Commit 9a4265a8 authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

fast nlm (class version)

parent 4b5bbb77
......@@ -849,15 +849,15 @@ gpu::nonLocalMeans
Performs pure non local means denoising without any simplification, and thus it is not fast.
.. ocv:function:: void nonLocalMeans(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_widow_size = 11, int block_size = 7, int borderMode = BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream& s = Stream::Null())
.. ocv:function:: void nonLocalMeans(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, int borderMode = BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream& s = Stream::Null())
:param src: Source image. Supports only CV_8UC1, CV_8UC2 and CV_8UC3.
:param dst: Destination imagwe.
:param dst: Destination image.
:param h: Filter sigma regulating filter strength for color.
:param search_widow_size: Size of search window.
:param search_window: Size of search window.
:param block_size: Size of block used for computing weights.
......@@ -868,7 +868,73 @@ Performs pure non local means denoising without any simplification, and thus it
.. seealso::
.. ocv:class:: gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
class FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
//! Simple method, recommended for grayscale images (though it supports multichannel images)
void simpleMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
//! Processes luminance and color components separatelly
void labMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h_luminance, float h_color, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
The class implements fast approximate Non Local Means Denoising algorithm.
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm with several computational optimizations. Noise expected to be a gaussian white noise
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising::simpleMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
:param src: Input 8-bit 1-channel, 2-channel or 3-channel image.
:param dst: Output image with the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param h: Parameter regulating filter strength. Big h value perfectly removes noise but also removes image details, smaller h value preserves details but also preserves some noise
:param search_window: Size in pixels of the window that is used to compute weighted average for given pixel. Should be odd. Affect performance linearly: greater search_window - greater denoising time. Recommended value 21 pixels
:param block_size: Size in pixels of the template patch that is used to compute weights. Should be odd. Recommended value 7 pixels
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous invocations.
This function expected to be applied to grayscale images. For colored images look at ``FastNonLocalMeansDenoising::labMethod``.
.. seealso::
Modification of ``FastNonLocalMeansDenoising::simpleMethod`` for color images
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising::labMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h_luminance, float h_color, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
:param src: Input 8-bit 3-channel image.
:param dst: Output image with the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param h_luminance: Parameter regulating filter strength. Big h value perfectly removes noise but also removes image details, smaller h value preserves details but also preserves some noise
:param float: The same as h but for color components. For most images value equals 10 will be enought to remove colored noise and do not distort colors
:param search_window: Size in pixels of the window that is used to compute weighted average for given pixel. Should be odd. Affect performance linearly: greater search_window - greater denoising time. Recommended value 21 pixels
:param block_size: Size in pixels of the template patch that is used to compute weights. Should be odd. Recommended value 7 pixels
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous invocations.
The function converts image to CIELAB colorspace and then separately denoise L and AB components with given h parameters using ``FastNonLocalMeansDenoising::simpleMethod`` function.
.. seealso::
Composites two images using alpha opacity values contained in each image.
......@@ -774,11 +774,24 @@ CV_EXPORTS void bilateralFilter(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int kernel_size,
int borderMode = BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! Brute force non-local means algorith (slow but universal)
CV_EXPORTS void nonLocalMeans(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h,
int search_widow_size = 11, int block_size = 7, int borderMode = BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void nonLocalMeans(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, int borderMode = BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
//! Fast (but approximate)version of non-local means algorith similar to CPU function (running sums technique)
CV_EXPORTS void fastNlMeansDenoising( const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_radius = 10, int block_radius = 3, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
class CV_EXPORTS FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
//! Simple method, recommended for grayscale images (though it supports multichannel images)
void simpleMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
//! Processes luminance and color components separatelly
void labMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h_luminance, float h_color, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null());
