Commit 935c02c0 authored by atalaman's avatar atalaman Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #13851 from TolyaTalamanov:at/new-kernel-package-design

G-API: Kernel package design (#13851)

* Remove cv::unite_policy from API

* Add check that all id in kernel package are unique

* Refactor checker id procedure

* Remove cv::gapi::GLookupOrder from API

* Implement cv::gapi::use_only

* Fix samples

* Fix docs

* Fix comments to review

* Remove unite_policy

* Fix GKernelPackage::backends()

* Fix comments to review

* Fix all_unique

* Fix comments to review

* Fix comments to review

* Remove out of date tests
parent de977cc9
......@@ -306,25 +306,17 @@ G-API to utilize appropriate Fluid functions in our graph.
Kernel packages are combinable -- in the above example, we take "Core"
and "ImgProc" Fluid kernel packages and combine it into a single
one. See documentation reference on cv::gapi::combine and
cv::unite_policy on package combination options.
one. See documentation reference on cv::gapi::combine.
If no kernel packages are specified in options, G-API is using
_default_ package which consists of default OpenCV implementations and
thus G-API graphs are executed via OpenCV functions by default. OpenCV
backend provides broader functional coverage than any other
backend. If a kernel package is specified, like in this example, then
it is being combined with the _default_ one with
cv::unite_policy::REPLACE. It means that user-specified
implementations will replace default implementations in case of
it is being combined with the _default_.
It means that user-specified implementations will replace default implementations in case of
Kernel packages may contain a mix of kernels, in particular, multiple
implementations of the same kernel. For example, a single kernel
package may contain both OpenCV and Fluid implementations of kernel
"Filter2D". In this case, the implementation selection preference can
be specified with a special compilation parameter cv::gapi::lookup_order.
<!-- FIXME Document this process better as a part of regular -->
<!-- documentation, not a tutorial kind of thing -->
......@@ -43,13 +43,12 @@ namespace cpu
* stack. Every backend is hardware-oriented and thus can run its
* kernels efficiently on the target platform.
* Backends are usually "back boxes" for G-API users -- on the API
* Backends are usually "black boxes" for G-API users -- on the API
* side, all backends are represented as different objects of the
* same class cv::gapi::GBackend. User can manipulate with backends
* mainly by specifying which kernels to use or where to look up
* for kernels first.
* same class cv::gapi::GBackend.
* User can manipulate with backends by specifying which kernels to use.
* @sa @ref gapi_hld, cv::gapi::lookup_order()
* @sa @ref gapi_hld
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include <type_traits> // false_type, true_type
#include <unordered_map> // map (for GKernelPackage)
#include <utility> // tuple
#include <vector> // lookup order
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp> // CompileArgTag
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/util.hpp> // Seq
......@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@
#include <opencv2/gapi/gtype_traits.hpp> // GTypeTraits
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/compiler_hints.hpp> //suppress_unused_warning
namespace cv {
using GShapes = std::vector<GShape>;
......@@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ namespace detail
template<typename T> struct Yield;
template<> struct Yield<cv::GMat>
......@@ -248,13 +245,6 @@ public:
namespace cv
// Declare <unite> in cv:: namespace
enum class unite_policy
namespace gapi
// Prework: model "Device" API before it gets to G-API headers.
......@@ -303,33 +293,6 @@ namespace gapi {
* @{
// Lookup order is in fact a vector of Backends to traverse during look-up
* @brief Priority list of backends to use during kernel
* resolution process.
* Priority is descending -- the first backend in the list has the
* top priority, and the last one has the lowest priority.
* If there's multiple implementations available for a kernel at
* the moment of graph compilation, a kernel (and thus a backend)
* will be selected according to this order (if the parameter is passed).
* Default order is not specified (and by default, only
* CPU(OpenCV) backend is involved in graph compilation).
using GLookupOrder = std::vector<GBackend>;
* @brief Create a backend lookup order -- priority list of
* backends to use during graph compilation process.
