Commit a28ad40c authored by Tony's avatar Tony

Fix bug in GTK+3 logic introduced by previous merge

During merging of conflicting versions of this file, I erroneously
deleted several lines in the GUI reporting section. This is repaired
in this commit.
parent f318b5bc
......@@ -749,7 +749,6 @@ else()
status(" GTK+ 2.x:" HAVE_GTK THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtk+-2.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO)
status(" GTK+ 3.x:" HAVE_GTK3 THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtk+-3.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO)
status(" GThread :" HAVE_GTHREAD THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gthread-2.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO)
status(" GtkGlExt:" HAVE_GTKGLEXT THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtkglext-1.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO)
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