Commit a6d55804 authored by peng xiao's avatar peng xiao

Fix build errors

parent e1f43e3b
......@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ const char * depth_strings[] =
"double" //CV_64F
void genSortBuildOption(const oclMat& keys, const oclMat& vals, bool isGreaterThan, char * build_opt_buf)
void static genSortBuildOption(const oclMat& keys, const oclMat& vals, bool isGreaterThan, char * build_opt_buf)
sprintf(build_opt_buf, "-D IS_GT=%d -D K_T=%s -D V_T=%s",
isGreaterThan?1:0, depth_strings[keys.depth()], depth_strings[vals.depth()]);
if(vals.oclchannels() > 1)
sprintf( build_opt_buf + strlen(build_opt_buf), "%d", vals.oclchannels(), 10);
sprintf( build_opt_buf + strlen(build_opt_buf), "%d", vals.oclchannels());
inline bool isSizePowerOf2(size_t size)
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace radix_sort
// openCLExecuteKernel(cxt, &kernel_radix_sort_by_key, kernelname, globalThreads, localThreads, args, -1, -1);
void naive_scan_addition_cpu(oclMat& input, oclMat& output)
void static naive_scan_addition_cpu(oclMat& input, oclMat& output)
Mat m_input = input, m_output(output.size(), output.type());
MatIterator_<int> i_mit = m_input.begin<int>();
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ static void sort_by_key(oclMat& keys, oclMat& vals, size_t origVecSize, bool isG
String kernelnames[2] = {String("histogramRadixN"), String("permuteRadixN")};
int swap = 0;
for(int bits = 0; bits < (keys.elemSize() * 8); bits += RADIX)
for(int bits = 0; bits < (static_cast<int>(keys.elemSize()) * 8); bits += RADIX)
//Do a histogram pass locally
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