* @sa GLookupOrder, @ref gapi_std_backends
inline GLookupOrder lookup_order(std::initializer_list<GBackend> &&list)
return GLookupOrder(std::move(list));
// FIXME: Hide implementation
* @brief A container class for heterogeneous kernel
......@@ -353,20 +316,16 @@ namespace gapi {
* one since G-API kernel implementations are _types_, not objects.
* Finally, two kernel packages can be combined into a new one
* with function cv::gapi::combine(). There are different rules
* apply to this process, see also cv::gapi::unite_policy for
* details.
* with function cv::gapi::combine().
class GAPI_EXPORTS GKernelPackage
/// @private
using S = std::unordered_map<std::string, GKernelImpl>;
/// @private
using M = std::unordered_map<GBackend, S>;
using M = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<GBackend, GKernelImpl>>;
/// @private
M m_backend_kernels;
M m_id_kernels;
/// @private
......@@ -398,10 +357,9 @@ namespace gapi {
template<typename KImpl>
bool includes() const
const auto set_iter = m_backend_kernels.find(KImpl::backend());
return (set_iter != m_backend_kernels.end())
? (set_iter->second.count(KImpl::API::id()) > 0)
: false;
auto kernel_it = m_id_kernels.find(KImpl::API::id());
return kernel_it != m_id_kernels.end() &&
kernel_it->second.first == KImpl::backend();
......@@ -439,47 +397,37 @@ namespace gapi {
* @brief Find a kernel (by its API), given the look-up order.
* @brief Find a kernel (by its API)
* If order is empty, returns first suitable implementation.
* Returns implementation corresponding id.
* Throws if nothing found.
* @return Backend which hosts matching kernel implementation.
* @sa cv::gapi::lookup_order
template<typename KAPI>
GBackend lookup(const GLookupOrder &order = {}) const
GBackend lookup() const
return lookup(KAPI::id(), order).first;
return lookup(KAPI::id()).first;
/// @private
std::pair<cv::gapi::GBackend, cv::GKernelImpl>
lookup(const std::string &id, const GLookupOrder &order = {}) const;
lookup(const std::string &id) const;
// FIXME: No overwrites allowed?
* @brief Put a new kernel implementation KImpl into package.
* @param up unite policy to use. If the package has already
* implementation for this kernel (probably from another
* backend), and cv::unite_policy::KEEP is passed, the
* existing implementation remains in package; on
* cv::unite_policy::REPLACE all other existing
* implementations are first dropped from the package.
template<typename KImpl>
void include(const cv::unite_policy up = cv::unite_policy::KEEP)
void include()
auto backend = KImpl::backend();
auto kernel_id = KImpl::API::id();
auto kernel_impl = GKernelImpl{KImpl::kernel()};
if (up == cv::unite_policy::REPLACE) removeAPI(kernel_id);
else GAPI_Assert(up == cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
// Regardless of the policy, store new impl in its storage slot.
m_backend_kernels[backend][kernel_id] = std::move(kernel_impl);
m_id_kernels[kernel_id] = std::make_pair(backend, kernel_impl);
......@@ -492,23 +440,14 @@ namespace gapi {
// TODO: Doxygen bug -- it wants me to place this comment
// here, not below.
* @brief Create a new package based on `lhs` and `rhs`,
* with unity policy defined by `policy`.
* @brief Create a new package based on `lhs` and `rhs`.
* @param lhs "Left-hand-side" package in the process
* @param rhs "Right-hand-side" package in the process
* @param policy Unite policy which is used in case of conflicts
* -- when the same kernel API is implemented in both packages by
* different backends; cv::unite_policy::KEEP keeps both
* implementation in the resulting package, while
* cv::unite_policy::REPLACE gives precedence two kernels from
* "Right-hand-side".
* @return a new kernel package.
friend GAPI_EXPORTS GKernelPackage combine(const GKernelPackage &lhs,
const GKernelPackage &rhs,
const cv::unite_policy policy);
const GKernelPackage &rhs);
......@@ -540,6 +479,7 @@ namespace gapi {
// and parentheses are used to hide function call in the expanded sequence.
// Leading 0 helps to handle case when KK is an empty list (kernels<>()).
static_assert(detail::all_unique<typename KK::API...>::value, "Kernels API must be unique");
int unused[] = { 0, (pkg.include<KK>(), 0)... };
return pkg;
......@@ -548,8 +488,17 @@ namespace gapi {
/** @} */
GAPI_EXPORTS GKernelPackage combine(const GKernelPackage &lhs,
const GKernelPackage &rhs,
const cv::unite_policy policy);
const GKernelPackage &rhs);
* @brief cv::use_only() is a special combinator which hints G-API to use only
* kernels specified in cv::GComputation::compile() (and not to extend kernels available by
