Commit a5b3a205 authored by edgarriba's avatar edgarriba

Add UPNP case + Modify model_points

parent 84475ef1
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "upnp.h"
#include "dls.h"
#include "epnp.h"
#include "p3p.h"
......@@ -107,6 +108,15 @@ bool cv::solvePnP( InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints,
cv::Rodrigues(R, rvec);
return result;
else if (flags == SOLVEPNP_UPNP)
upnp PnP(cameraMatrix, opoints, ipoints);
cv::Mat R, rvec = _rvec.getMat(), tvec = _tvec.getMat();
PnP.compute_pose(R, tvec);
cv::Rodrigues(R, rvec);
return true;
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "The flags argument must be one of SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE, SOLVEPNP_P3P, SOLVEPNP_EPNP or SOLVEPNP_DLS");
return false;
......@@ -205,6 +215,7 @@ bool cv::solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints,
int model_points = 4; // minimum of number of model points
if( flags == cv::SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE ) model_points = 6;
else if( flags == cv::SOLVEPNP_UPNP ) model_points = 6;
else if( flags == cv::SOLVEPNP_EPNP ) model_points = 5;
double param1 = reprojectionError; // reprojection error
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