Commit adac8c04 authored by Olexa Bilaniuk's avatar Olexa Bilaniuk

Converted to C++ style, + bugfixes.

The code has been refactored in response to feedback on Pull Request

Also, outputZeroH() now also zeroes the inlier set, much like
parent 87c2b819
......@@ -303,8 +303,7 @@ static bool createAndRunRHORegistrator(double confidence,
* initialized, used, then finalized.
RHO_HEST_REFC* p = rhoRefCInit();
* Optional. Ideally, the context would survive across calls to
......@@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ static bool createAndRunRHORegistrator(double confidence,
* to pay is marginally more computational work than strictly needed.
rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(&p, npoints, beta);
rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(p, npoints, beta);
* The critical call. All parameters are heavily documented in rhorefc.h.
......@@ -325,7 +324,7 @@ static bool createAndRunRHORegistrator(double confidence,
* this behaviour is too problematic.
result = !!rhoRefC(&p,
result = !!rhoRefC(p,
(const float*),
(const float*),
......@@ -344,7 +343,7 @@ static bool createAndRunRHORegistrator(double confidence,
* Cleanup.
/* Convert float homography to double precision. */
tmpH.convertTo(_H, CV_64FC1);
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
/* Includes */
#include <precomp.hpp>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
......@@ -52,88 +53,203 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include "rhorefc.h"
/* Defines */
#define MEM_ALIGN 32
#define HSIZE (3*3*sizeof(float))
#define MIN_DELTA_CHNG 0.1
#define REL_CHNG(a, b) (fabs((a) - (b))/(a))
#define CHI_STAT 2.706
#define CHI_SQ 1.645
#define RLO 0.25
#define RHI 0.75
#define m 4 /* 4 points required per model */
#define SPRT_T_M 25 /* Guessing 25 match evlauations / 1 model generation */
#define SPRT_M_S 1 /* 1 model per sample */
#define SPRT_EPSILON 0.1 /* No explanation */
#define SPRT_DELTA 0.01 /* No explanation */
#define LM_GAIN_LO 0.25 /* See sacLMGain(). */
#define LM_GAIN_HI 0.75 /* See sacLMGain(). */
const int MEM_ALIGN = 32;
const size_t HSIZE = (3*3*sizeof(float));
const double MIN_DELTA_CHNG = 0.1;
const double CHI_STAT = 2.706;
const double CHI_SQ = 1.645;
const double RLO = 0.25;
const double RHI = 0.75;
const int MAXLEVMARQITERS = 100;
const int SMPL_SIZE = 4; /* 4 points required per model */
const int SPRT_T_M = 25; /* Guessing 25 match evlauations / 1 model generation */
const int SPRT_M_S = 1; /* 1 model per sample */
const double SPRT_EPSILON = 0.1; /* No explanation */
const double SPRT_DELTA = 0.01; /* No explanation */
const double LM_GAIN_LO = 0.25; /* See sacLMGain(). */
const double LM_GAIN_HI = 0.75; /* See sacLMGain(). */
/* For the sake of cv:: namespace ONLY: */
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace cv{/* For C support, replace with extern "C" { */
/* Data Structures */
* Virtual Arguments.
* Exactly the same as at function call, except:
* - minInl is enforced to be >= 4.
const float* src;
const float* dst;
char* inl;
unsigned N;
float maxD;
unsigned maxI;
unsigned rConvg;
double cfd;
unsigned minInl;
double beta;
unsigned flags;
const float* guessH;
float* finalH;
} arg;
/* PROSAC Control */
unsigned i; /* Iteration Number */
unsigned phNum; /* Phase Number */
unsigned phEndI; /* Phase End Iteration */
double phEndFpI; /* Phase floating-point End Iteration */
unsigned phMax; /* Termination phase number */
unsigned phNumInl; /* Number of inliers for termination phase */
unsigned numModels; /* Number of models tested */
unsigned* smpl; /* Sample of match indexes */
} ctrl;
/* Current model being tested */
float* pkdPts; /* Packed points */
float* H; /* Homography */
char* inl; /* Mask of inliers */
unsigned numInl; /* Number of inliers */
} curr;
/* Best model (so far) */
float* H; /* Homography */
char* inl; /* Mask of inliers */
unsigned numInl; /* Number of inliers */
} best;
/* Non-randomness criterion */
std::vector<unsigned> tbl; /* Non-Randomness: Table */
unsigned size; /* Non-Randomness: Size */
double beta; /* Non-Randomness: Beta */
} nr;
/* SPRT Evaluator */
double t_M; /* t_M */
double m_S; /* m_S */
double epsilon; /* Epsilon */
double delta; /* delta */
double A; /* SPRT Threshold */
unsigned Ntested; /* Number of points tested */
unsigned Ntestedtotal; /* Number of points tested in total */
int good; /* Good/bad flag */
double lambdaAccept; /* Accept multiplier */
double lambdaReject; /* Reject multiplier */
} eval;
/* Levenberg-Marquardt Refinement */
float* ws; /* Levenberg-Marqhard Workspace */
float (* JtJ)[8]; /* JtJ matrix */
float (* tmp1)[8]; /* Temporary 1 */
float* Jte; /* Jte vector */
} lm;
/* Initialized? */
int init;
/* Empty constructors and destructors */
private: /* Forbid copying. */
/* Methods to implement external interface */
inline int initialize(void);
inline int sacEnsureCapacity(unsigned N, double beta);
inline void finalize(void);
unsigned rhoRefC(const float* src, /* Source points */
const float* dst, /* Destination points */
char* inl, /* Inlier mask */
unsigned N, /* = src.length = dst.length = inl.length */
float maxD, /* Works: 3.0 */
unsigned maxI, /* Works: 2000 */
unsigned rConvg, /* Works: 2000 */
double cfd, /* Works: 0.995 */
unsigned minInl, /* Minimum: 4 */
double beta, /* Works: 0.35 */
unsigned flags, /* Works: 0 */
const float* guessH, /* Extrinsic guess, NULL if none provided */
float* finalH); /* Final result. */
/* Methods to implement internals */
inline int initRun(void);
inline void finiRun(void);
inline int haveExtrinsicGuess(void);
inline int hypothesize(void);
inline int verify(void);
inline int isNREnabled(void);
inline int isRefineEnabled(void);
inline int isFinalRefineEnabled(void);
inline int PROSACPhaseEndReached(void);
inline void PROSACGoToNextPhase(void);
inline void getPROSACSample(void);
inline int isSampleDegenerate(void);
inline void generateModel(void);
inline int isModelDegenerate(void);
inline void evaluateModelSPRT(void);
inline void updateSPRT(void);
inline void designSPRTTest(void);
inline int isBestModel(void);
inline int isBestModelGoodEnough(void);
inline void saveBestModel(void);
inline void nStarOptimize(void);
