Commit a2646062 authored by Rostislav Vasilikhin's avatar Rostislav Vasilikhin

ivx::Scalars replaced by immediate values

parent 1e2ad7e3
......@@ -295,10 +295,10 @@ static bool openvx_harris(Mat image, OutputArray _corners,
ivx::Scalar strengthThresh = ivx::Scalar::create<VX_TYPE_FLOAT32>(context, 0);
//The gradient window size to use on the input.
ivx::Scalar gradientSize = ivx::Scalar::create<VX_TYPE_INT32>(context, 3);
vx_int32 gradientSize = 3;
//The block window size used to compute the harris corner score
ivx::Scalar blockSize = ivx::Scalar::create<VX_TYPE_INT32>(context, _blockSize);
vx_int32 blockSize = _blockSize;
//The scalar sensitivity threshold k from the Harris-Stephens equation
ivx::Scalar sensivity = ivx::Scalar::create<VX_TYPE_FLOAT32>(context, _harrisK);
......@@ -311,8 +311,7 @@ static bool openvx_harris(Mat image, OutputArray _corners,
ivx::Scalar numCorners = ivx::Scalar::create<VX_TYPE_SIZE>(context, 0);
IVX_CHECK_STATUS(vxuHarrisCorners(context, ovxImage, strengthThresh, minDistance, sensivity,
gradientSize.getValue<vx_int32>(), blockSize.getValue<vx_int32>(),
corners, numCorners));
gradientSize, blockSize, corners, numCorners));
std::vector<vx_keypoint_t> vxKeypoints;
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