Commit a7bcf637 authored by Fedor Morozov's avatar Fedor Morozov

Robertson docs

parent c118f3c5
......@@ -256,6 +256,25 @@ Creates CalibrateDebevec object
:param random: if true sample pixel locations are chosen at random, otherwise the form a rectangular grid.
.. ocv:class:: CalibrateRobertson : public ExposureCalibrate
Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system.
This algorithm uses all image pixels.
For more information see [RB99]_.
Creates CalibrateRobertson object
.. ocv:function:: createCalibrateRobertson(int max_iter = 30, float threshold = 0.01f)
:param max_iter: maximal number of Gauss-Seidel solver iterations.
:param threshold: target difference between results of two successive steps of the minimization.
.. ocv:class:: ExposureMerge : public Algorithm
......@@ -312,7 +331,6 @@ Short version of process, that doesn't take extra arguments.
:param dst: result image
Creates MergeMertens object
......@@ -325,6 +343,20 @@ Creates MergeMertens object
:param exposure_weight: well-exposedness measure weight
.. ocv:class:: MergeRobertson : public ExposureMerge
The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response.
For more information see [RB99]_.
Creates MergeRobertson object
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<MergeRobertson> createMergeRobertson()
......@@ -343,3 +375,5 @@ References
.. [DM97] P. Debevec, J. Malik, "Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs", Proceedings OF ACM SIGGRAPH, 1997, 369 - 378.
.. [MK07] T. Mertens, J. Kautz, F. Van Reeth, "Exposure Fusion", Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007, 382 - 390.
.. [RB99] M. Robertson , S. Borman , R. Stevenson , "Dynamic range improvement through multiple exposures ", Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Image Processing , 1999, 159 - 163.
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