Commit 9548093b authored by Vitaly Tuzov's avatar Vitaly Tuzov

Horizontal line processing for pyrDown() reworked using wide universal intrinsics.

parent 3bc9912f
......@@ -1610,6 +1610,16 @@ inline v_int16x16 v_pack_triplets(const v_int16x16& vec)
inline v_uint16x16 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint16x16& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack_triplets(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vec))); }
inline v_int32x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_int32x8& vec)
return v_int32x8(_mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32(vec.val, _mm256_set_epi64x(0x0000000700000007, 0x0000000600000005, 0x0000000400000002, 0x0000000100000000)));
inline v_uint32x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint32x8& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u32(v_pack_triplets(v_reinterpret_as_s32(vec))); }
inline v_float32x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_float32x8& vec)
return v_float32x8(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(vec.val, _mm256_set_epi64x(0x0000000700000007, 0x0000000600000005, 0x0000000400000002, 0x0000000100000000)));
////////// Matrix operations /////////
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b)
......@@ -1908,7 +1908,6 @@ template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<_Tp, n> v_interleave_quads(const v_re
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<_Tp, n> v_pack_triplets(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& vec)
v_reg<float, n> c;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n/4; i++)
c.s[3*i ] = vec.s[4*i ];
......@@ -1597,29 +1597,49 @@ inline v_int8x16 v_lut(const schar* tab, const int* idx)
inline v_int8x16 v_lut_pairs(const schar* tab, const int* idx)
short CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[8] =
schar CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[16] =
tab[idx[0] + 1],
tab[idx[1] + 1],
tab[idx[2] + 1],
tab[idx[3] + 1],
tab[idx[4] + 1],
tab[idx[5] + 1],
tab[idx[6] + 1],
tab[idx[7] + 1]
return v_int8x16(vreinterpretq_s8_s16(vld1q_s16(elems)));
return v_int8x16(vld1q_s8(elems));
inline v_int8x16 v_lut_quads(const schar* tab, const int* idx)
int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[4] =
schar CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[16] =
*(int*)(tab + idx[0]),
*(int*)(tab + idx[1]),
*(int*)(tab + idx[2]),
*(int*)(tab + idx[3])
tab[idx[0] + 1],
tab[idx[0] + 2],
tab[idx[0] + 3],
tab[idx[1] + 1],
tab[idx[1] + 2],
tab[idx[1] + 3],
tab[idx[2] + 1],
tab[idx[2] + 2],
tab[idx[2] + 3],
tab[idx[3] + 1],
tab[idx[3] + 2],
tab[idx[3] + 3]
return v_int8x16(vreinterpretq_s8_s32(vld1q_s32(elems)));
return v_int8x16(vld1q_s8(elems));
inline v_uint8x16 v_lut(const uchar* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u8(v_lut((schar*)tab, idx)); }
inline v_uint8x16 v_lut_pairs(const uchar* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u8(v_lut_pairs((schar*)tab, idx)); }
......@@ -1642,23 +1662,22 @@ inline v_int16x8 v_lut(const short* tab, const int* idx)
inline v_int16x8 v_lut_pairs(const short* tab, const int* idx)
int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[4] =
short CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[8] =
*(int*)(tab + idx[0]),
*(int*)(tab + idx[1]),
*(int*)(tab + idx[2]),
*(int*)(tab + idx[3])
tab[idx[0] + 1],
tab[idx[1] + 1],
tab[idx[2] + 1],
tab[idx[3] + 1]
return v_int16x8(vreinterpretq_s16_s32(vld1q_s32(elems)));
return v_int16x8(vld1q_s16(elems));
inline v_int16x8 v_lut_quads(const short* tab, const int* idx)
int64 CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[2] =
*(int64*)(tab + idx[0]),
*(int64*)(tab + idx[1])
return v_int16x8(vreinterpretq_s16_s64(vld1q_s64(elems)));
return v_int16x8(vcombine_s16(vld1_s16(tab + idx[0]), vld1_s16(tab + idx[1])));
inline v_uint16x8 v_lut(const ushort* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_lut((short*)tab, idx)); }
inline v_uint16x8 v_lut_pairs(const ushort* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_lut_pairs((short*)tab, idx)); }
......@@ -1677,12 +1696,7 @@ inline v_int32x4 v_lut(const int* tab, const int* idx)
inline v_int32x4 v_lut_pairs(const int* tab, const int* idx)
int64 CV_DECL_ALIGNED(32) elems[2] =
*(int64*)(tab + idx[0]),
*(int64*)(tab + idx[1])
return v_int32x4(vreinterpretq_s32_s64(vld1q_s64(elems)));
return v_int32x4(vcombine_s32(vld1_s32(tab + idx[0]), vld1_s32(tab + idx[1])));
inline v_int32x4 v_lut_quads(const int* tab, const int* idx)
......@@ -1800,7 +1814,8 @@ inline v_int16x8 v_interleave_pairs(const v_int16x8& vec)
inline v_uint16x8 v_interleave_pairs(const v_uint16x8& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_interleave_pairs(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vec))); }
inline v_int16x8 v_interleave_quads(const v_int16x8& vec)
return v_int16x8(vreinterpretq_s16_s8(vcombine_s8(vtbl1_s8(vget_low_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_s16(vec.val)), vcreate_s8(0x0b0a030209080100)), vtbl1_s8(vget_high_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_s16(vec.val)), vcreate_s8(0x0b0a030209080100)))));
int16x4x2_t res = vzip_s16(vget_low_s16(vec.val), vget_high_s16(vec.val));
return v_int16x8(vcombine_s16(res.val[0], res.val[1]));