inline void updateBounds(void);
inline void outputModel(void);
inline void outputZeroH(void);
inline int canRefine(void);
inline void refine(void);
/* Prototypes */
static inline void* almalloc(size_t nBytes);
static inline void alfree(void* ptr);
static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacFiniRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacHaveExtrinsicGuess(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacHypothesize(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacVerify(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsNREnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsRefineEnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsFinalRefineEnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacPROSACPhaseEndReached(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacPROSACGoToNextPhase(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacGetPROSACSample(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsSampleDegenerate(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacGenerateModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsModelDegenerate(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacEvaluateModelSPRT(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacUpdateSPRT(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacDesignSPRTTest(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsBestModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline int sacIsBestModelGoodEnough(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacSaveBestModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacInitNonRand(double beta,
unsigned start,
unsigned N,
unsigned* nonRandMinInl);
static inline void sacNStarOptimize(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacUpdateBounds(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacOutputModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacOutputZeroH(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline double sacInitPEndFpI(const unsigned ransacConvg,
const unsigned n,
const unsigned s);
static inline void sacRndSmpl(unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned* currentSample,
unsigned dataSetSize);
static inline double sacRandom(void);
static inline unsigned sacCalcIterBound(double confidence,
double inlierRate,
unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned maxIterBound);
static inline void hFuncRefC(float* packedPoints, float* H);
static inline int sacCanRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
static inline void sacRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
* Prototypes for purely-computational code.
static inline void* almalloc(size_t nBytes);
static inline void alfree (void* ptr);
static inline void sacInitNonRand (double beta,
unsigned start,
unsigned N,
unsigned* nonRandMinInl);
static inline double sacInitPEndFpI (const unsigned ransacConvg,
const unsigned n,
const unsigned s);
static inline void sacRndSmpl (unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned* currentSample,
unsigned dataSetSize);
static inline double sacRandom (void);
static inline unsigned sacCalcIterBound (double confidence,
double inlierRate,
unsigned sampleSize,
unsigned maxIterBound);
static inline void hFuncRefC (float* packedPoints, float* H);
static inline void sacCalcJacobianErrors(const float* restrict H,
const float* restrict src,
const float* restrict dst,
......@@ -142,25 +258,175 @@ static inline void sacCalcJacobianErrors(const float* restrict H,
float (* restrict JtJ)[8],
float* restrict Jte,
float* restrict Sp);
static inline float sacLMGain(const float* dH,
const float* Jte,
const float S,
const float newS,
const float lambda);
static inline int sacChol8x8Damped (const float (*A)[8],
float lambda,
float (*L)[8]);
static inline void sacTRInv8x8(const float (*L)[8],
float (*M)[8]);
static inline void sacTRISolve8x8(const float (*L)[8],
const float* Jte,
float* dH);
static inline void sacSub8x1(float* Hout, const float* H, const float* dH);
static inline float sacLMGain (const float* dH,
const float* Jte,
const float S,
const float newS,
const float lambda);
static inline int sacChol8x8Damped (const float (*A)[8],
float lambda,
float (*L)[8]);
static inline void sacTRInv8x8 (const float (*L)[8],
float (*M)[8]);
static inline void sacTRISolve8x8 (const float (*L)[8],
const float* Jte,
float* dH);
static inline void sacSub8x1 (float* Hout,
const float* H,
const float* dH);
/* Functions */
* External access to context constructor.
* @return A pointer to the context if successful; NULL if an error occured.
RHO_HEST_REFC* rhoRefCInit(void){
delete p;
p = NULL;
return p;
* External access to non-randomness table resize.
int rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, unsigned N, double beta){
return p->sacEnsureCapacity(N, beta);
* External access to context destructor.
* @param [in] p The initialized estimator context to finalize.
void rhoRefCFini(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
delete p;
* Estimates the homography using the given context, matches and parameters to
* @param [in/out] p The context to use for homography estimation. Must
* be already initialized. Cannot be NULL.
* @param [in] src The pointer to the source points of the matches.
* Must be aligned to 4 bytes. Cannot be NULL.
* @param [in] dst The pointer to the destination points of the matches.
* Must be aligned to 16 bytes. Cannot be NULL.
* @param [out] inl The pointer to the output mask of inlier matches.
* Must be aligned to 16 bytes. May be NULL.
* @param [in] N The number of matches.
* @param [in] maxD The maximum distance.
* @param [in] maxI The maximum number of PROSAC iterations.
* @param [in] rConvg The RANSAC convergence parameter.
* @param [in] cfd The required confidence in the solution.
* @param [in] minInl The minimum required number of inliers.
* @param [in] beta The beta-parameter for the non-randomness criterion.
* @param [in] flags A union of flags to control the estimation.
* @param [in] guessH An extrinsic guess at the solution H, or NULL if
* none provided.
* @param [out] finalH The final estimation of H, or the zero matrix if
* the minimum number of inliers was not met.
* Cannot be NULL.
