Commit a7faa9af authored by James Bowman's avatar James Bowman

test_moments checks for float members

parent c11bc131
......@@ -1789,7 +1789,8 @@ class AreaTests(OpenCVTests):
mo = cv.Moments(im)
for fld in ["m00", "m10", "m01", "m20", "m11", "m02", "m30", "m21", "m12", "m03", "mu20", "mu11", "mu02", "mu30", "mu21", "mu12", "mu03", "inv_sqrt_m00"]:
self.assert_(isinstance(getattr(mo, fld), float))
print getattr(mo, fld)
x = getattr(mo, fld)
self.assert_(isinstance(x, float))
orders = []
for x_order in range(4):
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