Commit a8a71eb2 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #15092 from alalek:videoio_gstreamer_more_get_checks

parents 002904e4 61f589dd
......@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ public:
inline operator T* () CV_NOEXCEPT { return ptr; }
inline operator /*const*/ T* () const CV_NOEXCEPT { return (T*)ptr; } // there is no const correctness in Gst C API
inline T* get() CV_NOEXCEPT { return ptr; }
inline /*const*/ T* get() const CV_NOEXCEPT { CV_Assert(ptr); return (T*)ptr; } // there is no const correctness in Gst C API
T* get() { CV_Assert(ptr); return ptr; }
/*const*/ T* get() const { CV_Assert(ptr); return (T*)ptr; } // there is no const correctness in Gst C API
inline const T* operator -> () const { CV_Assert(ptr); return ptr; }
const T* operator -> () const { CV_Assert(ptr); return ptr; }
inline operator bool () const CV_NOEXCEPT { return ptr != NULL; }
inline bool operator ! () const CV_NOEXCEPT { return ptr == NULL; }
inline T** getRef() { CV_Assert(ptr == NULL); return &ptr; }
T** getRef() { CV_Assert(ptr == NULL); return &ptr; }
inline GSafePtr& reset(T* p) CV_NOEXCEPT // pass result of functions with "transfer floating" ownership
......@@ -1313,7 +1313,21 @@ public:
num_frames(0), framerate(0)
virtual ~CvVideoWriter_GStreamer() CV_OVERRIDE { close(); }
virtual ~CvVideoWriter_GStreamer() CV_OVERRIDE
catch (const std::exception& e)
CV_WARN("C++ exception in writer destructor: " << e.what());
catch (...)
CV_WARN("Unknown exception in writer destructor. Ignore");
int getCaptureDomain() const CV_OVERRIDE { return cv::CAP_GSTREAMER; }
......@@ -1345,7 +1359,11 @@ void CvVideoWriter_GStreamer::close_()
if (gst_app_src_end_of_stream(GST_APP_SRC(source.get())) != GST_FLOW_OK)
if (!(bool)source)
CV_WARN("No source in GStreamer pipeline. Ignore");
else if (gst_app_src_end_of_stream(GST_APP_SRC(source.get())) != GST_FLOW_OK)
CV_WARN("Cannot send EOS to GStreamer pipeline");
......@@ -527,4 +527,62 @@ static vector<Ext_Fourcc_API> generate_Ext_Fourcc_API()
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, Videoio_Writer, testing::ValuesIn(generate_Ext_Fourcc_API()));
typedef Videoio_Writer Videoio_Writer_bad_fourcc;
TEST_P(Videoio_Writer_bad_fourcc, nocrash)
if (!isBackendAvailable(apiPref, cv::videoio_registry::getStreamBackends()))
throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref));
VideoWriter writer;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(, apiPref, fourcc, fps, frame_size, true));
static vector<Ext_Fourcc_API> generate_Ext_Fourcc_API_nocrash()
static const Ext_Fourcc_API params[] = {
#ifdef HAVE_MSMF_DISABLED // MSMF opens writer stream
{"wmv", "aaaa", CAP_MSMF},
{"mov", "aaaa", CAP_MSMF},
{"mov", "aaaa", CAP_QT},
{"avi", "aaaa", CAP_QT},
{"mkv", "aaaa", CAP_QT},
{"mov", "aaaa", CAP_AVFOUNDATION},
{"mp4", "aaaa", CAP_AVFOUNDATION},
{"m4v", "aaaa", CAP_AVFOUNDATION},
{"avi", "aaaa", CAP_FFMPEG},
{"mkv", "aaaa", CAP_FFMPEG},
{"avi", "aaaa", CAP_GSTREAMER},
{"mkv", "aaaa", CAP_GSTREAMER},
{"avi", "aaaa", CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG},
const size_t N = sizeof(params)/sizeof(params[0]);
vector<Ext_Fourcc_API> result; result.reserve(N);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
const Ext_Fourcc_API& src = params[i];
Ext_Fourcc_API e = { src.ext, src.fourcc, src.api };
return result;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, Videoio_Writer_bad_fourcc, testing::ValuesIn(generate_Ext_Fourcc_API_nocrash()));
} // namespace
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