GpuMat buffer, extended_src_buffer;
GpuMat lab, l, ab;
struct CV_EXPORTS CannyBuf;
......@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
using namespace std;
using namespace testing;
#define GPU_DENOISING_IMAGE_SIZES testing::Values(perf::szVGA, perf::szXGA, perf::sz720p, perf::sz1080p)
// BilateralFilter
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Sz_Depth_Cn_KernelSz, cv::Size, MatDepth , int, int);
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Sz_Depth_Cn_KernelSz, cv::Size, MatDepth, int, int);
PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_Cn_KernelSz, Denoising_BilateralFilter,
Combine(GPU_TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES, Values(CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_32F), GPU_CHANNELS_1_3_4, Values(3, 5, 9)))
Combine(GPU_DENOISING_IMAGE_SIZES, Values(CV_8U, CV_32F), testing::Values(1, 3), Values(3, 5, 9)))
cv::Size size = GET_PARAM(0);
int depth = GET_PARAM(1);
......@@ -57,16 +59,16 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_Cn_KernelSz, Denoising_BilateralFilter,
// nonLocalMeans
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, cv::Size, MatDepth , int, int, int);
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, cv::Size, MatDepth, int, int, int);
PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, Denoising_NonLocalMeans,
Combine(GPU_TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES, Values<MatDepth>(CV_8U), Values(1), Values(21), Values(5, 7)))
Combine(GPU_DENOISING_IMAGE_SIZES, Values<MatDepth>(CV_8U), Values(1, 3), Values(21), Values(5, 7)))
cv::Size size = GET_PARAM(0);
int depth = GET_PARAM(1);
int channels = GET_PARAM(2);
int depth = GET_PARAM(1);
int channels = GET_PARAM(2);
int search_widow_size = GET_PARAM(3);
int block_size = GET_PARAM(4);
......@@ -101,22 +103,67 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, Denoising_NonLocalMeans,
// fastNonLocalMeans
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, cv::Size, MatDepth , int, int, int);
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Sz_Depth_WinSz_BlockSz, cv::Size, MatDepth, int, int);
PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, Denoising_FastNonLocalMeans,
Combine(GPU_TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES, Values<MatDepth>(CV_8U), Values(1), Values(21), Values(5, 7)))
PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_WinSz_BlockSz, Denoising_FastNonLocalMeans,
Combine(GPU_DENOISING_IMAGE_SIZES, Values<MatDepth>(CV_8U), Values(21), Values(7)))
cv::Size size = GET_PARAM(0);
int depth = GET_PARAM(1);
int search_widow_size = GET_PARAM(2);
int block_size = GET_PARAM(3);
float h = 10;
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, 1);
cv::Mat src(size, type);
if (runOnGpu)
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_src(src);
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_dst;
cv::gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising fnlmd;
fnlmd.simpleMethod(d_src, d_dst, h, search_widow_size, block_size);
fnlmd.simpleMethod(d_src, d_dst, h, search_widow_size, block_size);
cv::Mat dst;
cv::fastNlMeansDenoising(src, dst, h, block_size, search_widow_size);
cv::fastNlMeansDenoising(src, dst, h, block_size, search_widow_size);
// fastNonLocalMeans (colored)
PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_WinSz_BlockSz, Denoising_FastNonLocalMeansColored,
Combine(GPU_DENOISING_IMAGE_SIZES, Values<MatDepth>(CV_8U), Values(21), Values(7)))
cv::Size size = GET_PARAM(0);
int depth = GET_PARAM(1);
int channels = GET_PARAM(2);
int search_widow_size = GET_PARAM(3);
int block_size = GET_PARAM(4);
int search_widow_size = GET_PARAM(2);
int block_size = GET_PARAM(3);
float h = 10;
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, channels);
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, 3);
cv::Mat src(size, type);
......@@ -124,22 +171,24 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Sz_Depth_Cn_WinSz_BlockSz, Denoising_FastNonLocalMeans,
if (runOnGpu)
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_src(src);
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_dst;
cv::gpu::fastNlMeansDenoising(d_src, d_dst, h, search_widow_size/2, block_size/2);
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_dst;
cv::gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising fnlmd;
fnlmd.labMethod(d_src, d_dst, h, h, search_widow_size, block_size);
cv::gpu::fastNlMeansDenoising(d_src, d_dst, h, search_widow_size/2, block_size/2);
fnlmd.labMethod(d_src, d_dst, h, h, search_widow_size, block_size);
cv::Mat dst;
cv::fastNlMeansDenoising(src, dst, h, block_size, search_widow_size);
cv::fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(src, dst, h, h, block_size, search_widow_size);
cv::fastNlMeansDenoising(src, dst, h, block_size, search_widow_size);
cv::fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(src, dst, h, h, block_size, search_widow_size);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
template void copyMakeBorder_gpu<uchar, 1>(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int top, int left, int borderMode, const uchar* borderValue, cudaStream_t stream);
//template void copyMakeBorder_gpu<uchar, 2>(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int top, int left, int borderMode, const uchar* borderValue, cudaStream_t stream);
template void copyMakeBorder_gpu<uchar, 2>(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int top, int left, int borderMode, const uchar* borderValue, cudaStream_t stream);
template void copyMakeBorder_gpu<uchar, 3>(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int top, int left, int borderMode, const uchar* borderValue, cudaStream_t stream);
