Commit 9eac0f05 authored by Vitaly Tuzov's avatar Vitaly Tuzov

Completely disabled OpenVX based implementation of resize HAL API

parent 88ea9f5d
......@@ -1131,8 +1131,8 @@ inline int ovx_hal_cvtOnePlaneYUVtoBGR(const uchar * a, size_t astep, uchar * b,
#undef cv_hal_merge8u
#define cv_hal_merge8u ovx_hal_merge8u
#undef cv_hal_resize
#define cv_hal_resize ovx_hal_resize
//#undef cv_hal_resize
//#define cv_hal_resize ovx_hal_resize
//OpenVX warps use round to zero policy at least in sample implementation
//while OpenCV require round to nearest
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