* default with that package).
struct GAPI_EXPORTS use_only
GKernelPackage pkg;
} // namespace gapi
namespace detail
......@@ -558,9 +507,10 @@ namespace detail
static const char* tag() { return "gapi.kernel_package"; }
template<> struct CompileArgTag<cv::gapi::GLookupOrder>
template<> struct CompileArgTag<cv::gapi::use_only>
static const char* tag() { return "gapi.lookup_order"; }
static const char* tag() { return "gapi.use_only"; }
} // namespace detail
} // namespace cv
......@@ -84,6 +84,19 @@ namespace detail
static constexpr const std::size_t value = S;
template <typename...>
struct contains : std::false_type{};
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Ts>
struct contains<T1, T2, Ts...> : std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<T1, T2>::value ||
contains<T1, Ts...>::value> {};
template <typename...>
struct all_unique : std::true_type{};
template <typename T1, typename... Ts>
struct all_unique<T1, Ts...> : std::integral_constant<bool, !contains<T1, Ts...>::value &&
all_unique<Ts...>::value> {};
} // namespace detail
} // namespace cv
......@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//! [apply_with_param]
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage kernels = cv::gapi::combine
sobelEdge.apply(input, output, cv::compile_args(kernels));
//! [apply_with_param]
......@@ -20,128 +20,73 @@
// GKernelPackage public implementation ////////////////////////////////////////
void cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::remove(const cv::gapi::GBackend& backend)
std::vector<std::string> id_deleted_kernels;
for (const auto& p : m_id_kernels)
if (p.second.first == backend)
for (const auto& kernel_id : id_deleted_kernels)
bool cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::includesAPI(const std::string &id) const
// In current form not very efficient (n * log n)
auto it = std::find_if(m_backend_kernels.begin(),
[&id](const M::value_type &p) {
return ade::util::contains(p.second, id);
return (it != m_backend_kernels.end());
return ade::util::contains(m_id_kernels, id);
void cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::removeAPI(const std::string &id)
for (auto &bk : m_backend_kernels)
std::size_t cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::size() const
return std::accumulate(m_backend_kernels.begin(),
[](std::size_t acc, const M::value_type& v) {
return acc + v.second.size();
return m_id_kernels.size();
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage cv::gapi::combine(const GKernelPackage &lhs,
const GKernelPackage &rhs,
const cv::unite_policy policy)
const GKernelPackage &rhs)
if (policy == cv::unite_policy::REPLACE)
// REPLACE policy: if there is a collision, prefer RHS
// to LHS
// If there is a collision, prefer RHS to LHS
// since RHS package has a precedense, start with its copy
GKernelPackage result(rhs);
// now iterate over LHS package and put kernel if and only
// if there's no such one
for (const auto &backend : lhs.m_backend_kernels)
for (const auto& kernel : lhs.m_id_kernels)
for (const auto &kimpl : backend.second)
if (!result.includesAPI(kernel.first))
if (!result.includesAPI(kimpl.first))
result.m_id_kernels.emplace(kernel.first, kernel.second);
return result;
else if (policy == cv::unite_policy::KEEP)
// KEEP policy: if there is a collision, just keep two versions
// of a kernel
GKernelPackage result(lhs);
for (const auto &p : rhs.m_backend_kernels)
return result;
else GAPI_Assert(false);
return GKernelPackage();
std::pair<cv::gapi::GBackend, cv::GKernelImpl>
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::lookup(const std::string &id,
const GLookupOrder &order) const
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::lookup(const std::string &id) const
if (order.empty())
auto kernel_it = m_id_kernels.find(id);
if (kernel_it != m_id_kernels.end())
// If order is empty, return what comes first
auto it = std::find_if(m_backend_kernels.begin(),
[&id](const M::value_type &p) {
return ade::util::contains(p.second, id);
if (it != m_backend_kernels.end())
// FIXME: Two lookups!
return std::make_pair(it->first, it->second.find(id)->second);
return kernel_it->second;
// There is order, so:
// 1. Limit search scope only to specified backends
// FIXME: Currently it is not configurable if search can fall-back
// to other backends (not listed in order) if kernel hasn't been found
// in the look-up list
// 2. Query backends in the specified order
for (const auto &selected_backend : order)
