Commit acbfd857 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #12204 from allnes:detect_qr_code

parents 38f8fc6c 1fb7ee0e
......@@ -16,19 +16,18 @@ namespace cv
using std::vector;
class QRDecode
class QRDetect
void init(Mat src, double eps_vertical_ = 0.2, double eps_horizontal_ = 0.1);
void init(const Mat& src, double eps_vertical_ = 0.2, double eps_horizontal_ = 0.1);
bool localization();
bool transformation();
bool computeTransformationPoints();
Mat getBinBarcode() { return bin_barcode; }
Mat getStraightBarcode() { return straight_barcode; }
vector<Point2f> getTransformationPoints() { return transformation_points; }
bool computeTransformationPoints();
vector<Vec3d> searchVerticalLines();
vector<Point2f> separateHorizontalLines(vector<Vec3d> list_lines);
vector<Vec3d> searchHorizontalLines();
vector<Point2f> separateVerticalLines(const vector<Vec3d> &list_lines);
void fixationPoints(vector<Point2f> &local_point);
Point2f intersectionLines(Point2f a1, Point2f a2, Point2f b1, Point2f b2);
vector<Point2f> getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list);
......@@ -41,131 +40,144 @@ protected:
void QRDecode::init(Mat src, double eps_vertical_, double eps_horizontal_)
void QRDetect::init(const Mat& src, double eps_vertical_, double eps_horizontal_)
double min_side = std::min(src.size().width, src.size().height);
const double min_side = std::min(src.size().width, src.size().height);
if (min_side < 512.0)
coeff_expansion = 512.0 / min_side;
int width = static_cast<int>(src.size().width * coeff_expansion);
int height = static_cast<int>(src.size().height * coeff_expansion);
const int width = cvRound(src.size().width * coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(src.size().height * coeff_expansion);
Size new_size(width, height);
resize(src, barcode, new_size);
resize(src, barcode, new_size, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
coeff_expansion = 1.0;
barcode = src;
eps_vertical = eps_vertical_;
eps_horizontal = eps_horizontal_;
adaptiveThreshold(barcode, bin_barcode, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, THRESH_BINARY, 71, 2);
adaptiveThreshold(barcode, bin_barcode, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, THRESH_BINARY, 83, 2);
vector<Vec3d> QRDecode::searchVerticalLines()
vector<Vec3d> QRDetect::searchHorizontalLines()
vector<Vec3d> result;
int temp_length = 0;
uint8_t next_pixel, future_pixel;
vector<double> test_lines;
for (int x = 0; x < bin_barcode.rows; x++)
const int height_bin_barcode = bin_barcode.rows;
const int width_bin_barcode = bin_barcode.cols;
const size_t test_lines_size = 5;
double test_lines[test_lines_size];
const size_t count_pixels_position = 1024;
size_t pixels_position[count_pixels_position];
size_t index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height_bin_barcode; y++)
for (int y = 0; y < bin_barcode.cols; y++)
if (<uint8_t>(x, y) > 0) { continue; }
const uint8_t *bin_barcode_row = bin_barcode.ptr<uint8_t>(y);
// --------------- Search vertical lines --------------- //
int pos = 0;
for (; pos < width_bin_barcode; pos++) { if (bin_barcode_row[pos] == 0) break; }
if (pos == width_bin_barcode) { continue; }
future_pixel = 255;
index = 0;
pixels_position[index] = pixels_position[index + 1] = pixels_position[index + 2] = pos;
index +=3;
for (int i = x; i < bin_barcode.rows - 1; i++)
uint8_t future_pixel = 255;
for (int x = pos; x < width_bin_barcode; x++)
if (bin_barcode_row[x] == future_pixel)
next_pixel =<uint8_t>(i + 1, y);
if (next_pixel == future_pixel)
future_pixel = 255 - future_pixel;
temp_length = 0;
if (test_lines.size() == 5) { break; }
future_pixel = 255 - future_pixel;
pixels_position[index] = x;
pixels_position[index] = width_bin_barcode - 1;
for (size_t i = 2; i < index - 4; i+=2)
test_lines[0] = static_cast<double>(pixels_position[i - 1] - pixels_position[i - 2]);
test_lines[1] = static_cast<double>(pixels_position[i ] - pixels_position[i - 1]);
test_lines[2] = static_cast<double>(pixels_position[i + 1] - pixels_position[i ]);