inline v_uint16x8 v_interleave_quads(const v_uint16x8& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_interleave_quads(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vec))); }
......@@ -1824,6 +1839,10 @@ inline v_int16x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_int16x8& vec)
inline v_uint16x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint16x8& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack_triplets(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vec))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_int32x4& vec) { return vec; }
inline v_uint32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint32x4& vec) { return vec; }
inline v_float32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_float32x4& vec) { return vec; }
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
inline v_float64x2 v_lut(const double* tab, const int* idx)
......@@ -2789,7 +2789,7 @@ inline v_int32x4 v_lut_pairs(const int* tab, const int* idx)
inline v_int32x4 v_lut_quads(const int* tab, const int* idx)
return v_int32x4(_mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(tab + idx[0])));
return v_int32x4(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(tab + idx[0])));
inline v_uint32x4 v_lut(const unsigned* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u32(v_lut((const int *)tab, idx)); }
inline v_uint32x4 v_lut_pairs(const unsigned* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u32(v_lut_pairs((const int *)tab, idx)); }
......@@ -2801,7 +2801,7 @@ inline v_int64x2 v_lut(const int64_t* tab, const int* idx)
inline v_int64x2 v_lut_pairs(const int64_t* tab, const int* idx)
return v_int64x2(_mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(tab + idx[0])));
return v_int64x2(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(tab + idx[0])));
inline v_uint64x2 v_lut(const uint64_t* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u64(v_lut((const int64_t *)tab, idx)); }
inline v_uint64x2 v_lut_pairs(const uint64_t* tab, const int* idx) { return v_reinterpret_as_u64(v_lut_pairs((const int64_t *)tab, idx)); }
......@@ -2817,7 +2817,7 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_lut(const double* tab, const int* idx)
return v_float64x2(_mm_setr_pd(tab[idx[0]], tab[idx[1]]));
inline v_float64x2 v_lut_pairs(const double* tab, const int* idx) { return v_float64x2(_mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(tab + idx[0])))); }
inline v_float64x2 v_lut_pairs(const double* tab, const int* idx) { return v_float64x2(_mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(tab + idx[0])))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_lut(const int* tab, const v_int32x4& idxvec)
......@@ -2932,7 +2932,7 @@ inline v_int8x16 v_pack_triplets(const v_int8x16& vec)
return v_int8x16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(vec.val, _mm_set_epi64x(0xffffff0f0e0d0c0a, 0x0908060504020100)));
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
__m128i a = _mm_or_si128(_mm_andnot_si128(mask, vec.val), _mm_and_si128(mask, _mm_sll_epi32(vec.val, _mm_set_epi64x(0, 8))));
__m128i a = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_andnot_si128(mask, vec.val), _mm_and_si128(mask, _mm_sll_epi32(vec.val, _mm_set_epi64x(0, 8)))), 1);
return v_int8x16(_mm_srli_si128(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(a, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)), 2));
......@@ -2948,6 +2948,10 @@ inline v_int16x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_int16x8& vec)
inline v_uint16x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint16x8& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack_triplets(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vec))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_int32x4& vec) { return vec; }
inline v_uint32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint32x4& vec) { return vec; }
inline v_float32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_float32x4& vec) { return vec; }
////////////// FP16 support ///////////////////////////
inline v_float32x4 v_load_expand(const float16_t* ptr)
......@@ -1160,6 +1160,10 @@ inline v_int16x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_int16x8& vec)
inline v_uint16x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint16x8& vec) { return v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack_triplets(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vec))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_int32x4& vec) { return vec; }
inline v_uint32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_uint32x4& vec) { return vec; }
inline v_float32x4 v_pack_triplets(const v_float32x4& vec) { return vec; }
/////// FP16 support ////////
// [TODO] implement these 2 using VSX or universal intrinsics (copy from intrin_sse.cpp and adopt)
......@@ -64,333 +64,662 @@ template<typename T, int shift> struct FltCast
rtype operator ()(type1 arg) const { return arg*(T)(1./(1 << shift)); }
template<typename T1, typename T2> struct PyrDownNoVec
template<typename T1, typename T2, int cn> int PyrDownVecH(const T1*, T2*, int)
int operator()(T1**, T2*, int, int) const { return 0; }
// row[x ] = src[x * 2 + 2*cn ] * 6 + (src[x * 2 + cn ] + src[x * 2 + 3*cn ]) * 4 + src[x * 2 ] + src[x * 2 + 4*cn ];
// row[x + 1] = src[x * 2 + 2*cn+1] * 6 + (src[x * 2 + cn+1] + src[x * 2 + 3*cn+1]) * 4 + src[x * 2 + 1] + src[x * 2 + 4*cn+1];
// ....
