + radius * ((int)src.step[0] + 1), (int)src.step[0], dst.ptr<uchar>(range.start), (int)dst.step[0], roi, kernel, pSpec ))
*ok = false;
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