test_lines[3] = static_cast<double>(pixels_position[i + 2] - pixels_position[i + 1]);
test_lines[4] = static_cast<double>(pixels_position[i + 3] - pixels_position[i + 2]);
// --------------- Compute vertical lines --------------- //
if (test_lines.size() == 5)
double length = 0.0, weight = 0.0;
double length = 0.0, weight = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_lines.size(); i++) { length += test_lines[i]; }
for (size_t j = 0; j < test_lines_size; j++) { length += test_lines[j]; }
CV_Assert(length > 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_lines.size(); i++)
if (i == 2) { weight += fabs((test_lines[i] / length) - 3.0/7.0); }
else { weight += fabs((test_lines[i] / length) - 1.0/7.0); }
if (length == 0) { continue; }
for (size_t j = 0; j < test_lines_size; j++)
if (j == 2) { weight += fabs((test_lines[j] / length) - 3.0/7.0); }
else { weight += fabs((test_lines[j] / length) - 1.0/7.0); }
if (weight < eps_vertical)
Vec3d line;
line[0] = x; line[1] = y, line[2] = length;
if (weight < eps_vertical)
Vec3d line;
line[0] = static_cast<double>(pixels_position[i - 2]);
line[1] = y;
line[2] = length;
return result;
vector<Point2f> QRDecode::separateHorizontalLines(vector<Vec3d> list_lines)
vector<Point2f> QRDetect::separateVerticalLines(const vector<Vec3d> &list_lines)
vector<Vec3d> result;
int temp_length = 0;
uint8_t next_pixel, future_pixel;
uint8_t next_pixel;
vector<double> test_lines;
for (size_t pnt = 0; pnt < list_lines.size(); pnt++)
int x = static_cast<int>(list_lines[pnt][0] + list_lines[pnt][2] * 0.5);
int y = static_cast<int>(list_lines[pnt][1]);
const int x = cvRound(list_lines[pnt][0] + list_lines[pnt][2] * 0.5);
const int y = cvRound(list_lines[pnt][1]);
// --------------- Search vertical up-lines --------------- //
// --------------- Search horizontal up-lines --------------- //
future_pixel = 255;
uint8_t future_pixel_up = 255;
for (int j = y; j < bin_barcode.cols - 1; j++)
for (int j = y; j < bin_barcode.rows - 1; j++)
next_pixel =<uint8_t>(x, j + 1);
next_pixel =<uint8_t>(j + 1, x);
if (next_pixel == future_pixel)
if (next_pixel == future_pixel_up)
future_pixel = 255 - future_pixel;
future_pixel_up = 255 - future_pixel_up;
temp_length = 0;
if (test_lines.size() == 3) { break; }
// --------------- Search horizontal down-lines --------------- //
future_pixel = 255;
// --------------- Search vertical down-lines --------------- //
uint8_t future_pixel_down = 255;
for (int j = y; j >= 1; j--)
next_pixel =<uint8_t>(x, j - 1);
next_pixel =<uint8_t>(j - 1, x);
if (next_pixel == future_pixel)
if (next_pixel == future_pixel_down)
future_pixel = 255 - future_pixel;
future_pixel_down = 255 - future_pixel_down;
temp_length = 0;
if (test_lines.size() == 6) { break; }
// --------------- Compute horizontal lines --------------- //
// --------------- Compute vertical lines --------------- //
if (test_lines.size() == 6)
......@@ -192,34 +204,98 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::separateHorizontalLines(vector<Vec3d> list_lines)
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
static_cast<float>(result[i][0] + result[i][2] * 0.5)));
Point2f(static_cast<float>(result[i][0] + result[i][2] * 0.5),
return point2f_result;
void QRDecode::fixationPoints(vector<Point2f> &local_point)
void QRDetect::fixationPoints(vector<Point2f> &local_point)
double cos_angles[3], norm_triangl[3];
norm_triangl[0] = norm(local_point[1] - local_point[2]);
norm_triangl[1] = norm(local_point[0] - local_point[2]);
norm_triangl[2] = norm(local_point[1] - local_point[0]);
cos_angles[0] = (pow(norm_triangl[1], 2) + pow(norm_triangl[2], 2) - pow(norm_triangl[0], 2))
/ (2 * norm_triangl[1] * norm_triangl[2]);
cos_angles[1] = (pow(norm_triangl[0], 2) + pow(norm_triangl[2], 2) - pow(norm_triangl[1], 2))
/ (2 * norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[2]);
cos_angles[2] = (pow(norm_triangl[0], 2) + pow(norm_triangl[1], 2) - pow(norm_triangl[2], 2))
/ (2 * norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[1]);
