Commit a345d16c authored by jayceelock's avatar jayceelock

Changed to allow for ISO page size selection, checkerboard pattern now centres…

Changed to allow for ISO page size selection, checkerboard pattern now centres itself properly in middle of the page
parent 424c2bdd
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
Usage example:
python -o out.svg -r 11 -c 8 -T circles -s 20.0 -R 5.0 -u mm -w 216 -h 279
-o, --output - output file (default out.svg)
-r, --rows - pattern rows (default 11)
-c, --columns - pattern columns (default 8)
......@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ python -o out.svg -r 11 -c 8 -T circles -s 20.0 -R 5.0 -u mm -w 2
-u, --units - mm, inches, px, m (default mm)
-w, --page_width - page width in units (default 216)
-h, --page_height - page height in units (default 279)
-a, --page_size - page size (default A4), supercedes -h -w arguments
-H, --help - show help
......@@ -51,11 +51,13 @@ class PatternMaker:
def makeCheckerboardPattern(self):
spacing = self.square_size
for x in range(1,self.cols+1):
for y in range(1,self.rows+1):
xspacing = (self.width - self.cols * self.square_size) / 2.0
yspacing = (self.height - self.rows * self.square_size) / 2.0
for x in range(0,self.cols):
for y in range(0,self.rows):
if x%2 == y%2:
dot = SVG("rect", x=x * spacing, y=y * spacing, width=spacing, height=spacing, stroke_width="0", fill="black")
square = SVG("rect", x=x * spacing + xspacing, y=y * spacing + yspacing, width=spacing, height=spacing, fill="black")
def save(self):
c = canvas(self.g,width="%d%s"%(self.width,self.units),height="%d%s"%(self.height,self.units),viewBox="0 0 %d %d"%(self.width,self.height))
......@@ -65,9 +67,9 @@ class PatternMaker:
def main():
# parse command line options, TODO use argparse for better doc
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "Ho:c:r:T:u:s:R:w:h:", ["help","output=","columns=","rows=",
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "Ho:c:r:T:u:s:R:w:h:a:", ["help","output=","columns=","rows=",
"page_width=","page_height=", "page_size="])
except getopt.error, msg:
print msg
print "for help use --help"
......@@ -79,8 +81,11 @@ def main():
units = "mm"
square_size = 20.0
radius_rate = 5.0
page_width = 216 #8.5 inches
page_height = 279 #11 inches
page_size = "A4"
# page size dict (ISO standard, mm) for easy lookup. format - size: [width, height]
page_sizes = {"A0": [840, 1188], "A1": [594, 840], "A2": [420, 594], "A3": [297, 420], "A4": [210, 297], "A5": [148, 210]}
page_width = page_sizes[page_size.upper()][0]
page_height = page_sizes[page_size.upper()][1]
# process options
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-H", "--help"):
......@@ -104,6 +109,11 @@ def main():
page_width = float(a)
elif o in ("-h", "--page_height"):
page_height = float(a)
elif o in ("-a", "--page_size"):
units = "mm"
page_size = a.upper()
page_width = page_sizes[page_size][0]
page_height = page_sizes[page_size][1]
pm = PatternMaker(columns,rows,output,units,square_size,radius_rate,page_width,page_height)
#dict for easy lookup of pattern type
mp = {"circles":pm.makeCirclesPattern,"acircles":pm.makeACirclesPattern,"checkerboard":pm.makeCheckerboardPattern}
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