Commit 9ac0d432 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

make Mat::Mat(CvMat* m) return empty matrix when m is NULL; added utility…

make Mat::Mat(CvMat* m) return empty matrix when m is NULL; added utility Mat::initEmpty() method to replace duplicated matrix initializations in different constructors
parent 2fded17f
......@@ -1944,6 +1944,9 @@ public:
MSize size;
MStep step;
void initEmpty();
......@@ -55,53 +55,55 @@ namespace cv
//////////////////////////////// Mat ////////////////////////////////
inline Mat::Mat()
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline void Mat::initEmpty()
flags = MAGIC_VAL;
dims = rows = cols = 0;
data = datastart = dataend = datalimit = 0;
refcount = 0;
allocator = 0;
inline Mat::Mat() : size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type) : size(&rows)
create(_rows, _cols, _type);
inline Mat::Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type, const Scalar& _s)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type, const Scalar& _s) : size(&rows)
create(_rows, _cols, _type);
*this = _s;
inline Mat::Mat(Size _sz, int _type)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(Size _sz, int _type) : size(&rows)
create( _sz.height, _sz.width, _type );
inline Mat::Mat(Size _sz, int _type, const Scalar& _s)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(Size _sz, int _type, const Scalar& _s) : size(&rows)
create(_sz.height, _sz.width, _type);
*this = _s;
inline Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sz, int _type)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sz, int _type) : size(&rows)
create(_dims, _sz, _type);
inline Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sz, int _type, const Scalar& _s)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
inline Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sz, int _type, const Scalar& _s) : size(&rows)
create(_dims, _sz, _type);
*this = _s;
......@@ -169,27 +171,6 @@ inline Mat::Mat(Size _sz, int _type, void* _data, size_t _step)
inline Mat::Mat(const CvMat* m, bool copyData)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL + (m->type & (CV_MAT_TYPE_MASK|CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG))),
dims(2), rows(m->rows), cols(m->cols), data(m->data.ptr), refcount(0),
datastart(m->data.ptr), allocator(0), size(&rows)
if( !copyData )
size_t esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(m->type), minstep = cols*esz, _step = m->step;
if( _step == 0 )
_step = minstep;
datalimit = datastart + _step*rows;
dataend = datalimit - _step + minstep;
step[0] = _step; step[1] = esz;
data = datastart = dataend = 0;
Mat(m->rows, m->cols, m->type, m->data.ptr, m->step).copyTo(*this);
template<typename _Tp> inline Mat::Mat(const vector<_Tp>& vec, bool copyData)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL | DataType<_Tp>::type | CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG),
dims(2), rows((int)vec.size()), cols(1), data(0), refcount(0),
......@@ -262,10 +262,9 @@ void Mat::deallocate()
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& rowRange, const Range& colRange)
: flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& rowRange, const Range& colRange) : size(&rows)
CV_Assert( m.dims >= 2 );
if( m.dims > 2 )
......@@ -336,21 +335,19 @@ Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Rect& roi)
Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sizes, int _type, void* _data, const size_t* _steps)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL|CV_MAT_TYPE(_type)), dims(0),
rows(0), cols(0), data((uchar*)_data), refcount(0),
datastart((uchar*)_data), dataend((uchar*)_data), datalimit((uchar*)_data),
allocator(0), size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sizes, int _type, void* _data, const size_t* _steps) : size(&rows)
flags |= CV_MAT_TYPE(_type);
data = datastart = (uchar*)_data;
setSize(*this, _dims, _sizes, _steps, true);
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range* ranges)
: flags(m.flags), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0),
datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range* ranges) : size(&rows)
int i, d = m.dims;
......@@ -374,12 +371,13 @@ Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range* ranges)
Mat::Mat(const CvMatND* m, bool copyData)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL|CV_MAT_TYPE(m->type)), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0),
data((uchar*)m->data.ptr), refcount(0),
datastart((uchar*)m->data.ptr), allocator(0),
Mat::Mat(const CvMatND* m, bool copyData) : size(&rows)
if( !m )
data = datastart = m->data.ptr;
flags |= CV_MAT_TYPE(m->type);
int _sizes[CV_MAX_DIM];
size_t _steps[CV_MAX_DIM];
......@@ -436,10 +434,43 @@ Mat Mat::diag(int d) const
Mat::Mat(const IplImage* img, bool copyData)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL), dims(2), rows(0), cols(0),
data(0), refcount(0), datastart(0), dataend(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(const CvMat* m, bool copyData) : size(&rows)
if( !m )
if( !copyData )
flags = MAGIC_VAL + (m->type & (CV_MAT_TYPE_MASK|CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG));
dims = 2;
rows = m->rows;
cols = m->cols;
data = datastart = m->data.ptr;
size_t esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(m->type), minstep = cols*esz, _step = m->step;
if( _step == 0 )
_step = minstep;
datalimit = datastart + _step*rows;
dataend = datalimit - _step + minstep;
step[0] = _step; step[1] = esz;
data = datastart = dataend = 0;
Mat(m->rows, m->cols, m->type, m->data.ptr, m->step).copyTo(*this);
Mat::Mat(const IplImage* img, bool copyData) : size(&rows)
if( !img )
dims = 2;
CV_DbgAssert(CV_IS_IMAGE(img) && img->imageData != 0);
int depth = IPL2CV_DEPTH(img->depth);
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