* @return The number of inliers if the minimum number of
* inliers for acceptance was reached; 0 otherwise.
unsigned rhoRefC(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, /* Homography estimation context. */
const float* src, /* Source points */
const float* dst, /* Destination points */
char* inl, /* Inlier mask */
unsigned N, /* = src.length = dst.length = inl.length */
float maxD, /* Works: 3.0 */
unsigned maxI, /* Works: 2000 */
unsigned rConvg, /* Works: 2000 */
double cfd, /* Works: 0.995 */
unsigned minInl, /* Minimum: 4 */
double beta, /* Works: 0.35 */
unsigned flags, /* Works: 0 */
const float* guessH, /* Extrinsic guess, NULL if none provided */
float* finalH){ /* Final result. */
return p->rhoRefC(src, dst, inl, N, maxD, maxI, rConvg, cfd, minInl, beta,
flags, guessH, finalH);
* Allocate memory aligned to a boundary of MEMALIGN.
static inline void* almalloc(size_t nBytes){
unsigned char* ptr = (unsigned char*)malloc(MEM_ALIGN + nBytes);
unsigned char* adj = (unsigned char*)(((intptr_t)(ptr+MEM_ALIGN))&((intptr_t)(-MEM_ALIGN)));
ptrdiff_t diff = adj - ptr;
adj[-1] = (unsigned char)(diff - 1);
return adj;
return NULL;
* Free aligned memory.
* If argument is NULL, do nothing in accordance with free() semantics.
static inline void alfree(void* ptr){
unsigned char* cptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
free(cptr - (ptrdiff_t)cptr[-1] - 1);
* Constructor for RHO_HEST_REFC.
* Does nothing. True initialization is done by initialize().
* Private copy constructor for RHO_HEST_REFC. Disabled.
* Destructor for RHO_HEST_REFC.
* Initialize the estimator context, by allocating the aligned buffers
* internally needed.
......@@ -172,46 +438,63 @@ static inline void sacSub8x1(float* Hout, const float* H, const float* dH);
* - The buffer for the best-so-far homography
* - Optionally, the non-randomness criterion table
* @param [in/out] p The uninitialized estimator context to initialize.
* @return 0 if successful; non-zero if an error occured.
* Returns 0 if unsuccessful and non-0 otherwise.
int rhoRefCInit(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
p->ctrl.smpl = (unsigned*)almalloc(m*sizeof(*p->ctrl.smpl));
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::initialize(void){
ctrl.smpl = (unsigned*)almalloc(SMPL_SIZE*sizeof(*ctrl.smpl));
p->curr.pkdPts = (float*) almalloc(m*2*2*sizeof(*p->curr.pkdPts));
p->curr.H = (float*) almalloc(HSIZE);
p->curr.inl = NULL;
p->curr.numInl = 0;
curr.pkdPts = (float*) almalloc(SMPL_SIZE*2*2*sizeof(*curr.pkdPts));
curr.H = (float*) almalloc(HSIZE);
curr.inl = NULL;
curr.numInl = 0;
p->best.H = (float*) almalloc(HSIZE);
p->best.inl = NULL;
p->best.numInl = 0;
best.H = (float*) almalloc(HSIZE);
best.inl = NULL;
best.numInl = 0;
p->nr.tbl = NULL;/* By default this table is not computed. */
p->nr.size = 0;
p->nr.beta = 0.0;
nr.size = 0;
nr.beta = 0.0;
p-> = NULL;
p->lm.JtJ = NULL;
p->lm.tmp1 = NULL;
p->lm.Jte = NULL; = NULL;
lm.JtJ = NULL;
lm.tmp1 = NULL;
lm.Jte = NULL;
int areAllAllocsSuccessful = p->ctrl.smpl &&
p->curr.H &&
p->best.H &&
int areAllAllocsSuccessful = ctrl.smpl &&
curr.H &&
best.H &&
init = 1;
return areAllAllocsSuccessful;
* Finalize.
* Finalize the estimator context, by freeing the aligned buffers used
* internally.
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::finalize(void){
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
init = 0;
* Ensure that the estimator context's internal table for non-randomness
......@@ -220,7 +503,6 @@ int rhoRefCInit(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* A value of N of 0 requests deallocation of the table.
* @param [in] p The initialized estimator context
* @param [in] N If 0, deallocate internal table. If > 0, ensure that the
* internal table is of at least this size, reallocating if
* necessary.
......@@ -231,84 +513,34 @@ int rhoRefCInit(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Writes: nr.*
int rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(RHO_HEST_REFC* p, unsigned N, double beta){
unsigned* tmp;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::sacEnsureCapacity(unsigned N, double beta){
if(N == 0){
/* Deallocate table */
p->nr.tbl = NULL;
p->nr.size = 0;
/* Clear. */
nr.size = 0;
}else if(nr.beta != beta){
/* Beta changed. Redo all the work. */
nr.beta = beta;
sacInitNonRand(nr.beta, 0, N, &nr.tbl[0]);
nr.size = N;
}else if(N > nr.size){
/* Work is partially done. Do rest of it. */
sacInitNonRand(nr.beta, nr.size, N, &nr.tbl[nr.size]);
nr.size = N;
/* Ensure table at least as big as N and made for correct beta. */
if(p->nr.tbl && p->nr.beta == beta && p->nr.size >= N){
/* Table already correctly set up */
if(p->nr.size < N){
/* Reallocate table because it is too small. */
tmp = (unsigned*)almalloc(N*sizeof(unsigned));
return 0;
/* Must recalculate in whole or part. */
if(p->nr.beta != beta){
/* Beta changed; recalculate in whole. */
sacInitNonRand(beta, 0, N, tmp);
/* Beta did not change; Copy over any work already done. */
memcpy(tmp, p->nr.tbl, p->nr.size*sizeof(unsigned));
sacInitNonRand(beta, p->nr.size, N, tmp);
p->nr.tbl = tmp;
p->nr.size = N;
p->nr.beta = beta;
/* Might recalculate in whole, or not at all. */
if(p->nr.beta != beta){
/* Beta changed; recalculate in whole. */
sacInitNonRand(beta, 0, p->nr.size, p->nr.tbl);
p->nr.beta = beta;
/* Beta did not change; Table was already big enough. Do nothing. */
/* Besides, this is unreachable. */
/* Work is already done. Do nothing. */
return 1;
* Finalize the estimator context, by freeing the aligned buffers used
* internally.
