Commit a937d9d4 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

unified the coordinate interpretation in RotatedRect (ticket #425)

parent 4a973d46
......@@ -1765,34 +1765,6 @@ inline RotatedRect::operator CvBox2D() const
CvBox2D box; = center; box.size = size; box.angle = angle;
return box;
inline void RotatedRect::points(Point2f pt[]) const
double _angle = angle*CV_PI/180.;
float a = (float)cos(_angle)*0.5f;
float b = (float)sin(_angle)*0.5f;
pt[0].x = center.x - a*size.height - b*size.width;
pt[0].y = center.y + b*size.height - a*size.width;
pt[1].x = center.x + a*size.height - b*size.width;
pt[1].y = center.y - b*size.height - a*size.width;
pt[2].x = 2*center.x - pt[0].x;
pt[2].y = 2*center.y - pt[0].y;
pt[3].x = 2*center.x - pt[1].x;
pt[3].y = 2*center.y - pt[1].y;
inline Rect RotatedRect::boundingRect() const
Point2f pt[4];
Rect r(cvFloor(min(min(min(pt[0].x, pt[1].x), pt[2].x), pt[3].x)),
cvFloor(min(min(min(pt[0].y, pt[1].y), pt[2].y), pt[3].y)),
cvCeil(max(max(max(pt[0].x, pt[1].x), pt[2].x), pt[3].x)),
cvCeil(max(max(max(pt[0].y, pt[1].y), pt[2].y), pt[3].y)));
r.width -= r.x - 1;
r.height -= r.y - 1;
return r;
//////////////////////////////// Scalar_ ///////////////////////////////
......@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ void ellipse2Poly( Point center, Size axes, int angle,
y = size_b * SinTable[angle];
Point pt;
pt.x = cvRound( cx + x * alpha - y * beta );
pt.y = cvRound( cy - x * beta - y * alpha );
pt.y = cvRound( cy + x * beta + y * alpha );
if( pt != prevPt )
......@@ -3043,6 +3043,37 @@ void normalize( const SparseMat& src, SparseMat& dst, double a, int norm_type )
src.convertTo( dst, -1, scale );
////////////////////// RotatedRect //////////////////////
void RotatedRect::points(Point2f pt[]) const
double _angle = angle*CV_PI/180.;
float b = (float)cos(_angle)*0.5f;
float a = (float)sin(_angle)*0.5f;
pt[0].x = center.x - a*size.height - b*size.width;
pt[0].y = center.y + b*size.height - a*size.width;
pt[1].x = center.x + a*size.height - b*size.width;
pt[1].y = center.y - b*size.height - a*size.width;
pt[2].x = 2*center.x - pt[0].x;
pt[2].y = 2*center.y - pt[0].y;
pt[3].x = 2*center.x - pt[1].x;
pt[3].y = 2*center.y - pt[1].y;
inline Rect RotatedRect::boundingRect() const
Point2f pt[4];
Rect r(cvFloor(min(min(min(pt[0].x, pt[1].x), pt[2].x), pt[3].x)),
cvFloor(min(min(min(pt[0].y, pt[1].y), pt[2].y), pt[3].y)),
cvCeil(max(max(max(pt[0].x, pt[1].x), pt[2].x), pt[3].x)),
cvCeil(max(max(max(pt[0].y, pt[1].y), pt[2].y), pt[3].y)));
r.width -= r.x - 1;
r.height -= r.y - 1;
return r;
......@@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ cvMinAreaRect2( const CvArr* array, CvMemStorage* storage )
icvRotatingCalipers( points, n, CV_CALIPERS_MINAREARECT, (float*)out ); = out[0].x + (out[1].x + out[2].x)*0.5f; = out[0].y + (out[1].y + out[2].y)*0.5f;
box.size.height = (float)sqrt((double)out[1].x*out[1].x + (double)out[1].y*out[1].y);
box.size.width = (float)sqrt((double)out[2].x*out[2].x + (double)out[2].y*out[2].y);
box.angle = (float)atan2( -(double)out[1].y, (double)out[1].x );
box.size.width = (float)sqrt((double)out[1].x*out[1].x + (double)out[1].y*out[1].y);
box.size.height = (float)sqrt((double)out[2].x*out[2].x + (double)out[2].y*out[2].y);
box.angle = (float)atan2( (double)out[1].y, (double)out[1].x );
else if( n == 2 )
......@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ cvMinAreaRect2( const CvArr* array, CvMemStorage* storage ) = (points[0].y + points[1].y)*0.5f;
double dx = points[1].x - points[0].x;
double dy = points[1].y - points[0].y;
box.size.height = (float)sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
box.size.width = 0;
box.angle = (float)atan2( -dy, dx );
box.size.width = (float)sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
box.size.height = 0;
box.angle = (float)atan2( dy, dx );
......@@ -275,7 +275,13 @@ cvCamShift( const void* imgProb, CvRect windowIn,
box->size.height = (float)length;
box->size.width = (float)width;
box->angle = (float)(theta*180./CV_PI);
box->angle = (float)((CV_PI*0.5+theta)*180./CV_PI);
while(box->angle < 0)
box->angle += 360;
while(box->angle >= 360)
box->angle -= 360;
if(box->angle >= 180)
box->angle -= 180;
box->center = cvPoint2D32f( comp.rect.x + comp.rect.width*0.5f,
comp.rect.y + comp.rect.height*0.5f);
......@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
backproj &= mask;
RotatedRect trackBox = CamShift(backproj, trackWindow,
TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1 ));
trackBox.angle = 90-trackBox.angle;
if( backprojMode )
cvtColor( backproj, image, CV_GRAY2BGR );
......@@ -71,12 +71,16 @@ void processImage(int h, void*)
Mat(contours[i]).convertTo(pointsf, CV_32F);
RotatedRect box = fitEllipse(pointsf);
box.angle = -box.angle;
if( MAX(box.size.width, box.size.height) > MIN(box.size.width, box.size.height)*30 )
drawContours(cimage, contours, (int)i, Scalar::all(255), 1, 8);
ellipse(cimage, box, Scalar(0,0,255), 1, CV_AA);
ellipse(cimage,, box.size*0.5f, box.angle, 0, 360, Scalar(0,255,255), 1, CV_AA);
Point2f vtx[4];
for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
line(cimage, vtx[j], vtx[(j+1)%4], Scalar(0,255,0), 1, CV_AA);
imshow("result", cimage);
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void CV_TrackBaseTest::generate_object()
double width = box0.size.width*0.5;
double height = box0.size.height*0.5;
double angle = box0.angle*CV_PI/180.;
double a = cos(angle), b = sin(angle);
double a = sin(angle), b = -cos(angle);
double inv_ww = 1./(width*width), inv_hh = 1./(height*height);
img = cvCreateMat( img_size.height, img_size.width, img_type );
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