Commit 993773b7 authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

now GPU stereo_bp test prints error mesage and test system continues execution

parent faee1896
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace cv
GpuMat& GpuMat::setTo(const Scalar& /*s*/, const GpuMat& /*mask*/) { throw_nogpu(); return *this; }
GpuMat GpuMat::reshape(int /*new_cn*/, int /*new_rows*/) const { throw_nogpu(); return GpuMat(); }
void GpuMat::create(int /*_rows*/, int /*_cols*/, int /*_type*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void GpuMat::release() { throw_nogpu(); }
void GpuMat::release() {}
void createContinuous(int /*rows*/, int /*cols*/, int /*type*/, GpuMat& /*m*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu {
class MultiGpuManager::Impl {};
MultiGpuManager::MultiGpuManager() { throw_nogpu(); }
MultiGpuManager::~MultiGpuManager() { throw_nogpu(); }
MultiGpuManager::~MultiGpuManager() {}
void MultiGpuManager::init() { throw_nogpu(); }
void MultiGpuManager::gpuOn(int) { throw_nogpu(); }
void MultiGpuManager::gpuOff() { throw_nogpu(); }
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