const auto kernels_it = m_backend_kernels.find(selected_backend);
if (kernels_it == m_backend_kernels.end())
"Backend "
<< &selected_backend.priv() // FIXME: name instead
<< " was listed in lookup list but was not found "
"in the package");
if (ade::util::contains(kernels_it->second, id))
// FIXME: two lookups!
return std::make_pair(selected_backend, kernels_it->second.find(id)->second);
// If reached here, kernel was not found among selected backends.
// If reached here, kernel was not found.
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Kernel " + id + " was not found"));
std::vector<cv::gapi::GBackend> cv::gapi::GKernelPackage::backends() const
std::vector<cv::gapi::GBackend> result;
for (const auto &p : m_backend_kernels) result.emplace_back(p.first);
return result;
using kernel_type = std::pair<std::string, std::pair<cv::gapi::GBackend, cv::GKernelImpl>>;
std::unordered_set<cv::gapi::GBackend> unique_set;
ade::util::transform(m_id_kernels, std::inserter(unique_set, unique_set.end()),
[](const kernel_type& k) { return k.second.first; });
return std::vector<cv::gapi::GBackend>(unique_set.begin(), unique_set.end());
......@@ -48,16 +48,19 @@ namespace
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage getKernelPackage(cv::GCompileArgs &args)
auto has_use_only = cv::gimpl::getCompileArg<cv::gapi::use_only>(args);
if (has_use_only)
return has_use_only.value().pkg;
static auto ocv_pkg =
#if !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
#endif // !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
auto user_pkg = cv::gimpl::getCompileArg<cv::gapi::GKernelPackage>(args);
return combine(ocv_pkg, user_pkg.value_or(cv::gapi::GKernelPackage{}), cv::unite_policy::REPLACE);
return combine(ocv_pkg, user_pkg.value_or(cv::gapi::GKernelPackage{}));
cv::util::optional<std::string> getGraphDumpDirectory(cv::GCompileArgs& args)
......@@ -87,7 +90,6 @@ cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GCompiler(const cv::GComputation &c,
using namespace std::placeholders;
m_all_kernels = getKernelPackage(m_args);
auto lookup_order = getCompileArg<gapi::GLookupOrder>(m_args).value_or(gapi::GLookupOrder());
auto dump_path = getGraphDumpDirectory(m_args);
......@@ -107,8 +109,7 @@ cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GCompiler(const cv::GComputation &c,
m_e.addPass("kernels", "resolve_kernels", std::bind(passes::resolveKernels, _1,
std::ref(m_all_kernels), // NB: and not copied here
std::ref(m_all_kernels))); // NB: and not copied here
m_e.addPass("kernels", "check_islands_content", passes::checkIslandsContent);
......@@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ namespace
// This pass, given the kernel package, selects a kernel implementation
// for every operation in the graph
void cv::gimpl::passes::resolveKernels(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
const gapi::GKernelPackage &kernels,
const gapi::GLookupOrder &order)
const gapi::GKernelPackage &kernels)
std::unordered_set<cv::gapi::GBackend> active_backends;
......@@ -114,8 +113,7 @@ void cv::gimpl::passes::resolveKernels(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
auto &op = gr.metadata(nh).get<Op>();
cv::gapi::GBackend selected_backend;
cv::GKernelImpl selected_impl;
std::tie(selected_backend, selected_impl)
= kernels.lookup(, order);
std::tie(selected_backend, selected_impl) = kernels.lookup(;
selected_backend.priv().unpackKernel(ctx.graph, nh, selected_impl);
op.backend = selected_backend;
......@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ void storeResultingMeta(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx);
void expandKernels(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
const gapi::GKernelPackage& kernels);
void resolveKernels(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
const gapi::GKernelPackage &kernels,
const gapi::GLookupOrder &order);
void resolveKernels(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
const gapi::GKernelPackage &kernels);
void fuseIslands(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx);
void syncIslandTags(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx);
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, ReplaceDefaultKernel)
cv::GMat in1, in2;
auto out = cv::gapi::add(in1, in2);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundAddImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), custom_pkg, cv::unite_policy::REPLACE);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), custom_pkg);
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