* @param [in] p The initialized estimator context to finalize.
void rhoRefCFini(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
* Estimates the homography using the given context, matches and parameters to
* @param [in/out] p The context to use for homography estimation. Must
* be already initialized. Cannot be NULL.
* @param [in] src The pointer to the source points of the matches.
* Must be aligned to 4 bytes. Cannot be NULL.
* @param [in] dst The pointer to the destination points of the matches.
......@@ -332,41 +564,40 @@ void rhoRefCFini(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* inliers for acceptance was reached; 0 otherwise.
unsigned rhoRefC(RHO_HEST_REFC* restrict p, /* Homography estimation context. */
const float* restrict src, /* Source points */
const float* restrict dst, /* Destination points */
char* restrict inl, /* Inlier mask */
unsigned N, /* = src.length = dst.length = inl.length */
float maxD, /* Works: 3.0 */
unsigned maxI, /* Works: 2000 */
unsigned rConvg, /* Works: 2000 */
double cfd, /* Works: 0.995 */
unsigned minInl, /* Minimum: 4 */
double beta, /* Works: 0.35 */
unsigned flags, /* Works: 0 */
const float* guessH, /* Extrinsic guess, NULL if none provided */
float* finalH){ /* Final result. */
unsigned RHO_HEST_REFC::rhoRefC(const float* src, /* Source points */
const float* dst, /* Destination points */
char* inl, /* Inlier mask */
unsigned N, /* = src.length = dst.length = inl.length */
float maxD, /* Works: 3.0 */
unsigned maxI, /* Works: 2000 */
unsigned rConvg, /* Works: 2000 */
double cfd, /* Works: 0.995 */
unsigned minInl, /* Minimum: 4 */
double beta, /* Works: 0.35 */
unsigned flags, /* Works: 0 */
const float* guessH, /* Extrinsic guess, NULL if none provided */
float* finalH){ /* Final result. */
* Setup
p->arg.src = src;
p->arg.dst = dst;
p->arg.inl = inl;
p->arg.N = N;
p->arg.maxD = maxD;
p->arg.maxI = maxI;
p->arg.rConvg = rConvg;
p-> = cfd;
p->arg.minInl = minInl;
p->arg.beta = beta;
p->arg.flags = flags;
p->arg.guessH = guessH;
p->arg.finalH = finalH;
arg.src = src;
arg.dst = dst;
arg.inl = inl;
arg.N = N;
arg.maxD = maxD;
arg.maxI = maxI;
arg.rConvg = rConvg; = cfd;
arg.minInl = minInl;
arg.beta = beta;
arg.flags = flags;
arg.guessH = guessH;
arg.finalH = finalH;
return 0;
......@@ -374,8 +605,8 @@ unsigned rhoRefC(RHO_HEST_REFC* restrict p, /* Homography estimation conte
* Extrinsic Guess
......@@ -383,8 +614,8 @@ unsigned rhoRefC(RHO_HEST_REFC* restrict p, /* Homography estimation conte
for(p->ctrl.i=0; p->ctrl.i < p->arg.maxI; p->ctrl.i++){
sacHypothesize(p) && sacVerify(p);
for(ctrl.i=0; ctrl.i < arg.maxI; ctrl.i++){
hypothesize() && verify();
......@@ -392,45 +623,13 @@ unsigned rhoRefC(RHO_HEST_REFC* restrict p, /* Homography estimation conte
* Teardown
if(sacIsFinalRefineEnabled(p) && sacCanRefine(p)){
return sacIsBestModelGoodEnough(p) ? p->best.numInl : 0;
* Allocate memory aligned to a boundary of MEMALIGN.
static inline void* almalloc(size_t nBytes){
unsigned char* ptr = (unsigned char*)malloc(MEM_ALIGN + nBytes);
unsigned char* adj = (unsigned char*)(((intptr_t)(ptr+MEM_ALIGN))&((intptr_t)(-MEM_ALIGN)));
ptrdiff_t diff = adj - ptr;
adj[-1] = (unsigned char)(diff - 1);
return adj;
if(isFinalRefineEnabled() && canRefine()){
return NULL;
* Free aligned memory.
* If argument is NULL, do nothing in accordance with free() semantics.
static inline void alfree(void* ptr){
unsigned char* cptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
free(cptr - (ptrdiff_t)cptr[-1] - 1);
return isBestModelGoodEnough() ? best.numInl : 0;
......@@ -446,7 +645,7 @@ static inline void alfree(void* ptr){
* Writes: curr.*, best.*, ctrl.*, eval.*
static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::initRun(void){
* Sanitize arguments.
......@@ -454,29 +653,29 @@ static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* mean something or other.
if(!p->arg.src || !p->arg.dst){
if(!arg.src || !arg.dst){
/* Arguments src or dst are insane, must be != NULL */
return 0;
if(p->arg.N < m){
if(arg.N < SMPL_SIZE){
/* Argument N is insane, must be >= 4. */
return 0;
if(p->arg.maxD < 0){
if(arg.maxD < 0){
/* Argument maxD is insane, must be >= 0. */
return 0;
if(p-> < 0 || p-> > 1){
if( < 0 || > 1){
/* Argument cfd is insane, must be in [0, 1]. */
return 0;
/* Clamp minInl to 4 or higher. */
p->arg.minInl = p->arg.minInl < m ? m : p->arg.minInl;
if(sacIsNREnabled(p) && (p->arg.beta <= 0 || p->arg.beta >= 1)){
arg.minInl = arg.minInl < SMPL_SIZE ? SMPL_SIZE : arg.minInl;
if(isNREnabled() && (arg.beta <= 0 || arg.beta >= 1)){
/* Argument beta is insane, must be in (0, 1). */
return 0;
/* Argument finalH is insane, must be != NULL */
return 0;
......@@ -491,7 +690,7 @@ static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* substruct and the sanity-checked N and beta arguments from above.
