Commit a39a9f67 authored by Alexander Smorkalov's avatar Alexander Smorkalov

NativeActivity sample build with Eclipse CDT fixed.

parent 4cf7a963
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -5,6 +5,64 @@
......@@ -25,9 +83,19 @@
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <queue>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
......@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ static cv::Size calc_optimal_camera_resolution(const char* supported, int width,
idx++; // to skip coma symbol
idx++; // to skip comma symbol
} while(supported[idx-1] != '\0');
......@@ -86,9 +85,9 @@ static void engine_draw_frame(Engine* engine, const cv::Mat& frame)
for (int yy = top_indent; yy < std::min(frame.rows+top_indent, buffer.height); yy++)
unsigned char* line = (unsigned char*)pixels;
memcpy(line+left_indent*4*sizeof(unsigned char), frame.ptr<unsigned char>(yy),
std::min(frame.cols, buffer.width)*4*sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char* line = (unsigned char*)pixels + left_indent*4*sizeof(unsigned char);
size_t line_size = std::min(frame.cols, buffer.width)*4*sizeof(unsigned char);
memcpy(line, frame.ptr<unsigned char>(yy), line_size);
// go to next line
pixels = (int32_t*)pixels + buffer.stride;
......@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ static void engine_handle_cmd(android_app* app, int32_t cmd)
LOGI("Camera initialized at resoution %dx%d", camera_resolution.width, camera_resolution.height);
LOGI("Camera initialized at resolution %dx%d", camera_resolution.width, camera_resolution.height);
......@@ -157,7 +156,8 @@ void android_main(android_app* app)
// Make sure glue isn't stripped.
memset(&engine, 0, sizeof(engine));
size_t engine_size = sizeof(engine); // for Eclipse CDT parser
memset((void*)&engine, 0, engine_size);
app->userData = &engine;
app->onAppCmd = engine_handle_cmd; = app;
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