// row[x + cn-1] = src[x * 2 + 3*cn-1] * 6 + (src[x * 2 + 2*cn-1] + src[x * 2 + 4*cn-1]) * 4 + src[x * 2 + cn-1] + src[x * 2 + 5*cn-1];
return 0;
template<typename T1, typename T2> struct PyrUpNoVec
template<typename T1, typename T2, int cn> int PyrUpVecH(const T1*, T2*, int)
int operator()(T1**, T2**, int, int) const { return 0; }
return 0;
template<typename T1, typename T2> int PyrDownVecV(T1**, T2*, int) { return 0; }
template<typename T1, typename T2> int PyrUpVecV(T1**, T2**, int) { return 0; }
struct PyrDownVec_32s8u
template<> int PyrDownVecH<uchar, int, 1>(const uchar* src, int* row, int width)
int operator()(int** src, uchar* dst, int, int width) const
int x = 0;
const uchar *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 2, *src4 = src + 3;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src0)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src2)), v_6_4) +
(v_reinterpret_as_s32(vx_load_expand(src4)) >> 16));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<uchar, int, 2>(const uchar* src, int* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const uchar *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 4, *src4 = src + 6;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(v_interleave_pairs(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src0))), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_interleave_pairs(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src2))), v_6_4) +
(v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_interleave_pairs(vx_load_expand(src4))) >> 16));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<uchar, int, 3>(const uchar* src, int* row, int width)
int idx[v_int8::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_int8::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
int x = 0;
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
for( ; x <= width - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes )
v_uint16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, t0, t1;
r0 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r1 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r2 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r3 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row3 + x), vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r4 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row4 + x), vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
t0 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
r0 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row0 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r1 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row1 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r2 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row2 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r3 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row3 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row3 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r4 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row4 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row4 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
t1 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
v_store(dst + x, v_rshr_pack<8>(t0, t1));
if (x <= width - v_int16::nlanes)
v_uint16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, t0;
r0 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r1 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r2 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r3 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row3 + x), vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r4 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row4 + x), vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
t0 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
v_rshr_pack_store<8>(dst + x, t0);
x += v_uint16::nlanes;
typedef int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(1) unaligned_int;
for ( ; x <= width - v_int32x4::nlanes; x += v_int32x4::nlanes)
v_int32x4 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, t0;
r0 = v_load(row0 + x);
r1 = v_load(row1 + x);
r2 = v_load(row2 + x);
r3 = v_load(row3 + x);
r4 = v_load(row4 + x);
t0 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
*((unaligned_int*) (dst + x)) = v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_rshr_pack<8>(v_pack_u(t0, t0), v_setzero_u16())).get0();
idx[i] = 6*i;
idx[i + v_int8::nlanes/4 + 2] = 6*i + 3;
return x;
int x = 0;
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int8::nlanes; x += 3*v_int8::nlanes/4, src += 6*v_int8::nlanes/4, row += 3*v_int8::nlanes/4)
v_uint16 r0l, r0h, r1l, r1h, r2l, r2h, r3l, r3h, r4l, r4h;
v_expand(vx_lut_quads(src, idx ), r0l, r0h);
v_expand(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int8::nlanes/4 + 2), r1l, r1h);
v_expand(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1 ), r2l, r2h);
v_expand(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int8::nlanes/4 + 3), r3l, r3h);
v_expand(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2 ), r4l, r4h);
v_zip(r2l, r1l + r3l, r1l, r3l);
v_zip(r2h, r1h + r3h, r1h, r3h);
r0l += r4l; r0h += r4h;
v_store(row , v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(r1l), v_6_4) + v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_low( r0l))));
v_store(row + 3*v_int32::nlanes/4, v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(r3l), v_6_4) + v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_high(r0l))));
v_store(row + 6*v_int32::nlanes/4, v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(r1h), v_6_4) + v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_low( r0h))));
v_store(row + 9*v_int32::nlanes/4, v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(r3h), v_6_4) + v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_high(r0h))));
struct PyrDownVec_32f
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<uchar, int, 4>(const uchar* src, int* row, int width)
int operator()(float** src, float* dst, int, int width) const
int x = 0;
const uchar *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 8, *src4 = src + 12;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(v_interleave_quads(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src0))), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_interleave_quads(v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src2))), v_6_4) +