if(sacIsNREnabled(p) && !rhoRefCEnsureCapacity(p, p->arg.N, p->arg.beta)){
if(isNREnabled() && !sacEnsureCapacity(arg.N, arg.beta)){
return 0;
......@@ -505,15 +704,15 @@ static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* not, allocate one anyways internally.
p->best.inl = p->arg.inl ? p->arg.inl : (char*)almalloc(p->arg.N);
p->curr.inl = (char*)almalloc(p->arg.N);
best.inl = arg.inl ? arg.inl : (char*)almalloc(arg.N);
curr.inl = (char*)almalloc(arg.N);
if(!p->curr.inl || !p->best.inl){
if(!curr.inl || !best.inl){
return 0;
memset(p->best.inl, 0, p->arg.N);
memset(p->curr.inl, 0, p->arg.N);
memset(best.inl, 0, arg.N);
memset(curr.inl, 0, arg.N);
* LevMarq workspace alloc.
......@@ -522,17 +721,17 @@ static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* we wish to quit before doing any serious work.
if(sacIsRefineEnabled(p) || sacIsFinalRefineEnabled(p)){
p-> = (float*)almalloc(2*8*8*sizeof(float) + 1*8*sizeof(float));
if(isRefineEnabled() || isFinalRefineEnabled()){ = (float*)almalloc(2*8*8*sizeof(float) + 1*8*sizeof(float));
return 0;
p->lm.JtJ = (float(*)[8])(p-> + 0*8*8);
p->lm.tmp1 = (float(*)[8])(p-> + 1*8*8);
p->lm.Jte = (float*) (p-> + 2*8*8);
lm.JtJ = (float(*)[8])( + 0*8*8);
lm.tmp1 = (float(*)[8])( + 1*8*8);
lm.Jte = (float*) ( + 2*8*8);
p-> = NULL; = NULL;
......@@ -542,32 +741,32 @@ static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* number of fields if something in the above junk failed.
p->ctrl.i = 0;
p->ctrl.phNum = m;
p->ctrl.phEndI = 1;
p->ctrl.phEndFpI = sacInitPEndFpI(p->arg.rConvg, p->arg.N, m);
p->ctrl.phMax = p->arg.N;
p->ctrl.phNumInl = 0;
p->ctrl.numModels = 0;
ctrl.i = 0;
ctrl.phNum = SMPL_SIZE;
ctrl.phEndI = 1;
ctrl.phEndFpI = sacInitPEndFpI(arg.rConvg, arg.N, SMPL_SIZE);
ctrl.phMax = arg.N;
ctrl.phNumInl = 0;
ctrl.numModels = 0;
memcpy(p->curr.H, p->arg.guessH, HSIZE);
memcpy(curr.H, arg.guessH, HSIZE);
memset(p->curr.H, 0, HSIZE);
memset(curr.H, 0, HSIZE);
p->curr.numInl = 0;
curr.numInl = 0;
memset(p->best.H, 0, HSIZE);
p->best.numInl = 0;
memset(best.H, 0, HSIZE);
best.numInl = 0;
p->eval.Ntested = 0;
p->eval.Ntestedtotal = 0;
p->eval.good = 1;
p->eval.t_M = SPRT_T_M;
p->eval.m_S = SPRT_M_S;
p->eval.epsilon = SPRT_EPSILON;
eval.Ntested = 0;
eval.Ntestedtotal = 0;
eval.good = 1;
eval.t_M = SPRT_T_M;
eval.m_S = SPRT_M_S;
eval.epsilon = SPRT_EPSILON; = SPRT_DELTA;
return 1;
......@@ -583,33 +782,33 @@ static inline int sacInitRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Writes: curr.inl, best.inl
static inline void sacFiniRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::finiRun(void){
* If no output inlier mask was required, free both (internal) masks.
* Else if an (external) mask was provided as argument, find the other
* (the internal one) and free it.
if(p->arg.inl == p->best.inl){
if(arg.inl == best.inl){
p->best.inl = NULL;
p->curr.inl = NULL;
best.inl = NULL;
curr.inl = NULL;
* ₣ree the Levenberg-Marquardt workspace.
p-> = NULL;
alfree(; = NULL;
......@@ -622,18 +821,18 @@ static inline void sacFiniRun(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* non-zero otherwise.
static inline int sacHypothesize(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::hypothesize(void){
return 0;
return 0;
......@@ -649,21 +848,21 @@ static inline int sacHypothesize(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Returns 1.
static inline int sacVerify(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::verify(void){
if(sacIsRefineEnabled(p) && sacCanRefine(p)){
if(isRefineEnabled() && canRefine()){
......@@ -676,8 +875,8 @@ static inline int sacVerify(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* @return Zero if no extrinsic guess was provided; non-zero otherwiseEE.
static inline int sacHaveExtrinsicGuess(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
return !!p->arg.guessH;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::haveExtrinsicGuess(void){
return !!arg.guessH;
......@@ -686,8 +885,8 @@ static inline int sacHaveExtrinsicGuess(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* @return Zero if non-randomness criterion disabled; non-zero if not.
static inline int sacIsNREnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
return p->arg.flags & RHO_FLAG_ENABLE_NR;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isNREnabled(void){
return arg.flags & RHO_FLAG_ENABLE_NR;
......@@ -696,8 +895,8 @@ static inline int sacIsNREnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* @return Zero if best-model-so-far refinement disabled; non-zero if not.
static inline int sacIsRefineEnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
return p->arg.flags & RHO_FLAG_ENABLE_REFINEMENT;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isRefineEnabled(void){
return arg.flags & RHO_FLAG_ENABLE_REFINEMENT;
......@@ -706,8 +905,8 @@ static inline int sacIsRefineEnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* @return Zero if final-model refinement disabled; non-zero if not.
static inline int sacIsFinalRefineEnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isFinalRefineEnabled(void){
......@@ -718,8 +917,8 @@ static inline int sacIsFinalRefineEnabled(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Read: i, phEndI, phNum, phMax.
