Commit 9e381d07 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin Committed by Alexander Alekhin

ts: dump OpenCL device extensions

parent 169add5a
......@@ -181,6 +181,23 @@ void dumpOpenCLDevice()
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Host unified memory = "<< isUnifiedMemoryStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_hostUnifiedMemory", device.hostUnifiedMemory());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Device extensions:");
String extensionsStr = device.extensions();
size_t pos = 0;
while (pos < extensionsStr.size())
size_t pos2 = extensionsStr.find(' ', pos);
if (pos2 == String::npos)
pos2 = extensionsStr.size();
if (pos2 > pos)
String extensionName = extensionsStr.substr(pos, pos2 - pos);
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" " << extensionName);
pos = pos2 + 1;
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_extensions", extensionsStr.c_str());
const char* haveAmdBlasStr = haveAmdBlas() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Has AMD Blas = "<< haveAmdBlasStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_AmdBlas", haveAmdBlas());
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