(v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_interleave_quads(vx_load_expand(src4))) >> 16));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<short, int, 1>(const short* src, int* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const short *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 2, *src4 = src + 3;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(vx_load(src0), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(vx_load(src2), v_6_4) +
(v_reinterpret_as_s32(vx_load(src4)) >> 16));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<short, int, 2>(const short* src, int* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const short *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 4, *src4 = src + 6;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(v_interleave_pairs(vx_load(src0)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_interleave_pairs(vx_load(src2)), v_6_4) +
(v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_interleave_pairs(vx_load(src4))) >> 16));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<short, int, 3>(const short* src, int* row, int width)
int idx[v_int16::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
int x = 0;
const float *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
idx[i] = 6*i;
idx[i + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2] = 6*i + 3;
v_float32 _4 = vx_setall_f32(4.f), _scale = vx_setall_f32(1.f/256);
for( ; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
r0 = vx_load(row0 + x);
r1 = vx_load(row1 + x);
r2 = vx_load(row2 + x);
r3 = vx_load(row3 + x);
r4 = vx_load(row4 + x);
v_store(dst + x, v_muladd(r1 + r3 + r2, _4, r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2)) * _scale);
int x = 0;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += 3*v_int16::nlanes/4, src += 6*v_int16::nlanes/4, row += 3*v_int16::nlanes/4)
v_int16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2), r0, r1);
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 3), r2, r3);
r4 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2);
v_store(row, v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(r0, v_1_4) + v_dotprod(r2, v_6_4) + v_expand_low(r4)));
v_store(row + 3*v_int32::nlanes/4, v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(r1, v_1_4) + v_dotprod(r3, v_6_4) + v_expand_high(r4)));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<short, int, 4>(const short* src, int* row, int width)
int idx[v_int16::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
idx[i] = 8*i;
idx[i + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2] = 8*i + 4;
return x;
int x = 0;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
for (; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes, src += 2*v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int16::nlanes)
v_int16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2), r0, r1);
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 3), r2, r3);
r4 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2);
v_store(row, v_dotprod(r0, v_1_4) + v_dotprod(r2, v_6_4) + v_expand_low(r4));
v_store(row + v_int32::nlanes, v_dotprod(r1, v_1_4) + v_dotprod(r3, v_6_4) + v_expand_high(r4));
#if CV_SSE4_1 || CV_NEON || CV_VSX
return x;
struct PyrDownVec_32s16u
template<> int PyrDownVecH<ushort, int, 1>(const ushort* src, int* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const ushort *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 2, *src4 = src + 3;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
v_uint16 v_half = vx_setall_u16(0x8000);
v_int32 v_half15 = vx_setall_s32(0x00078000);
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(vx_load(src0), v_half)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(vx_load(src2), v_half)), v_6_4) +
v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_reinterpret_as_u32(vx_load(src4)) >> 16) + v_half15);
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<ushort, int, 2>(const ushort* src, int* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const ushort *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 4, *src4 = src + 6;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
v_uint16 v_half = vx_setall_u16(0x8000);
v_int32 v_half15 = vx_setall_s32(0x00078000);
for (; x <= width - v_int32::nlanes; x += v_int32::nlanes, src0 += v_int16::nlanes, src2 += v_int16::nlanes, src4 += v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int32::nlanes)
v_store(row, v_dotprod(v_interleave_pairs(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(vx_load(src0), v_half))), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_interleave_pairs(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(vx_load(src2), v_half))), v_6_4) +
v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_reinterpret_as_u32(v_interleave_pairs(vx_load(src4))) >> 16) + v_half15);
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<ushort, int, 3>(const ushort* src, int* row, int width)
int operator()(int** src, ushort* dst, int, int width) const
int idx[v_int16::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
int x = 0;
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
idx[i] = 6*i;
idx[i + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2] = 6*i + 3;
for( ; x <= width - v_uint16::nlanes; x += v_uint16::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r31 = vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x),
r41 = vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst + x, v_rshr_pack_u<8>(r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2),
r01 + r41 + (r21 + r21) + ((r11 + r21 + r31) << 2)));
if (x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x);
v_rshr_pack_u_store<8>(dst + x, r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2));
x += v_int32::nlanes;
int x = 0;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
v_uint16 v_half = vx_setall_u16(0x8000);
v_int32 v_half15 = vx_setall_s32(0x00078000);
for (; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += 3*v_int16::nlanes/4, src += 6*v_int16::nlanes/4, row += 3*v_int16::nlanes/4)
v_uint16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2), r0, r1);
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 3), r2, r3);
r4 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2);
v_store(row , v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r0, v_half)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r2, v_half)), v_6_4) +
