"{ minDist | 100 | minimum distance between the centers of the detected objects }"
"{ levels | 360 | R-Table levels }"
"{ votesThreshold | 30 | the accumulator threshold for the template centers at the detection stage. The smaller it is, the more false positions may be detected }"
"{ angleThresh | 10000 | angle votes treshold }"
"{ scaleThresh | 1000 | scale votes treshold }"
"{ posThresh | 100 | position votes threshold }"
"{ dp | 2 | inverse ratio of the accumulator resolution to the image resolution }"
"{ minScale | 0.5 | minimal scale to detect }"
"{ maxScale | 2 | maximal scale to detect }"
"{ scaleStep | 0.05 | scale step }"
"{ minAngle | 0 | minimal rotation angle to detect in degrees }"
"{ maxAngle | 360 | maximal rotation angle to detect in degrees }"