Commit 9e527fc9 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

ocl: Canny: replace unsafe buffer to oclMat

parent c1223f8d
......@@ -984,12 +984,12 @@ namespace cv
struct CV_EXPORTS CannyBuf
CannyBuf() : counter(NULL) {}
CannyBuf() : counter(1, 1, CV_32S) { }
explicit CannyBuf(const Size &image_size, int apperture_size = 3) : counter(NULL)
explicit CannyBuf(const Size &image_size, int apperture_size = 3) : counter(1, 1, CV_32S)
create(image_size, apperture_size);
......@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ namespace cv
oclMat dx_buf, dy_buf;
oclMat edgeBuf;
oclMat trackBuf1, trackBuf2;
void *counter;
oclMat counter;
Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> filterDX, filterDY;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::ocl;
cv::ocl::CannyBuf::CannyBuf(const oclMat &dx_, const oclMat &dy_) : dx(dx_), dy(dy_), counter(NULL)
cv::ocl::CannyBuf::CannyBuf(const oclMat &dx_, const oclMat &dy_) : dx(dx_), dy(dy_), counter(1, 1, CV_32SC1)
CV_Assert(dx_.type() == CV_32SC1 && dy_.type() == CV_32SC1 && dx_.size() == dy_.size());
......@@ -82,15 +82,6 @@ void cv::ocl::CannyBuf::create(const Size &image_size, int apperture_size)
ensureSizeIsEnough(1, image_size.width * image_size.height, CV_16UC2, trackBuf1);
ensureSizeIsEnough(1, image_size.width * image_size.height, CV_16UC2, trackBuf2);
int counter_i [1] = { 0 };
int err = 0;
counter = clCreateBuffer( *((cl_context*)getClContextPtr()), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sizeof(int), counter_i, &err );
void cv::ocl::CannyBuf::release()
......@@ -102,7 +93,6 @@ void cv::ocl::CannyBuf::release()
namespace cv
......@@ -118,9 +108,9 @@ namespace cv
void calcMap_gpu(oclMat &dx, oclMat &dy, oclMat &mag, oclMat &map, int rows, int cols, float low_thresh, float high_thresh);
void edgesHysteresisLocal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, void *counter, int rows, int cols);
void edgesHysteresisLocal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat& counter, int rows, int cols);
void edgesHysteresisGlobal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat &st2, void *counter, int rows, int cols);
void edgesHysteresisGlobal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat &st2, oclMat& counter, int rows, int cols);
void getEdges_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &dst, int rows, int cols);
......@@ -322,7 +312,7 @@ void canny::calcMap_gpu(oclMat &dx, oclMat &dy, oclMat &mag, oclMat &map, int ro
openCLExecuteKernel(clCxt, &imgproc_canny, kernelName, globalThreads, localThreads, args, -1, -1);
void canny::edgesHysteresisLocal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, void *counter, int rows, int cols)
void canny::edgesHysteresisLocal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat& counter, int rows, int cols)
Context *clCxt = map.clCxt;
string kernelName = "edgesHysteresisLocal";
......@@ -330,7 +320,7 @@ void canny::edgesHysteresisLocal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, void *counter, in
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&counter));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&rows));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&cols));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&map.step));
......@@ -342,26 +332,30 @@ void canny::edgesHysteresisLocal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, void *counter, in
openCLExecuteKernel(clCxt, &imgproc_canny, kernelName, globalThreads, localThreads, args, -1, -1);
void canny::edgesHysteresisGlobal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat &st2, void *counter, int rows, int cols)
void canny::edgesHysteresisGlobal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat &st2, oclMat& counter, int rows, int cols)
unsigned int count;
openCLSafeCall(clEnqueueReadBuffer(*(cl_command_queue*)getClCommandQueuePtr(), (cl_mem)counter, 1, 0, sizeof(float), &count, 0, NULL, NULL));
Mat counterMat;;
Context *clCxt = map.clCxt;
string kernelName = "edgesHysteresisGlobal";
vector< pair<size_t, const void *> > args;
size_t localThreads[3] = {128, 1, 1};
int count_i[1] = {0};
while(count > 0)
while(1 > 0)
openCLSafeCall(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(*(cl_command_queue*)getClCommandQueuePtr(), (cl_mem)counter, 1, 0, sizeof(int), &count_i, 0, NULL, NULL));
int count =<int>(0, 0);
CV_Assert(count >= 0);
if (count == 0)
break;<int>(0, 0) = 0;
size_t globalThreads[3] = {std::min(count, 65535u) * 128, divUp(count, 65535), 1};
size_t globalThreads[3] = {std::min((unsigned)count, 65535u) * 128, divUp(count, 65535), 1};
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&counter));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&rows));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&cols));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&count));
......@@ -369,7 +363,7 @@ void canny::edgesHysteresisGlobal_gpu(oclMat &map, oclMat &st1, oclMat &st2, voi
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&map.offset));
openCLExecuteKernel(clCxt, &imgproc_canny, kernelName, globalThreads, localThreads, args, -1, -1);
openCLSafeCall(clEnqueueReadBuffer(*(cl_command_queue*)getClCommandQueuePtr(), (cl_mem)counter, 1, 0, sizeof(int), &count, 0, NULL, NULL));;
std::swap(st1, st2);
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