template void copyMakeBorder_gpu<uchar, 4>(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int top, int left, int borderMode, const uchar* borderValue, cudaStream_t stream);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ void cv::gpu::copyMakeBorder(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int top, int bottom
typedef void (*caller_t)(const PtrStepSzb& src, const PtrStepSzb& dst, int top, int left, int borderType, const Scalar& value, cudaStream_t stream);
static const caller_t callers[6][4] =
{ copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 1> , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 2>*/ , copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 3> , copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 4>},
{ copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 1> , copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 2> , copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 3> , copyMakeBorder_caller<uchar, 4>},
{0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<schar, 1>*/, 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<schar, 2>*/ , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<schar, 3>*/, 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<schar, 4>*/},
{ copyMakeBorder_caller<ushort, 1> , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<ushort, 2>*/, copyMakeBorder_caller<ushort, 3> , copyMakeBorder_caller<ushort, 4>},
{ copyMakeBorder_caller<short, 1> , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<short, 2>*/ , copyMakeBorder_caller<short, 3> , copyMakeBorder_caller<short, 4>},
{0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 1>*/ , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 2>*/ , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 3>*/ , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 4>*/},
{0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 1>*/, 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 2>*/ , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int, 3>*/, 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<int , 4>*/},
{ copyMakeBorder_caller<float, 1> , 0/*copyMakeBorder_caller<float, 2>*/ , copyMakeBorder_caller<float, 3> , copyMakeBorder_caller<float ,4>}
......@@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(BilateralFilter, cv::gpu::DeviceInfo, cv::Size, MatType)
TEST_P(BilateralFilter, Accuracy)
cv::Mat src = randomMat(size, type);
//cv::Mat src = readImage("hog/road.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
//cv::Mat src = readImage("csstereobp/aloe-R.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
src.convertTo(src, type);
cv::gpu::GpuMat dst;
......@@ -118,16 +116,16 @@ TEST_P(BruteForceNonLocalMeans, Regression)
cv::cvtColor(bgr, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
GpuMat dbgr, dgray;
cv::gpu::nonLocalMeans(GpuMat(bgr), dbgr, 10);
cv::gpu::nonLocalMeans(GpuMat(gray), dgray, 10);
cv::gpu::nonLocalMeans(GpuMat(bgr), dbgr, 20);
cv::gpu::nonLocalMeans(GpuMat(gray), dgray, 20);
#if 0
dumpImage("denoising/denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::Mat(dbgr));
dumpImage("denoising/denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::Mat(dgray));
dumpImage("denoising/nlm_denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::Mat(dbgr));
dumpImage("denoising/nlm_denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::Mat(dgray));
cv::Mat bgr_gold = readImage("denoising/denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat gray_gold = readImage("denoising/denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat bgr_gold = readImage("denoising/nlm_denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat gray_gold = readImage("denoising/nlm_denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
ASSERT_FALSE(bgr_gold.empty() || gray_gold.empty());
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(bgr_gold, dbgr, 1e-4);
......@@ -156,27 +154,29 @@ TEST_P(FastNonLocalMeans, Regression)
using cv::gpu::GpuMat;
cv::Mat bgr = readImage("denoising/lena_noised_gaussian_sigma=20_multi_0.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat bgr = readImage("denoising/lena_noised_gaussian_sigma=20_multi_0.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat gray;
cv::cvtColor(bgr, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
GpuMat dbgr, dgray;
cv::gpu::fastNlMeansDenoising(GpuMat(gray), dgray, 10);
cv::gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising fnlmd;
fnlmd.simpleMethod(GpuMat(gray), dgray, 20);
fnlmd.labMethod(GpuMat(bgr), dbgr, 20, 10);
#if 0
//dumpImage("denoising/fnlm_denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::Mat(dbgr));
dumpImage("denoising/fnlm_denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::Mat(dgray));
//dumpImage("denoising/fnlm_denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::Mat(dgray));
//cv::Mat bgr_gold = readImage("denoising/denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat bgr_gold = readImage("denoising/fnlm_denoised_lena_bgr.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat gray_gold = readImage("denoising/fnlm_denoised_lena_gray.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
ASSERT_FALSE(/*bgr_gold.empty() || */gray_gold.empty());
//EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(bgr_gold, dbgr, 1e-4);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(gray_gold, dgray, 1e-4);
ASSERT_FALSE(bgr_gold.empty() || gray_gold.empty());
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(bgr_gold, dbgr, 1);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(gray_gold, dgray, 1);
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