v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_low(r4)) + v_half15));
v_store(row + 3*v_int32::nlanes/4, v_pack_triplets(v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r1, v_half)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r3, v_half)), v_6_4) +
v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_high(r4)) + v_half15));
return x;
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<ushort, int, 4>(const ushort* src, int* row, int width)
int idx[v_int16::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
idx[i] = 8*i;
idx[i + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2] = 8*i + 4;
int x = 0;
v_int16 v_1_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040001));
v_int16 v_6_4 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_setall_u32(0x00040006));
v_uint16 v_half = vx_setall_u16(0x8000);
v_int32 v_half15 = vx_setall_s32(0x00078000);
for (; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes, src += 2*v_int16::nlanes, row += v_int16::nlanes)
v_uint16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 2), r0, r1);
v_zip(vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1), vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_int16::nlanes/4 + 3), r2, r3);
r4 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2);
v_store(row , v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r0, v_half)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r2, v_half)), v_6_4) +
v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_low(r4)) + v_half15);
v_store(row + v_int32::nlanes, v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r1, v_half)), v_1_4) +
v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_sub_wrap(r3, v_half)), v_6_4) +
v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_expand_high(r4)) + v_half15);
typedef PyrDownNoVec<int, ushort> PyrDownVec_32s16u;
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<float, float, 1>(const float* src, float* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const float *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 2, *src4 = src + 4;
struct PyrDownVec_32s16s
v_float32 _4 = vx_setall_f32(4.f), _6 = vx_setall_f32(6.f);
for (; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes, src0 += 2*v_float32::nlanes, src2 += 2*v_float32::nlanes, src4 += 2*v_float32::nlanes, row+=v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, rtmp;
v_load_deinterleave(src0, r0, r1);
v_load_deinterleave(src2, r2, r3);
v_load_deinterleave(src4, r4, rtmp);
v_store(row, v_muladd(r2, _6, v_muladd(r1 + r3, _4, r0 + r4)));
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<float, float, 2>(const float* src, float* row, int width)
int operator()(int** src, short* dst, int, int width) const
int x = 0;
const float *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 4, *src4 = src + 6;
v_float32 _4 = vx_setall_f32(4.f), _6 = vx_setall_f32(6.f);
for (; x <= width - 2*v_float32::nlanes; x += 2*v_float32::nlanes, src0 += 4*v_float32::nlanes, src2 += 4*v_float32::nlanes, src4 += 4*v_float32::nlanes, row += 2*v_float32::nlanes)
int x = 0;
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
v_float32 r0a, r0b, r1a, r1b, r2a, r2b, r3a, r3b, r4a, r4b, rtmpa, rtmpb;
v_load_deinterleave(src0, r0a, r0b, r1a, r1b);
v_load_deinterleave(src2, r2a, r2b, r3a, r3b);
v_load_deinterleave(src4, rtmpa, rtmpb, r4a, r4b);
v_store_interleave(row, v_muladd(r2a, _6, v_muladd(r1a + r3a, _4, r0a + r4a)), v_muladd(r2b, _6, v_muladd(r1b + r3b, _4, r0b + r4b)));
for( ; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r31 = vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x),
r41 = vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst + x, v_rshr_pack<8>(r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2),
r01 + r41 + (r21 + r21) + ((r11 + r21 + r31) << 2)));
if (x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x);
v_rshr_pack_store<8>(dst + x, r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2));
x += v_int32::nlanes;
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<float, float, 3>(const float* src, float* row, int width)
int idx[v_float32::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_float32::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
idx[i] = 6*i;
idx[i + v_float32::nlanes/4 + 2] = 6*i + 3;
return x;
int x = 0;
v_float32 _4 = vx_setall_f32(4.f), _6 = vx_setall_f32(6.f);
for (; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += 3*v_float32::nlanes/4, src += 6*v_float32::nlanes/4, row += 3*v_float32::nlanes/4)
v_float32 r0 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx);
v_float32 r1 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_float32::nlanes/4 + 2);
v_float32 r2 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1);
v_float32 r3 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_float32::nlanes/4 + 3);
v_float32 r4 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2);
v_store(row, v_pack_triplets(v_muladd(r2, _6, v_muladd(r1 + r3, _4, r0 + r4))));
struct PyrUpVec_32s8u
return x;
template<> int PyrDownVecH<float, float, 4>(const float* src, float* row, int width)
int operator()(int** src, uchar** dst, int, int width) const
int idx[v_float32::nlanes/2 + 4];
for (int i = 0; i < v_float32::nlanes/4 + 2; i++)
int x = 0;
uchar *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
idx[i] = 8*i;
idx[i + v_float32::nlanes/4 + 2] = 8*i + 4;
for( ; x <= width - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes)
v_int16 v_r00 = v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r01 = v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x + 2 * v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row0 + x + 3 * v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r10 = v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r11 = v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x + 2 * v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row1 + x + 3 * v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r20 = v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r21 = v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x + 2 * v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row2 + x + 3 * v_int32::nlanes));
v_int16 v_2r10 = v_r10 + v_r10, v_2r11 = (v_r11 + v_r11);
v_store(dst0 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>(v_r00 + v_r20 + (v_2r10 + v_2r10 + v_2r10), v_r01 + v_r21 + (v_2r11 + v_2r11 + v_2r11)));