cos_angles[0] = (norm_triangl[1] * norm_triangl[1] + norm_triangl[2] * norm_triangl[2]
- norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[0]) / (2 * norm_triangl[1] * norm_triangl[2]);
cos_angles[1] = (norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[0] + norm_triangl[2] * norm_triangl[2]
- norm_triangl[1] * norm_triangl[1]) / (2 * norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[2]);
cos_angles[2] = (norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[0] + norm_triangl[1] * norm_triangl[1]
- norm_triangl[2] * norm_triangl[2]) / (2 * norm_triangl[0] * norm_triangl[1]);
const double angle_barrier = 0.85;
if (fabs(cos_angles[0]) > angle_barrier || fabs(cos_angles[1]) > angle_barrier || fabs(cos_angles[2]) > angle_barrier)
size_t i_min_cos =
(cos_angles[0] < cos_angles[1] && cos_angles[0] < cos_angles[2]) ? 0 :
(cos_angles[1] < cos_angles[0] && cos_angles[1] < cos_angles[2]) ? 1 : 2;
(cos_angles[0] < cos_angles[1] && cos_angles[0] < cos_angles[2]) ? 0 :
(cos_angles[1] < cos_angles[0] && cos_angles[1] < cos_angles[2]) ? 1 : 2;
std::swap(local_point[0], local_point[i_min_cos]);
size_t index_max = 0;
double max_area = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
for (size_t i = 0; i < local_point.size(); i++)
const size_t current_index = i % 3;
const size_t left_index = (i + 1) % 3;
const size_t right_index = (i + 2) % 3;
const Point2f current_point(local_point[current_index]),
left_point(local_point[left_index]), right_point(local_point[right_index]),
Point2f(static_cast<float>((local_point[left_index].x + local_point[right_index].x) * 0.5),
static_cast<float>((local_point[left_index].y + local_point[right_index].y) * 0.5)),
Point2f(0, static_cast<float>(bin_barcode.rows - 1)),
Point2f(static_cast<float>(bin_barcode.cols - 1),
static_cast<float>(bin_barcode.rows - 1))));
vector<Point2f> list_area_pnt;
vector<LineIterator> list_line_iter;
list_line_iter.push_back(LineIterator(bin_barcode, current_point, left_point));
list_line_iter.push_back(LineIterator(bin_barcode, current_point, central_point));
list_line_iter.push_back(LineIterator(bin_barcode, current_point, right_point));
Point2f rpt = local_point[0], bpt = local_point[1], gpt = local_point[2];
for (size_t k = 0; k < list_line_iter.size(); k++)
uint8_t future_pixel = 255, count_index = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < list_line_iter[k].count; j++, ++list_line_iter[k])
if (list_line_iter[k].pos().x >= bin_barcode.cols ||
list_line_iter[k].pos().y >= bin_barcode.rows) { break; }
const uint8_t value =<uint8_t>(list_line_iter[k].pos());
if (value == future_pixel)
future_pixel = 255 - future_pixel;
if (count_index == 3)
const double temp_check_area = contourArea(list_area_pnt);
if (temp_check_area > max_area)
index_max = current_index;
max_area = temp_check_area;
if (index_max == i_min_cos) { std::swap(local_point[0], local_point[index_max]); }
else { local_point.clear(); return; }
const Point2f rpt = local_point[0], bpt = local_point[1], gpt = local_point[2];
Matx22f m(rpt.x - bpt.x, rpt.y - bpt.y, gpt.x - rpt.x, gpt.y - rpt.y);
if( determinant(m) > 0 )
......@@ -227,19 +303,18 @@ void QRDecode::fixationPoints(vector<Point2f> &local_point)
bool QRDecode::localization()
bool QRDetect::localization()
Point2f begin, end;
vector<Vec3d> list_lines_x = searchVerticalLines();
vector<Vec3d> list_lines_x = searchHorizontalLines();
if( list_lines_x.empty() ) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> list_lines_y = separateHorizontalLines(list_lines_x);
if( list_lines_y.empty() ) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> list_lines_y = separateVerticalLines(list_lines_x);
if( list_lines_y.size() < 3 ) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> centers;
Mat labels;
if (list_lines_y.size() < 3) { return false; }
kmeans(list_lines_y, 3, labels,
TermCriteria( TermCriteria::EPS+TermCriteria::COUNT, 10, 1.0),
TermCriteria( TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::COUNT, 10, 0.1),
3, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, localization_points);
......@@ -247,11 +322,11 @@ bool QRDecode::localization()
if (coeff_expansion > 1.0)
int width = static_cast<int>(bin_barcode.size().width / coeff_expansion);
int height = static_cast<int>(bin_barcode.size().height / coeff_expansion);
const int width = cvRound(bin_barcode.size().width / coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(bin_barcode.size().height / coeff_expansion);
Size new_size(width, height);
Mat intermediate;
resize(bin_barcode, intermediate, new_size);
Mat intermediate = Mat::zeros(new_size, CV_8UC1);
resize(bin_barcode, intermediate, new_size, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
bin_barcode = intermediate.clone();
for (size_t i = 0; i < localization_points.size(); i++)
......@@ -273,7 +348,7 @@ bool QRDecode::localization()
bool QRDecode::computeTransformationPoints()
bool QRDetect::computeTransformationPoints()
if (localization_points.size() != 3) { return false; }
......@@ -283,11 +358,11 @@ bool QRDecode::computeTransformationPoints()
Mat mask = Mat::zeros(bin_barcode.rows + 2, bin_barcode.cols + 2, CV_8UC1);
uint8_t next_pixel, future_pixel = 255;
int count_test_lines = 0, index = static_cast<int>(localization_points[i].x);
int count_test_lines = 0, index = cvRound(localization_points[i].x);
for (; index < bin_barcode.cols - 1; index++)
next_pixel =<uint8_t>(
static_cast<int>(localization_points[i].y), index + 1);
cvRound(localization_points[i].y), index + 1);
if (next_pixel == future_pixel)
future_pixel = 255 - future_pixel;
......@@ -295,7 +370,7 @@ bool QRDecode::computeTransformationPoints()
if (count_test_lines == 2)
floodFill(bin_barcode, mask,
Point(index + 1, static_cast<int>(localization_points[i].y)), 255,
Point(index + 1, cvRound(localization_points[i].y)), 255,
0, Scalar(), Scalar(), FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY);
......@@ -397,7 +472,7 @@ bool QRDecode::computeTransformationPoints()
return true;
Point2f QRDecode::intersectionLines(Point2f a1, Point2f a2, Point2f b1, Point2f b2)
Point2f QRDetect::intersectionLines(Point2f a1, Point2f a2, Point2f b1, Point2f b2)
Point2f result_square_angle(
((a1.x * a2.y - a1.y * a2.x) * (b1.x - b2.x) -
......@@ -413,7 +488,7 @@ Point2f QRDecode::intersectionLines(Point2f a1, Point2f a2, Point2f b1, Point2f
// test function (if true then ------> else <------ )
bool QRDecode::testBypassRoute(vector<Point2f> hull, int start, int finish)
bool QRDetect::testBypassRoute(vector<Point2f> hull, int start, int finish)
int index_hull = start, next_index_hull, hull_size = (int)hull.size();
double test_length[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
......@@ -439,7 +514,7 @@ bool QRDecode::testBypassRoute(vector<Point2f> hull, int start, int finish)
if (test_length[0] < test_length[1]) { return true; } else { return false; }
vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
vector<Point2f> QRDetect::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
size_t angle_size = angle_list.size();
uint8_t value, mask_value;
......@@ -467,8 +542,8 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
for (size_t i = 0; i < angle_list.size(); i++)
int x = static_cast<int>(angle_list[i].x);
int y = static_cast<int>(angle_list[i].y);
int x = cvRound(angle_list[i].x);
int y = cvRound(angle_list[i].y);
locations.push_back(Point(x, y));
......@@ -478,8 +553,8 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
vector<Point2f> hull(hull_size);
for (int i = 0; i < hull_size; i++)
float x = static_cast<float>(integer_hull[i].x);
float y = static_cast<float>(integer_hull[i].y);
float x = saturate_cast<float>(integer_hull[i].x);
float y = saturate_cast<float>(integer_hull[i].y);
hull[i] = Point2f(x, y);
......@@ -516,7 +591,6 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
Point result_side_begin[4], result_side_end[4];
bool bypass_orientation = testBypassRoute(hull, start_line[0], finish_line[0]);
bool extra_bypass_orientation;
min_norm = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
