Commit aa576742 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

cv::reduce (min/max to single column)

parent cb8743f9
......@@ -3245,16 +3245,53 @@ typedef void (*ReduceFunc)( const Mat& src, Mat& dst );
#define reduceSumC32f64f reduceC_<float, double,OpAdd<double> >
#define reduceSumC64f64f reduceC_<double,double,OpAdd<double> >
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 > 0 && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
#define REDUCE_OP(favor, optype, type1, type2) \
static inline void reduce##optype##C##favor(const cv::Mat& srcmat, cv::Mat& dstmat) \
{ \
typedef Ipp##favor IppType; \
cv::Size size = srcmat.size(); \
if (srcmat.channels() == 1) \
{ \
for (int y = 0; y < size.height; ++y) \
{ \
if (ippi##optype##_##favor##_C1R(srcmat.ptr<IppType>(y), (int)srcmat.step, \
ippiSize(size.width, 1), dstmat.ptr<IppType>(y)) < 0) \
{ \
cv::Mat dstroi = dstmat.rowRange(y, y + 1); \
cv::reduceC_ < type1, type2, cv::Op##optype < type2 > >(srcmat.rowRange(y, y + 1), dstroi); \
} \
} \
return; \
} \
cv::reduceC_ < type1, type2, cv::Op##optype < type2 > >(srcmat, dstmat); \
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 > 0 && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
REDUCE_OP(8u, Max, uchar, uchar)
REDUCE_OP(16u, Max, ushort, ushort)
REDUCE_OP(16s, Max, short, short)
REDUCE_OP(32f, Max, float, float)
#define reduceMaxC8u reduceC_<uchar, uchar, OpMax<uchar> >
#define reduceMaxC16u reduceC_<ushort,ushort,OpMax<ushort> >
#define reduceMaxC16s reduceC_<short, short, OpMax<short> >
#define reduceMaxC32f reduceC_<float, float, OpMax<float> >
#define reduceMaxC64f reduceC_<double,double,OpMax<double> >
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 > 0 && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
REDUCE_OP(8u, Min, uchar, uchar)
REDUCE_OP(16u, Min, ushort, ushort)
REDUCE_OP(16s, Min, short, short)
REDUCE_OP(32f, Min, float, float)
#define reduceMinC8u reduceC_<uchar, uchar, OpMin<uchar> >
#define reduceMinC16u reduceC_<ushort,ushort,OpMin<ushort> >
#define reduceMinC16s reduceC_<short, short, OpMin<short> >
#define reduceMinC32f reduceC_<float, float, OpMin<float> >
#define reduceMinC64f reduceC_<double,double,OpMin<double> >
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