Commit 9344d0d0 authored by berak's avatar berak

highgui: restore convertscale semantics in window_w32.cpp

parent a4ab6092
......@@ -1154,7 +1154,6 @@ cvShowImage( const char* name, const CvArr* arr )
int channels = 0;
void* dst_ptr = 0;
const int channels0 = 3;
int origin = 0;
CvMat stub, *image;
bool changed_size = false; // philipg
......@@ -1171,9 +1170,6 @@ cvShowImage( const char* name, const CvArr* arr )
if( !window || !arr )
EXIT; // keep silence here.
if( CV_IS_IMAGE_HDR( arr ))
origin = ((IplImage*)arr)->origin;
CV_CALL( image = cvGetMat( arr, &stub ));
......@@ -1212,21 +1208,15 @@ cvShowImage( const char* name, const CvArr* arr )
cv::Mat src = cv::cvarrToMat(image);
cv::Mat dst(,, CV_8UC3, dst_ptr, ( * channels + 3) & -4);
if (src.channels() == 1)
cv::cvtColor(src, dst, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
cv::flip(dst, dst, 0);
else if (src.channels() == 4)
cv::cvtColor(src, dst, cv::COLOR_BGRA2BGR);
cv::Mat tmp;
int src_depth = src.depth();
double scale = src_depth <= CV_8S ? 1 : src_depth <= CV_32S ? 1./256 : 255;
double shift = src_depth == CV_8S || src_depth == CV_16S ? 128 : 0;
cv::convertScaleAbs(src, tmp, scale, shift);
cv::cvtColor(tmp, dst, cv::COLOR_BGRA2BGR, dst.channels());
cv::flip(dst, dst, 0);
CV_Assert(src.channels() == 3);
cv::flip(src, dst, 0);
CV_Assert( == (uchar*)dst_ptr);
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