v_store(dst1 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>((v_r10 + v_r20) << 2, (v_r11 + v_r21) << 2));
if(x <= width - v_uint16::nlanes)
v_int16 v_r00 = v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r10 = v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r20 = v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes));
v_int16 v_2r10 = v_r10 + v_r10;
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst0 + x, v_r00 + v_r20 + (v_2r10 + v_2r10 + v_2r10));
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst1 + x, (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
x += v_uint16::nlanes;
for (; x <= width - v_int32x4::nlanes; x += v_int32x4::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_int32 v_2r10 = v_r10 + v_r10;
v_int16 d = v_pack(v_r00 + v_r20 + (v_2r10 + v_2r10 + v_2r10), (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
*(int*)(dst0 + x) = v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_rshr_pack_u<6>(d, vx_setzero_s16())).get0();
*(int*)(dst1 + x) = v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_rshr_pack_u<6>(v_combine_high(d, d), vx_setzero_s16())).get0();
int x = 0;
v_float32 _4 = vx_setall_f32(4.f), _6 = vx_setall_f32(6.f);
for (; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes, src += 2*v_float32::nlanes, row += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32 r0 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx);
v_float32 r1 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_float32::nlanes/4 + 2);
v_float32 r2 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 1);
v_float32 r3 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + v_float32::nlanes/4 + 3);
v_float32 r4 = vx_lut_quads(src, idx + 2);
v_store(row, v_muladd(r2, _6, v_muladd(r1 + r3, _4, r0 + r4)));
return x;
#if CV_SIMD_64F
template<> int PyrDownVecH<double, double, 1>(const double* src, double* row, int width)
int x = 0;
const double *src0 = src, *src2 = src + 2, *src4 = src + 4;
return x;
v_float64 _4 = vx_setall_f64(4.f), _6 = vx_setall_f64(6.f);
for (; x <= width - v_float64::nlanes; x += v_float64::nlanes, src0 += 2*v_float64::nlanes, src2 += 2*v_float64::nlanes, src4 += 2*v_float64::nlanes, row += v_float64::nlanes)
v_float64 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, rtmp;
v_load_deinterleave(src0, r0, r1);
v_load_deinterleave(src2, r2, r3);
v_load_deinterleave(src4, r4, rtmp);
v_store(row, v_muladd(r2, _6, v_muladd(r1 + r3, _4, r0 + r4)));
return x;
struct PyrUpVec_32s16s
template<> int PyrDownVecV<int, uchar>(int** src, uchar* dst, int width)
int operator()(int** src, short** dst, int, int width) const
int x = 0;
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
for( ; x <= width - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes )
v_uint16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, t0, t1;
r0 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r1 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r2 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r3 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row3 + x), vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r4 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row4 + x), vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
t0 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
r0 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row0 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r1 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row1 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r2 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row2 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r3 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row3 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row3 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
r4 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row4 + x + 2*v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row4 + x + 3*v_int32::nlanes)));
t1 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
v_store(dst + x, v_rshr_pack<8>(t0, t1));
if (x <= width - v_int16::nlanes)
int x = 0;
short *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
v_uint16 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, t0;
r0 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r1 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r2 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r3 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row3 + x), vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
r4 = v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(vx_load(row4 + x), vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes)));
t0 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
v_rshr_pack_store<8>(dst + x, t0);
x += v_uint16::nlanes;
typedef int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(1) unaligned_int;
for ( ; x <= width - v_int32x4::nlanes; x += v_int32x4::nlanes)
v_int32x4 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, t0;
r0 = v_load(row0 + x);
r1 = v_load(row1 + x);
r2 = v_load(row2 + x);
r3 = v_load(row3 + x);
r4 = v_load(row4 + x);
t0 = r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2) + ((r1 + r3 + r2) << 2);
*((unaligned_int*) (dst + x)) = v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_rshr_pack<8>(v_pack_u(t0, t0), v_setzero_u16())).get0();
for( ; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
v_r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst0 + x, v_rshr_pack<6>(v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)), v_r01 + v_r21 + ((v_r11 << 1) + (v_r11 << 2))));
v_store(dst1 + x, v_rshr_pack<6>((v_r10 + v_r20) << 2, (v_r11 + v_r21) << 2));
if(x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_rshr_pack_store<6>(dst0 + x, v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)));
v_rshr_pack_store<6>(dst1 + x, (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
x += v_int32::nlanes;
return x;
return x;
template <>
int PyrDownVecV<float, float>(float** src, float* dst, int width)
int x = 0;
const float *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
v_float32 _4 = vx_setall_f32(4.f), _scale = vx_setall_f32(1.f/256);
for( ; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
r0 = vx_load(row0 + x);
r1 = vx_load(row1 + x);
r2 = vx_load(row2 + x);
r3 = vx_load(row3 + x);
r4 = vx_load(row4 + x);