in_mat2 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, DoubleAddC)
auto out = cv::gapi::addC(super, s);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundDoubleAddCImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2, s), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, AddC)
auto out = cv::gapi::addC(super, s);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundAddCImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2, s), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, MergeWithSplit)
auto out = cv::gapi::merge3(a2, b2, c2);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundMergeWithSplitImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC3), out_mat, ref_mat;
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, AddWithAddC)
auto out = GCompoundAddWithAddC::on(in1, in2, s);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundAddWithAddCImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2, s), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, SplitWithAdd)
std::tie(out1, out2) = GCompoundSplitWithAdd::on(in);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundSplitWithAddImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out1, out2));
cv::Mat in_mat = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC3),
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, ParallelAddC)
std::tie(out1, out2) = GCompoundParallelAddC::on(in1, in2);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundParallelAddCImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2), cv::GOut(out1, out2));
cv::Mat in_mat = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, GCompundKernelAndDefaultUseOneData)
auto out = cv::gapi::add(GCompoundAddWithAddC::on(in1, in2, s), cv::gapi::addC(in2, s));
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundAddWithAddCImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2, s), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, CompoundExpandedToCompound)
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in1, in2, s), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1),
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, MaxInArray)
GDoubleArray in;
auto out = GCompoundMaxInArray::on(in);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundMaxInArrayImpl, GMaxInArrayImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
std::vector<double> v = { 1, 5, -2, 3, 10, 2};
cv::Scalar out_scl;
......@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, NegateArray)
GDoubleArray in;
GDoubleArray out = GCompoundNegateArray::on(in);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundNegateArrayImpl, GNegateArrayImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
std::vector<double> in_v = {1, 5, -2, -10, 3};
std::vector<double> out_v;
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ TEST(GCompoundKernel, RightGArrayHandle)
GDoubleArray a;
cv::GMat out = GCompoundGMatGArrayGMat::on(in[0], a, in[1]);
const auto custom_pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<GCompoundGMatGArrayGMatImpl, SetDiagKernelImpl>();
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
const auto full_pkg = cv::gapi::combine(custom_pkg, cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels());
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in[0], a, in[1]), cv::GOut(out));
std::vector<double> in_v(3, 1.0);
cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat::eye(cv::Size(3, 3), CV_8UC1),
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ static auto fluidResizeTestPackage = [](int interpolation, cv::Size szIn, cv::Si
default: CV_Assert(false);
return combine(pkg, fluidTestPackage, unite_policy::KEEP);
return combine(pkg, fluidTestPackage);
......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ TEST_P(NV12PlusResizeTest, Test)
auto out = cv::gapi::resize(rgb, out_sz, 0, 0, interp);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(y, uv), cv::GOut(out));
auto pkg = cv::gapi::combine(fluidTestPackage, cv::gapi::core::fluid::kernels(), cv::unite_policy::KEEP);
auto pkg = cv::gapi::combine(fluidTestPackage, cv::gapi::core::fluid::kernels());
c.apply(cv::gin(y_mat, uv_mat), cv::gout(out_mat)
,cv::compile_args(pkg, cv::GFluidOutputRois{{to_own(roi)}}));
......@@ -822,8 +822,7 @@ TEST_P(Preproc4lpiTest, Test)
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(y, uv), cv::GOut(out));
auto pkg = cv::gapi::combine(cv::gapi::core::fluid::kernels(),
fluidResizeTestPackage(interp, in_sz, out_sz, 4),
fluidResizeTestPackage(interp, in_sz, out_sz, 4));
c.apply(cv::gin(y_mat, uv_mat), cv::gout(out_mat)