static inline int sacPROSACPhaseEndReached(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
return p->ctrl.i >= p->ctrl.phEndI && p->ctrl.phNum < p->ctrl.phMax;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::PROSACPhaseEndReached(void){
return ctrl.i >= ctrl.phEndI && ctrl.phNum < ctrl.phMax;
......@@ -733,13 +932,13 @@ static inline int sacPROSACPhaseEndReached(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Write: phNum, phEndFpI, phEndI
static inline void sacPROSACGoToNextPhase(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::PROSACGoToNextPhase(void){
double next;
next = (p->ctrl.phEndFpI * p->ctrl.phNum)/(p->ctrl.phNum - m);
p->ctrl.phEndI += (unsigned)ceil(next - p->ctrl.phEndFpI);
p->ctrl.phEndFpI = next;
next = (ctrl.phEndFpI * ctrl.phNum)/(ctrl.phNum - SMPL_SIZE);
ctrl.phEndI += (unsigned)ceil(next - ctrl.phEndFpI);
ctrl.phEndFpI = next;
......@@ -750,12 +949,13 @@ static inline void sacPROSACGoToNextPhase(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* the first phNum-1 matches.
static inline void sacGetPROSACSample(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
if(p->ctrl.i > p->ctrl.phEndI){
sacRndSmpl(4, p->ctrl.smpl, p->ctrl.phNum);/* Used to be phMax */
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::getPROSACSample(void){
if(ctrl.i > ctrl.phEndI){
/* FIXME: Dubious. Review. */
sacRndSmpl(4, ctrl.smpl, ctrl.phNum);/* Used to be phMax */
sacRndSmpl(3, p->ctrl.smpl, p->ctrl.phNum-1);
p->ctrl.smpl[3] = p->ctrl.phNum-1;
sacRndSmpl(3, ctrl.smpl, ctrl.phNum-1);
ctrl.smpl[3] = ctrl.phNum-1;
......@@ -767,10 +967,10 @@ static inline void sacGetPROSACSample(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* bad samples.
static inline int sacIsSampleDegenerate(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
unsigned i0 = p->ctrl.smpl[0], i1 = p->ctrl.smpl[1], i2 = p->ctrl.smpl[2], i3 = p->ctrl.smpl[3];
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isSampleDegenerate(void){
unsigned i0 = ctrl.smpl[0], i1 = ctrl.smpl[1], i2 = ctrl.smpl[2], i3 = ctrl.smpl[3];
typedef struct{float x,y;} MyPt2f;
MyPt2f* pkdPts = (MyPt2f*)p->curr.pkdPts, *src = (MyPt2f*)p->arg.src, *dst = (MyPt2f*)p->arg.dst;
MyPt2f* pkdPts = (MyPt2f*)curr.pkdPts, *src = (MyPt2f*)arg.src, *dst = (MyPt2f*)arg.dst;
* Pack the matches selected by the SAC algorithm.
......@@ -860,8 +1060,8 @@ static inline int sacIsSampleDegenerate(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* current homography.
static inline void sacGenerateModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
hFuncRefC(p->curr.pkdPts, p->curr.H);
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::generateModel(void){
hFuncRefC(curr.pkdPts, curr.H);
......@@ -870,9 +1070,9 @@ static inline void sacGenerateModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* NaN the homography is rejected.
static inline int sacIsModelDegenerate(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isModelDegenerate(void){
int degenerate;
float* H = p->curr.H;
float* H = curr.H;
float f=H[0]+H[1]+H[2]+H[3]+H[4]+H[5]+H[6]+H[7];
/* degenerate = isnan(f); */
......@@ -890,26 +1090,26 @@ static inline int sacIsModelDegenerate(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Writes: eval.*, curr.inl, curr.numInl
static inline void sacEvaluateModelSPRT(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::evaluateModelSPRT(void){
unsigned i;
unsigned isInlier;
double lambda = 1.0;
float distSq = p->arg.maxD*p->arg.maxD;
const float* src = p->arg.src;
const float* dst = p->arg.dst;
char* inl = p->curr.inl;
const float* H = p->curr.H;
float distSq = arg.maxD*arg.maxD;
const float* src = arg.src;
const float* dst = arg.dst;
char* inl = curr.inl;
const float* H = curr.H;
p->curr.numInl = 0;
p->eval.Ntested = 0;
p->eval.good = 1;
curr.numInl = 0;
eval.Ntested = 0;
eval.good = 1;
/* SCALAR */
for(i=0;i<p->arg.N && p->eval.good;i++){
for(i=0;i<arg.N && eval.good;i++){
/* Backproject */
float x=src[i*2],y=src[i*2+1];
float X=dst[i*2],Y=dst[i*2+1];
......@@ -931,19 +1131,19 @@ static inline void sacEvaluateModelSPRT(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
/* ... */
isInlier = reprojDist <= distSq;
p->curr.numInl += isInlier;
curr.numInl += isInlier;
*inl++ = (char)isInlier;
/* SPRT */
lambda *= isInlier ? p->eval.lambdaAccept : p->eval.lambdaReject;
p->eval.good = lambda <= p->eval.A;
/* If !p->good, the threshold A was exceeded, so we're rejecting */
lambda *= isInlier ? eval.lambdaAccept : eval.lambdaReject;
eval.good = lambda <= eval.A;
/* If !good, the threshold A was exceeded, so we're rejecting */
p->eval.Ntested = i;
p->eval.Ntestedtotal += i;
eval.Ntested = i;
eval.Ntestedtotal += i;
......@@ -959,18 +1159,21 @@ static inline void sacEvaluateModelSPRT(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* eval.lambdaReject
static inline void sacUpdateSPRT(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
p->eval.epsilon = (double)p->curr.numInl/p->arg.N;
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::updateSPRT(void){
eval.epsilon = (double)curr.numInl/arg.N;
double newDelta = (double)p->curr.numInl/p->eval.Ntested;
double newDelta = (double)curr.numInl/eval.Ntested;
if(newDelta > 0 && CHNG_SIGNIFICANT(p->, newDelta)){
p-> = newDelta;
if(newDelta > 0){
double relChange = fabs( - newDelta)/;
if(relChange > MIN_DELTA_CHNG){ = newDelta;
......@@ -1044,18 +1247,18 @@ static inline double designSPRTTest(double delta, double epsilon, double t_M, do
* Writes: eval.A, eval.lambdaAccept, eval.lambdaReject
static inline void sacDesignSPRTTest(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
p->eval.A = designSPRTTest(p->, p->eval.epsilon, p->eval.t_M, p->eval.m_S);
p->eval.lambdaReject = ((1.0 - p-> / (1.0 - p->eval.epsilon));
p->eval.lambdaAccept = (( p-> ) / ( p->eval.epsilon ));
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::designSPRTTest(void){
eval.A = designSPRTTest(, eval.epsilon, eval.t_M, eval.m_S);
eval.lambdaReject = ((1.0 - / (1.0 - eval.epsilon));
eval.lambdaAccept = (( ) / ( eval.epsilon ));
* Return whether the current model is the best model so far.