index_hull = start_line[0];
......@@ -593,12 +667,12 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
bypass_orientation = testBypassRoute(hull, start_line[0], unstable_pnt);
extra_bypass_orientation = testBypassRoute(hull, finish_line[1], unstable_pnt);
const bool extra_bypass_orientation = testBypassRoute(hull, finish_line[1], unstable_pnt);
vector<Point2f> result_angle_list(4), test_result_angle_list(4);
double min_diff_area = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), test_diff_area;
double min_diff_area = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
index_hull = start_line[0];
double standart_norm = std::max(
const double standart_norm = std::max(
norm(result_side_begin[0] - result_side_end[0]),
norm(result_side_begin[1] - result_side_end[1]));
......@@ -637,7 +711,8 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
= intersectionLines(hull[index_hull], hull[next_index_hull],
result_side_begin[0], result_side_end[0]);
test_diff_area = fabs(fabs(contourArea(test_result_angle_list)) - experimental_area);
const double test_diff_area
= fabs(fabs(contourArea(test_result_angle_list)) - experimental_area);
if (min_diff_area > test_diff_area)
min_diff_area = test_diff_area;
......@@ -655,10 +730,17 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
while(index_hull != unstable_pnt);
// check label points
if (norm(result_angle_list[0] - angle_list[1]) > 2) { result_angle_list[0] = angle_list[1]; }
if (norm(result_angle_list[1] - angle_list[0]) > 2) { result_angle_list[1] = angle_list[0]; }
if (norm(result_angle_list[3] - angle_list[2]) > 2) { result_angle_list[3] = angle_list[2]; }
// check calculation point
if (norm(result_angle_list[2] - angle_list[3]) >
(norm(result_angle_list[0] - result_angle_list[1]) +
norm(result_angle_list[0] - result_angle_list[3])) * 0.5 )
{ result_angle_list[2] = angle_list[3]; }
return result_angle_list;
......@@ -667,48 +749,11 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDecode::getQuadrilateral(vector<Point2f> angle_list)
// / |
// a/ | c
inline double QRDecode::getCosVectors(Point2f a, Point2f b, Point2f c)
inline double QRDetect::getCosVectors(Point2f a, Point2f b, Point2f c)
return ((a - b).x * (c - b).x + (a - b).y * (c - b).y) / (norm(a - b) * norm(c - b));
bool QRDecode::transformation()
if(!computeTransformationPoints()) { return false; }
double max_length_norm = -1;
size_t transform_size = transformation_points.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < transform_size; i++)
double len_norm = norm(transformation_points[i % transform_size] -
transformation_points[(i + 1) % transform_size]);
max_length_norm = std::max(max_length_norm, len_norm);
Point2f transformation_points_[] =
Point2f perspective_points[] =
Point2f(0.f, 0.f), Point2f(0.f, (float)max_length_norm),
Point2f((float)max_length_norm, (float)max_length_norm),
Point2f((float)max_length_norm, 0.f)
Mat H = getPerspectiveTransform(transformation_points_, perspective_points);
warpPerspective(bin_barcode, straight_barcode, H,
return true;
struct QRCodeDetector::Impl
......@@ -729,11 +774,11 @@ bool QRCodeDetector::detect(InputArray in, OutputArray points) const
Mat inarr = in.getMat();
CV_Assert(inarr.type() == CV_8UC1);
QRDecode qrdec;
qrdec.init(inarr, p->epsX, p->epsY);
if (!qrdec.localization()) { return false; }
if (!qrdec.transformation()) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> pnts2f = qrdec.getTransformationPoints();
QRDetect qrdet;
qrdet.init(inarr, p->epsX, p->epsY);
if (!qrdet.localization()) { return false; }
if (!qrdet.computeTransformationPoints()) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> pnts2f = qrdet.getTransformationPoints();
Mat(pnts2f).convertTo(points, points.fixedType() ? points.type() : CV_32FC2);
return true;
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
std::string qrcode_images_name[] = {
// "20110817_030.jpg",
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode, regression)
ASSERT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