,cv::compile_args(pkg, cv::GFluidOutputRois{{to_own(roi)}}));
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -197,8 +197,7 @@ TEST(GComputationCompile, ReshapeRois)
cv::randn(first_in_mat, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::Mat first_out_mat;
auto fluidKernels = cv::gapi::combine(gapi::imgproc::fluid::kernels(),
cc.apply(first_in_mat, first_out_mat, cv::compile_args(fluidKernels));
auto first_comp = cc.priv().m_lastCompiled;
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "../test_precomp.hpp"
#include "../gapi_mock_kernels.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
TEST(Lookup, CreateOrder)
const auto order = cv::gapi::lookup_order({Jupiter::backend(),
EXPECT_EQ(2u, order.size());
EXPECT_EQ(Jupiter::backend(), order[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(Saturn ::backend(), order[1]);
TEST(Lookup, NoOrder)
namespace J = Jupiter;
namespace S = Saturn;
const auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<J::Foo, J::Bar, J::Baz,
S::Foo, S::Bar, S::Baz>();
EXPECT_NO_THROW (pkg.lookup<I::Foo>());
EXPECT_NO_THROW (pkg.lookup<I::Bar>());
EXPECT_NO_THROW (pkg.lookup<I::Baz>());
TEST(Lookup, Only_Jupiter)
namespace J = Jupiter;
namespace S = Saturn;
const auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<J::Foo, J::Bar, J::Baz,
S::Foo, S::Bar, S::Baz>();
auto order = cv::gapi::lookup_order({J::backend()});
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Foo>(order));
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Bar>(order));
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Baz>(order));
TEST(Lookup, Only_Saturn)
namespace J = Jupiter;
namespace S = Saturn;
const auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<J::Foo, J::Bar, J::Baz,
S::Foo, S::Bar, S::Baz>();
auto order = cv::gapi::lookup_order({S::backend()});
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Foo>(order));
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Bar>(order));
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Baz>(order));
TEST(Lookup, With_Order)
namespace J = Jupiter;
namespace S = Saturn;
const auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<J::Foo, J::Bar, J::Baz,
S::Foo, S::Bar, S::Baz>();
auto prefer_j = cv::gapi::lookup_order({J::backend(), S::backend()});
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Foo>(prefer_j));
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Bar>(prefer_j));
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Baz>(prefer_j));
auto prefer_s = cv::gapi::lookup_order({S::backend(), J::backend()});
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Foo>(prefer_s));
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Bar>(prefer_s));
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Baz>(prefer_s));
TEST(Lookup, NoOverlap)
namespace J = Jupiter;
namespace S = Saturn;
const auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<J::Foo, J::Bar, S::Baz, S::Qux>();
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Foo>());
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Bar>());
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Baz>());
EXPECT_EQ(S::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Qux>());
TEST(Lookup, ExtraBackend)
namespace J = Jupiter;
namespace S = Saturn;
const auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<J::Foo, J::Bar, J::Baz>();
// Even if pkg doesn't contain S kernels while S is preferable,
// it should work.
const auto prefer_sj = cv::gapi::lookup_order({S::backend(), J::backend()});
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Foo>(prefer_sj));
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Bar>(prefer_sj));
EXPECT_EQ(J::backend(), pkg.lookup<I::Baz>(prefer_sj));
// If search scope is limited to S only, neither J nor S kernels
// shouldn't be found
const auto only_s = cv::gapi::lookup_order({S::backend()});
} // namespace opencv_test
......@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ int main()
// Prepare the kernel package and run the graph
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage fluid_kernels = cv::gapi::combine // Define a custom kernel package:
(cv::gapi::core::fluid::kernels(), // ...with Fluid Core kernels
cv::gapi::imgproc::fluid::kernels(), // ...and Fluid ImgProc kernels
cv::gapi::imgproc::fluid::kernels()); // ...and Fluid ImgProc kernels
//! [kernel_pkg]
//! [kernel_hotfix]
fluid_kernels.remove<cv::gapi::imgproc::GBoxFilter>(); // Remove Fluid Box filter as unsuitable,
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