v_store(dst + x, v_muladd(r1 + r3 + r2, _4, r0 + r4 + (r2 + r2)) * _scale);
#if CV_SSE4_1 || CV_NEON || CV_VSX
return x;
struct PyrUpVec_32s16u
template <> int PyrDownVecV<int, ushort>(int** src, ushort* dst, int width)
int operator()(int** src, ushort** dst, int, int width) const
int x = 0;
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
for( ; x <= width - v_uint16::nlanes; x += v_uint16::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r31 = vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x),
r41 = vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst + x, v_rshr_pack_u<8>(r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2),
r01 + r41 + (r21 + r21) + ((r11 + r21 + r31) << 2)));
if (x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
int x = 0;
ushort *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x);
v_rshr_pack_u_store<8>(dst + x, r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2));
x += v_int32::nlanes;
for( ; x <= width - v_uint16::nlanes; x += v_uint16::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
v_r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst0 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>(v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)), v_r01 + v_r21 + ((v_r11 << 1) + (v_r11 << 2))));
v_store(dst1 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>((v_r10 + v_r20) << 2, (v_r11 + v_r21) << 2));
if(x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst0 + x, v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)));
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst1 + x, (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
x += v_int32::nlanes;
return x;
return x;
template <> int PyrDownVecV<int, short>(int** src, short* dst, int width)
int x = 0;
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2], *row3 = src[3], *row4 = src[4];
for( ; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r31 = vx_load(row3 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x),
r41 = vx_load(row4 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst + x, v_rshr_pack<8>(r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2),
r01 + r41 + (r21 + r21) + ((r11 + r21 + r31) << 2)));
if (x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
v_int32 r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
r30 = vx_load(row3 + x),
r40 = vx_load(row4 + x);
v_rshr_pack_store<8>(dst + x, r00 + r40 + (r20 + r20) + ((r10 + r20 + r30) << 2));
x += v_int32::nlanes;
return x;
typedef PyrUpNoVec<int, ushort> PyrUpVec_32s16u;
template <> int PyrUpVecV<int, uchar>(int** src, uchar** dst, int width)
int x = 0;
uchar *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
#endif // CV_SSE4_1
for( ; x <= width - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes)
v_int16 v_r00 = v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r01 = v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x + 2 * v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row0 + x + 3 * v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r10 = v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r11 = v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x + 2 * v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row1 + x + 3 * v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r20 = v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r21 = v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x + 2 * v_int32::nlanes), vx_load(row2 + x + 3 * v_int32::nlanes));
v_int16 v_2r10 = v_r10 + v_r10, v_2r11 = (v_r11 + v_r11);
v_store(dst0 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>(v_r00 + v_r20 + (v_2r10 + v_2r10 + v_2r10), v_r01 + v_r21 + (v_2r11 + v_2r11 + v_2r11)));
v_store(dst1 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>((v_r10 + v_r20) << 2, (v_r11 + v_r21) << 2));
if(x <= width - v_uint16::nlanes)
v_int16 v_r00 = v_pack(vx_load(row0 + x), vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r10 = v_pack(vx_load(row1 + x), vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes)),
v_r20 = v_pack(vx_load(row2 + x), vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes));
v_int16 v_2r10 = v_r10 + v_r10;
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst0 + x, v_r00 + v_r20 + (v_2r10 + v_2r10 + v_2r10));
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst1 + x, (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
x += v_uint16::nlanes;
typedef int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(1) unaligned_int;
for (; x <= width - v_int32x4::nlanes; x += v_int32x4::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_int32 v_2r10 = v_r10 + v_r10;
v_int16 d = v_pack(v_r00 + v_r20 + (v_2r10 + v_2r10 + v_2r10), (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
*(unaligned_int*)(dst0 + x) = v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_rshr_pack_u<6>(d, vx_setzero_s16())).get0();
*(unaligned_int*)(dst1 + x) = v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_rshr_pack_u<6>(v_combine_high(d, d), vx_setzero_s16())).get0();
struct PyrUpVec_32f
return x;
template <> int PyrUpVecV<int, short>(int** src, short** dst, int width)
int operator()(float** src, float** dst, int, int width) const
int x = 0;
short *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
for( ; x <= width - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
v_r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst0 + x, v_rshr_pack<6>(v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)), v_r01 + v_r21 + ((v_r11 << 1) + (v_r11 << 2))));
v_store(dst1 + x, v_rshr_pack<6>((v_r10 + v_r20) << 2, (v_r11 + v_r21) << 2));
if(x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
int x = 0;
const float *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
float *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_rshr_pack_store<6>(dst0 + x, v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)));
v_rshr_pack_store<6>(dst1 + x, (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
x += v_int32::nlanes;
v_float32 v_6 = vx_setall_f32(6.0f), v_scale = vx_setall_f32(1.f/64.f), v_scale4 = vx_setall_f32(1.f/16.f);
for( ; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32 v_r0 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r1 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r2 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_store(dst1 + x, v_scale4 * (v_r1 + v_r2));
