Commit ac9ec55b authored by Loic Devulder's avatar Loic Devulder

3rdparty/protobuf: fix compilation issue on s390

This commit fixes an issue while trying to compile
on s390x architecture.

This is simply a backport of a fixe already applied
in official protobuf code:
parent 1059735b
......@@ -146,6 +146,14 @@ inline Atomic64 NoBarrier_Load(volatile const Atomic64* ptr) {
return __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
inline Atomic64 Release_CompareAndSwap(volatile Atomic64* ptr,
Atomic64 old_value,
Atomic64 new_value) {
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(ptr, &old_value, new_value, false,
return old_value;
#endif // defined(__LP64__)
} // namespace internal
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