static inline int sacIsBestModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
return p->curr.numInl > p->best.numInl;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isBestModel(void){
return curr.numInl > best.numInl;
......@@ -1064,8 +1267,8 @@ static inline int sacIsBestModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* number of inliers.
static inline int sacIsBestModelGoodEnough(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
return p->best.numInl >= p->arg.minInl;
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::isBestModelGoodEnough(void){
return best.numInl >= arg.minInl;
......@@ -1073,18 +1276,18 @@ static inline int sacIsBestModelGoodEnough(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* and count of inliers between the current and best models.
static inline void sacSaveBestModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
float* H = p->curr.H;
char* inl = p->curr.inl;
unsigned numInl = p->curr.numInl;
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::saveBestModel(void){
float* H = curr.H;
char* inl = curr.inl;
unsigned numInl = curr.numInl;
p->curr.H = p->best.H;
p->curr.inl = p->best.inl;
p->curr.numInl = p->best.numInl;
curr.H = best.H;
curr.inl = best.inl;
curr.numInl = best.numInl;
p->best.H = H;
p->best.inl = inl;
p->best.numInl = numInl;
best.H = H;
best.inl = inl;
best.numInl = numInl;
......@@ -1095,13 +1298,13 @@ static inline void sacInitNonRand(double beta,
unsigned start,
unsigned N,
unsigned* nonRandMinInl){
unsigned n = m+1 > start ? m+1 : start;
unsigned n = SMPL_SIZE+1 > start ? SMPL_SIZE+1 : start;
double beta_beta1_sq_chi = sqrt(beta*(1.0-beta)) * CHI_SQ;
for(; n < N; n++){
double mu = n * beta;
double sigma = sqrt(n)* beta_beta1_sq_chi;
unsigned i_min = (unsigned)ceil(m + mu + sigma);
unsigned i_min = (unsigned)ceil(SMPL_SIZE + mu + sigma);
nonRandMinInl[n] = i_min;
......@@ -1112,31 +1315,31 @@ static inline void sacInitNonRand(double beta,
* of PROSAC.
static inline void sacNStarOptimize(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
unsigned min_sample_length = 10*2; /*(p->N * INLIERS_RATIO) */
unsigned best_n = p->arg.N;
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::nStarOptimize(void){
unsigned min_sample_length = 10*2; /*(N * INLIERS_RATIO) */
unsigned best_n = arg.N;
unsigned test_n = best_n;
unsigned bestNumInl = p->best.numInl;
unsigned bestNumInl = best.numInl;
unsigned testNumInl = bestNumInl;
for(;test_n > min_sample_length && testNumInl;test_n--){
if(testNumInl*best_n > bestNumInl*test_n){
if(testNumInl < p->nr.tbl[test_n]){
if(testNumInl < nr.tbl[test_n]){
best_n = test_n;
bestNumInl = testNumInl;
testNumInl -= !!p->arg.inl[test_n-1];
testNumInl -= !!arg.inl[test_n-1];
if(bestNumInl*p->ctrl.phMax > p->ctrl.phNumInl*best_n){
p->ctrl.phMax = best_n;
p->ctrl.phNumInl = bestNumInl;
p->arg.maxI = sacCalcIterBound(p->,
if(bestNumInl*ctrl.phMax > ctrl.phNumInl*best_n){
ctrl.phMax = best_n;
ctrl.phNumInl = bestNumInl;
arg.maxI = sacCalcIterBound(,
......@@ -1144,25 +1347,25 @@ static inline void sacNStarOptimize(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Classic RANSAC iteration bound based on largest # of inliers.
static inline void sacUpdateBounds(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
p->arg.maxI = sacCalcIterBound(p->,
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::updateBounds(void){
arg.maxI = sacCalcIterBound(,
* Ouput the best model so far to the output argument.
static inline void sacOutputModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
memcpy(p->arg.finalH, p->best.H, HSIZE);
if(p->arg.inl != p->best.inl){
memcpy(p->arg.inl, p->best.inl, p->arg.N);
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::outputModel(void){
memcpy(arg.finalH, best.H, HSIZE);
if(arg.inl != best.inl){
memcpy(arg.inl, best.inl, arg.N);
......@@ -1170,8 +1373,9 @@ static inline void sacOutputModel(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* Ouput a zeroed H to the output argument.
static inline void sacOutputZeroH(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
memset(p->arg.finalH, 0, HSIZE);
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::outputZeroH(void){
memset(arg.finalH, 0, HSIZE);
memset(arg.inl, 0, arg.N);
......@@ -1572,20 +1776,20 @@ static void hFuncRefC(float* packedPoints,/* Source (four x,y float coordinates)
* NB This is separate from whether it is *enabled*.
static inline int sacCanRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline int RHO_HEST_REFC::canRefine(void){
* If we only have 4 matches, GE's result is already optimal and cannot
* be refined any further.