v_store(dst0 + x, v_scale * (v_muladd(v_6, v_r1, v_r0) + v_r2));
return x;
template <> int PyrUpVecV<int, ushort>(int** src, ushort** dst, int width)
int x = 0;
ushort *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
const int *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
return x;
for( ; x <= width - v_uint16::nlanes; x += v_uint16::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r01 = vx_load(row0 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r11 = vx_load(row1 + x + v_int32::nlanes),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x),
v_r21 = vx_load(row2 + x + v_int32::nlanes);
v_store(dst0 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>(v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)), v_r01 + v_r21 + ((v_r11 << 1) + (v_r11 << 2))));
v_store(dst1 + x, v_rshr_pack_u<6>((v_r10 + v_r20) << 2, (v_r11 + v_r21) << 2));
if(x <= width - v_int32::nlanes)
v_int32 v_r00 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r10 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r20 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst0 + x, v_r00 + v_r20 + ((v_r10 << 1) + (v_r10 << 2)));
v_rshr_pack_u_store<6>(dst1 + x, (v_r10 + v_r20) << 2);
x += v_int32::nlanes;
return x;
template <> int PyrUpVecV<float, float>(float** src, float** dst, int width)
int x = 0;
const float *row0 = src[0], *row1 = src[1], *row2 = src[2];
float *dst0 = dst[0], *dst1 = dst[1];
typedef PyrDownNoVec<int, uchar> PyrDownVec_32s8u;
typedef PyrDownNoVec<int, ushort> PyrDownVec_32s16u;
typedef PyrDownNoVec<int, short> PyrDownVec_32s16s;
typedef PyrDownNoVec<float, float> PyrDownVec_32f;
v_float32 v_6 = vx_setall_f32(6.0f), v_scale = vx_setall_f32(1.f/64.f), v_scale4 = vx_setall_f32(1.f/16.f);
for( ; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32 v_r0 = vx_load(row0 + x),
v_r1 = vx_load(row1 + x),
v_r2 = vx_load(row2 + x);
v_store(dst1 + x, v_scale4 * (v_r1 + v_r2));
v_store(dst0 + x, v_scale * (v_muladd(v_6, v_r1, v_r0) + v_r2));
typedef PyrUpNoVec<int, uchar> PyrUpVec_32s8u;
typedef PyrUpNoVec<int, short> PyrUpVec_32s16s;
typedef PyrUpNoVec<int, ushort> PyrUpVec_32s16u;
typedef PyrUpNoVec<float, float> PyrUpVec_32f;
return x;
template<class CastOp, class VecOp> void
template<class CastOp> void
pyrDown_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int borderType )
const int PD_SZ = 5;
......@@ -408,7 +737,6 @@ pyrDown_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int borderType )
int* tabM =;
WT* rows[PD_SZ];
CastOp castOp;
VecOp vecOp;
CV_Assert( ssize.width > 0 && ssize.height > 0 &&
std::abs(dsize.width*2 - ssize.width) <= 2 &&
......@@ -460,12 +788,25 @@ pyrDown_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int borderType )
if( cn == 1 )
x += PyrDownVecH<T, WT, 1>(src + x * 2 - 2, row + x, width0 - x);
for( ; x < width0; x++ )
row[x] = src[x*2]*6 + (src[x*2 - 1] + src[x*2 + 1])*4 +
src[x*2 - 2] + src[x*2 + 2];
else if( cn == 2 )
x += PyrDownVecH<T, WT, 2>(src + x * 2 - 4, row + x, width0 - x);
for( ; x < width0; x += 2 )
const T* s = src + x*2;
WT t0 = s[0] * 6 + (s[-2] + s[2]) * 4 + s[-4] + s[4];
WT t1 = s[1] * 6 + (s[-1] + s[3]) * 4 + s[-3] + s[5];
row[x] = t0; row[x + 1] = t1;
else if( cn == 3 )
x += PyrDownVecH<T, WT, 3>(src + x * 2 - 6, row + x, width0 - x);
for( ; x < width0; x += 3 )
const T* s = src + x*2;
......@@ -477,6 +818,7 @@ pyrDown_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int borderType )
else if( cn == 4 )
x += PyrDownVecH<T, WT, 4>(src + x * 2 - 8, row + x, width0 - x);
for( ; x < width0; x += 4 )
const T* s = src + x*2;
......@@ -508,14 +850,14 @@ pyrDown_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int borderType )
rows[k] = buf + ((y*2 - PD_SZ/2 + k - sy0) % PD_SZ)*bufstep;
row0 = rows[0]; row1 = rows[1]; row2 = rows[2]; row3 = rows[3]; row4 = rows[4];
x = vecOp(rows, dst, (int)_dst.step, dsize.width);
x = PyrDownVecV<WT, T>(rows, dst, dsize.width);
for( ; x < dsize.width; x++ )
dst[x] = castOp(row2[x]*6 + (row1[x] + row3[x])*4 + row0[x] + row4[x]);
template<class CastOp, class VecOp> void
template<class CastOp> void
pyrUp_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int)
const int PU_SZ = 3;
......@@ -532,7 +874,7 @@ pyrUp_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int)
WT* rows[PU_SZ];
T* dsts[2];
CastOp castOp;
VecOp vecOp;
//PyrUpVecH<T, WT> vecOpH;
CV_Assert( std::abs(dsize.width - ssize.width*2) == dsize.width % 2 &&
std::abs(dsize.height - ssize.height*2) == dsize.height % 2);
......@@ -598,7 +940,7 @@ pyrUp_( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int)
row0 = rows[0]; row1 = rows[1]; row2 = rows[2];
dsts[0] = dst0; dsts[1] = dst1;
x = vecOp(rows, dsts, (int)_dst.step, dsize.width);
x = PyrUpVecV<WT, T>(rows, dsts, dsize.width);
for( ; x < dsize.width; x++ )
T t1 = castOp((row1[x] + row2[x])*4);
......@@ -912,15 +1254,15 @@ void cv::pyrDown( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borde
PyrFunc func = 0;
if( depth == CV_8U )
func = pyrDown_<FixPtCast<uchar, 8>, PyrDownVec_32s8u>;
func = pyrDown_< FixPtCast<uchar, 8> >;
else if( depth == CV_16S )
func = pyrDown_<FixPtCast<short, 8>, PyrDownVec_32s16s >;
func = pyrDown_< FixPtCast<short, 8> >;
else if( depth == CV_16U )
func = pyrDown_<FixPtCast<ushort, 8>, PyrDownVec_32s16u >;
func = pyrDown_< FixPtCast<ushort, 8> >;
else if( depth == CV_32F )
func = pyrDown_<FltCast<float, 8>, PyrDownVec_32f>;
func = pyrDown_< FltCast<float, 8> >;
else if( depth == CV_64F )
func = pyrDown_<FltCast<double, 8>, PyrDownNoVec<double, double> >;
func = pyrDown_< FltCast<double, 8> >;
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );
......@@ -1020,15 +1362,15 @@ void cv::pyrUp( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderT
PyrFunc func = 0;
if( depth == CV_8U )
func = pyrUp_<FixPtCast<uchar, 6>, PyrUpVec_32s8u >;
func = pyrUp_< FixPtCast<uchar, 6> >;
else if( depth == CV_16S )
func = pyrUp_<FixPtCast<short, 6>, PyrUpVec_32s16s >;
func = pyrUp_< FixPtCast<short, 6> >;
else if( depth == CV_16U )
func = pyrUp_<FixPtCast<ushort, 6>, PyrUpVec_32s16u >;
func = pyrUp_< FixPtCast<ushort, 6> >;
else if( depth == CV_32F )
func = pyrUp_<FltCast<float, 6>, PyrUpVec_32f >;
func = pyrUp_< FltCast<float, 6> >;
else if( depth == CV_64F )
func = pyrUp_<FltCast<double, 6>, PyrUpNoVec<double, double> >;
func = pyrUp_< FltCast<double, 6> >;
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );
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