Commit a3d44d52 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #7214 from mshabunin:hal_integral

parents 2e2ac54e 3d5c0f1f
......@@ -175,6 +175,13 @@ CV_EXPORTS void cvtMultipliedRGBAtoRGBA(const uchar * src_data, size_t src_step,
uchar * dst_data, size_t dst_step,
int width, int height);
CV_EXPORTS void integral(int depth, int sdepth, int sqdepth,
const uchar* src, size_t srcstep,
uchar* sum, size_t sumstep,
uchar* sqsum, size_t sqsumstep,
uchar* tilted, size_t tstep,
int width, int height, int cn);
//! @}
......@@ -583,6 +583,38 @@ inline int hal_ni_cvtMultipliedRGBAtoRGBA(const uchar * src_data, size_t src_ste
#define cv_hal_cvtMultipliedRGBAtoRGBA hal_ni_cvtMultipliedRGBAtoRGBA
//! @endcond
@brief Calculate integral image
@param depth,sdepth,sqdepth Depths of source image, sum image and square sum image
@param src_data,src_step Source image
@param sum_data,sum_step Sum image
@param sqsum_data,sqsum_step Square sum image
@param tilted_data,tilted_step Tilted sum image
@param width,height Source image dimensions
@param cn Number of channels
@note Following combinations of image depths are used:
Source | Sum | Square sum
CV_8U | CV_32S | CV_64F
CV_8U | CV_32S | CV_32F
CV_8U | CV_32S | CV_32S
CV_8U | CV_32F | CV_64F
CV_8U | CV_32F | CV_32F
CV_8U | CV_64F | CV_64F
CV_16U | CV_64F | CV_64F
CV_16S | CV_64F | CV_64F
CV_32F | CV_32F | CV_64F
CV_32F | CV_32F | CV_32F
CV_32F | CV_64F | CV_64F
CV_64F | CV_64F | CV_64F
@sa cv::integral
inline int hal_ni_integral(int depth, int sdepth, int sqdepth, const uchar * src_data, size_t src_step, uchar * sum_data, size_t sum_step, uchar * sqsum_data, size_t sqsum_step, uchar * tilted_data, size_t tilted_step, int width, int height, int cn) { return CV_HAL_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
//! @cond IGNORED
#define cv_hal_integral hal_ni_integral
//! @endcond
//! @}
#if defined __GNUC__
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/hal/hal.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/hal/hal.hpp"
#include "hal_replacement.hpp"
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
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