Commit 99bae771 authored by Ilya Lysenkov's avatar Ilya Lysenkov

Fixed coefficients order in solvePoly doc (ticket #1060)

parent 518106af
......@@ -2802,7 +2802,7 @@ The roots are stored in the ``roots`` array.
.. cpp:function:: void solvePoly(InputArray coeffs, OutputArray roots, int maxIters=20, int fig=100)
.. cpp:function:: void solvePoly(InputArray coeffs, OutputArray roots, int maxIters=300)
Finds the real or complex roots of a polynomial equation.
......@@ -2812,13 +2812,11 @@ solvePoly
:param maxIters: Maximum number of iterations the algorithm does.
:param fig:
The function ``solvePoly`` finds real and complex roots of a polynomial equation:
.. math::
\texttt{coeffs} [0] x^{n} + \texttt{coeffs} [1] x^{n-1} + ... + \texttt{coeffs} [n-1] x + \texttt{coeffs} [n] = 0
\texttt{coeffs} [n] x^{n} + \texttt{coeffs} [n-1] x^{n-1} + ... + \texttt{coeffs} [1] x + \texttt{coeffs} [0] = 0
.. index:: sort
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