std::vector<Point> corners;
EXPECT_TRUE(detectQRCode(src, corners));
ASSERT_TRUE(detectQRCode(src, corners));
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "dataset_config.json", false);
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
#include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
void getMatWithQRCodeContour(Mat &color_image, vector<Point> transform);
void getMatWithFPS(Mat &color_image, double fps);
int liveQRCodeDetect();
int showImageQRCodeDetect(string in, string out);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const string keys =
"{h help ? | | print help messages }"
"{i in | | input path to file for detect (with parameter - show image, otherwise - camera)}"
"{o out | | output path to file (save image, work with -i parameter) }";
CommandLineParser cmd_parser(argc, argv, keys);
cmd_parser.about("This program detects the QR-codes from camera or images using the OpenCV library.");
if (cmd_parser.has("help"))
return 0;
string in_file_name = cmd_parser.get<string>("in"); // input path to image
string out_file_name = cmd_parser.get<string>("out"); // output path to image
if (!cmd_parser.check())
return -1;
int return_code = 0;
if (in_file_name.empty())
return_code = liveQRCodeDetect();
return_code = showImageQRCodeDetect(in_file_name, out_file_name);
return return_code;
void getMatWithQRCodeContour(Mat &color_image, vector<Point> transform)
if (!transform.empty())
double show_radius = (color_image.rows > color_image.cols)
? (2.813 * color_image.rows) / color_image.cols
: (2.813 * color_image.cols) / color_image.rows;
double contour_radius = show_radius * 0.4;
vector< vector<Point> > contours;
drawContours(color_image, contours, 0, Scalar(211, 0, 148), cvRound(contour_radius));
RNG rng(1000);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Scalar color = Scalar(rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255));
circle(color_image, transform[i], cvRound(show_radius), color, -1);
void getMatWithFPS(Mat &color_image, double fps)
ostringstream convert;
convert << cvRound(fps) << " FPS.";
putText(color_image, convert.str(), Point(25, 25), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
int liveQRCodeDetect()
VideoCapture cap(0);
cout << "Cannot open a camera" << '\n';
return -4;
TickMeter total;
Mat frame, src;
vector<Point> transform;
cap >> frame;
if(frame.empty()) { break; }
cvtColor(frame, src, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
bool result_detection = detectQRCode(src, transform);
double fps = 1 / total.getTimeSec();
if (result_detection) { getMatWithQRCodeContour(frame, transform); }
getMatWithFPS(frame, fps);
imshow("Live detect QR code", frame);
if( waitKey(30) > 0 ) { break; }
return 0;
int showImageQRCodeDetect(string in, string out)
Mat src = imread(in, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
vector<Point> transform;
const int count_experiments = 10;
double transform_time = 0.0;
bool result_detection = false;
TickMeter total;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_experiments; i++)
result_detection = detectQRCode(src, transform);
transform_time += total.getTimeSec();
if (!result_detection) { break; }
double fps = count_experiments / transform_time;
if (!result_detection) { cout << "Not find QR-code." << '\n'; return -2; }
Mat color_src = imread(in);
getMatWithQRCodeContour(color_src, transform);
getMatWithFPS(color_src, fps);
imshow("Detect QR code on image", color_src);
if( waitKey(30) > 0 ) { break; }
if (!out.empty())
getMatWithQRCodeContour(color_src, transform);
getMatWithFPS(color_src, fps);
cout << "Input image file path: " << in << '\n';
cout << "Output image file path: " << out << '\n';
cout << "Size: " << color_src.size() << '\n';
cout << "FPS: " << fps << '\n';
vector<int> compression_params;
imwrite(out, color_src, compression_params);
catch (cv::Exception& ex)
cout << "Exception converting image to PNG format: ";
cout << ex.what() << '\n';
return -3;
return 0;
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