return p->best.numInl > m;
return best.numInl > SMPL_SIZE;
* Refines the best-so-far homography (p->best.H).
static inline void sacRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
inline void RHO_HEST_REFC::refine(void){
int i;
float S, newS; /* Sum of squared errors */
float gain; /* Gain-parameter. */
......@@ -1597,8 +1801,8 @@ static inline void sacRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
/* Find initial conditions */
sacCalcJacobianErrors(p->best.H, p->arg.src, p->arg.dst, p->arg.inl, p->arg.N,
p->lm.JtJ, p->lm.Jte, &S);
sacCalcJacobianErrors(best.H, arg.src, arg.dst, arg.inl, arg.N,
lm.JtJ, lm.Jte, &S);
/*Levenberg-Marquardt Loop.*/
......@@ -1623,15 +1827,15 @@ static inline void sacRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
* transpose) then multiply Jte in order to find dH.
while(!sacChol8x8Damped(p->lm.JtJ, L, p->lm.tmp1)){
while(!sacChol8x8Damped(lm.JtJ, L, lm.tmp1)){
L *= 2.0f;
sacTRInv8x8 (p->lm.tmp1, p->lm.tmp1);
sacTRISolve8x8(p->lm.tmp1, p->lm.Jte, dH);
sacSub8x1 (newH, p->best.H, dH);
sacCalcJacobianErrors(newH, p->arg.src, p->arg.dst, p->arg.inl, p->arg.N,
sacTRInv8x8 (lm.tmp1, lm.tmp1);
sacTRISolve8x8(lm.tmp1, lm.Jte, dH);
sacSub8x1 (newH, best.H, dH);
sacCalcJacobianErrors(newH, arg.src, arg.dst, arg.inl, arg.N,
NULL, NULL, &newS);
gain = sacLMGain(dH, p->lm.Jte, S, newS, L);
gain = sacLMGain(dH, lm.Jte, S, newS, L);
/*printf("Lambda: %12.6f S: %12.6f newS: %12.6f Gain: %12.6f\n",
L, S, newS, gain);*/
......@@ -1656,9 +1860,9 @@ static inline void sacRefine(RHO_HEST_REFC* p){
if(gain > 0){
S = newS;
memcpy(p->best.H, newH, sizeof(newH));
sacCalcJacobianErrors(p->best.H, p->arg.src, p->arg.dst, p->arg.inl, p->arg.N,
p->lm.JtJ, p->lm.Jte, &S);
memcpy(best.H, newH, sizeof(newH));
sacCalcJacobianErrors(best.H, arg.src, arg.dst, arg.inl, arg.N,
lm.JtJ, lm.Jte, &S);
......@@ -2165,7 +2369,5 @@ static inline void sacSub8x1(float* Hout, const float* H, const float* dH){
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* End namespace cv */
......@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
/* Defines */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* C++ does not have the restrict keyword. */
#ifdef restrict
......@@ -64,15 +63,6 @@
#define restrict
/* C99 and over has the restrict keyword. */
#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
#define restrict
/* Flags */
......@@ -90,101 +80,17 @@
/* Namespace cv */
namespace cv{
/* Data structures */
* Homography Estimation context.
typedef struct{
* Virtual Arguments.
* Exactly the same as at function call, except:
* - minInl is enforced to be >= 4.
const float* restrict src;
const float* restrict dst;
char* restrict inl;
unsigned N;
float maxD;
unsigned maxI;
unsigned rConvg;
double cfd;
unsigned minInl;
double beta;
unsigned flags;
const float* guessH;
float* finalH;
} arg;
/* PROSAC Control */
unsigned i; /* Iteration Number */
unsigned phNum; /* Phase Number */
unsigned phEndI; /* Phase End Iteration */
double phEndFpI; /* Phase floating-point End Iteration */
unsigned phMax; /* Termination phase number */
unsigned phNumInl; /* Number of inliers for termination phase */
unsigned numModels; /* Number of models tested */
unsigned* restrict smpl; /* Sample of match indexes */
} ctrl;
/* Current model being tested */
float* restrict pkdPts; /* Packed points */
float* restrict H; /* Homography */
char* restrict inl; /* Mask of inliers */
unsigned numInl; /* Number of inliers */
} curr;
/* Best model (so far) */
float* restrict H; /* Homography */
char* restrict inl; /* Mask of inliers */
unsigned numInl; /* Number of inliers */
} best;
/* Non-randomness criterion */
unsigned* restrict tbl; /* Non-Randomness: Table */
unsigned size; /* Non-Randomness: Size */
double beta; /* Non-Randomness: Beta */
} nr;
/* SPRT Evaluator */
double t_M; /* t_M */
double m_S; /* m_S */
double epsilon; /* Epsilon */
double delta; /* delta */
double A; /* SPRT Threshold */
unsigned Ntested; /* Number of points tested */
unsigned Ntestedtotal; /* Number of points tested in total */
int good; /* Good/bad flag */
double lambdaAccept; /* Accept multiplier */
double lambdaReject; /* Reject multiplier */
} eval;
/* Levenberg-Marquardt Refinement */
float* ws; /* Levenberg-Marqhard Workspace */
float (* restrict JtJ)[8]; /* JtJ matrix */
float (* restrict tmp1)[8]; /* Temporary 1 */
float* restrict Jte; /* Jte vector */
} lm;
/* Extern C */
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace cv{
/* extern "C" { */
/* Functions */
......@@ -193,11 +99,10 @@ namespace cv{
* Initialize the estimator context, by allocating the aligned buffers
* internally needed.
* @param [in/out] p The uninitialized estimator context to initialize.
* @return 0 if successful; non-zero if an error occured.
* @return A pointer to the context if successful; NULL if an error occured.
int rhoRefCInit(RHO_HEST_REFC* p);
RHO_HEST_REFC* rhoRefCInit(void);
......@@ -355,11 +260,8 @@ unsigned rhoRefC(RHO_HEST_REFC* restrict p, /* Homography estimation conte
/* Extern C */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* } *//* End extern "C" */
/* End Namespace cv */
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