Commit 9bf2516e authored by Andrey Pavlenko's avatar Andrey Pavlenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #1841 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_kernel_compilation

parents 8d1a8df1 65b7e201
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
#define CV_32S 4
#define CV_32F 5
#define dstelem *(dstT*)(dstptr + dst_index)
#define dstelem *(__global dstT*)(dstptr + dst_index)
#define noconvert(x) x
#ifndef workT
......@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@
#define srcT1 dstT
#define srcT2 dstT
#define workT dstT
#define srcelem1 *(dstT*)(srcptr1 + src1_index)
#define srcelem2 *(dstT*)(srcptr2 + src2_index)
#define srcelem1 *(__global dstT*)(srcptr1 + src1_index)
#define srcelem2 *(__global dstT*)(srcptr2 + src2_index)
#define convertToDT noconvert
#define srcelem1 convertToWT1(*(srcT1*)(srcptr1 + src1_index))
#define srcelem2 convertToWT2(*(srcT2*)(srcptr2 + src2_index))
#define srcelem1 convertToWT1(*(__global srcT1*)(srcptr1 + src1_index))
#define srcelem2 convertToWT2(*(__global srcT2*)(srcptr2 + src2_index))
......@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ __kernel void KF(__global const uchar* srcptr1, int srcstep1, int srcoffset1,
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int src2_index = mad24(y, srcstep2, x*sizeof(srcT2) + srcoffset2);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*(int)sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int src2_index = mad24(y, srcstep2, x*(int)sizeof(srcT2) + srcoffset2);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*(int)sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
//printf("(x=%d, y=%d). %d, %d, %d\n", x, y, (int)srcelem1, (int)srcelem2, (int)dstelem);
......@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ __kernel void KF(__global const uchar* srcptr1, int srcstep1, int srcoffset1,
int mask_index = mad24(y, maskstep, x + maskoffset);
if( mask[mask_index] )
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int src2_index = mad24(y, srcstep2, x*sizeof(srcT2) + srcoffset2);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*(int)sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int src2_index = mad24(y, srcstep2, x*(int)sizeof(srcT2) + srcoffset2);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*(int)sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
......@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ __kernel void KF(__global const uchar* srcptr1, int srcstep1, int srcoffset1,
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*(int)sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*(int)sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
......@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ __kernel void KF(__global const uchar* srcptr1, int srcstep1, int srcoffset1,
int mask_index = mad24(y, maskstep, x + maskoffset);
if( mask[mask_index] )
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
int src1_index = mad24(y, srcstep1, x*(int)sizeof(srcT1) + srcoffset1);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*(int)sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ __kernel void setMask(__global const uchar* mask, int maskstep, int maskoffset,
int mask_index = mad24(y, maskstep, x + maskoffset);
if( mask[mask_index] )
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
*(dstT*)(dstptr + dst_index) = value;
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*(int)sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
*(__global dstT*)(dstptr + dst_index) = value;
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ __kernel void set(__global uchar* dstptr, int dststep, int dstoffset,
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
*(dstT*)(dstptr + dst_index) = value;
int dst_index = mad24(y, dststep, x*(int)sizeof(dstT) + dstoffset);
*(__global dstT*)(dstptr + dst_index) = value;
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