Commit 909d6fcf authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Move legacy part of opencv_contrib to separate header

parent 3b364330
......@@ -51,11 +51,12 @@
#include "opencv2/photo/photo_c.h"
#include "opencv2/video/tracking_c.h"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect_c.h"
#include "opencv2/contrib/compat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/legacy.hpp"
#include "opencv2/legacy/compat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/legacy/blobtrack.hpp"
#include "opencv2/contrib.hpp"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h"
#include "opencv2/contrib/compat.hpp"
#define ASD_INTENSITY_SET_PIXEL(pointer, qq) {(*pointer) = (unsigned char)qq;}
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/contrib/compat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d_c.h"
#include <iostream>
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ private:
LocationScaleImageRange(const std::vector<Point>& locations, const std::vector<float>& _scales) :
locations_(locations), scales_(_scales)
ImageIterator* iterator() const
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ private:
LocationScaleImageIterator(const std::vector<Point>& locations, const std::vector<float>& _scales) :
locations_(locations), scales_(_scales)
......@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ void ChamferMatcher::Matching::followContour(Mat& templ_img, template_coords_t&
coordinate_t next;
unsigned char ptr;
assert (direction==-1 || !coords.empty());
CV_Assert (direction==-1 || !coords.empty());
coordinate_t crt = coords.back();
......@@ -903,18 +903,18 @@ void ChamferMatcher::Template::show() const
p2.x = x + pad*(int)(sin(orientations[i])*100)/100;
p2.y = y + pad*(int)(cos(orientations[i])*100)/100;
line(templ_color, p1,p2, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
line(templ_color, p1,p2, Scalar(255,0,0));
circle(templ_color,Point(center.x + pad, center.y + pad),1,CV_RGB(0,255,0));
circle(templ_color,Point(center.x + pad, center.y + pad),1,Scalar(0,255,0));
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "OpenCV has been compiled without GUI support");
CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "OpenCV has been compiled without GUI support");
......@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ void ChamferMatcher::Matching::fillNonContourOrientations(Mat& annotated_img, Ma
int cols = annotated_img.cols;
int rows = annotated_img.rows;
assert(orientation_img.cols==cols && orientation_img.rows==rows);
CV_Assert(orientation_img.cols==cols && orientation_img.rows==rows);
for (int y=0;y<rows;++y) {
for (int x=0;x<cols;++x) {
......@@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ void ChamferMatcher::showMatch(Mat& img, int index)
std::cout << "Index too big.\n" << std::endl;
Match match = matches[index];
......@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ void ChamferMatcher::showMatch(Mat& img, int index)
void ChamferMatcher::showMatch(Mat& img, Match match)
const template_coords_t& templ_coords = match.tpl->coords;
for (size_t i=0;i<templ_coords.size();++i) {
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static Mat linspace(float x0, float x1, int n)
static void sortMatrixRowsByIndices(InputArray _src, InputArray _indices, OutputArray _dst)
if(_indices.getMat().type() != CV_32SC1)
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "cv::sortRowsByIndices only works on integer indices!");
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "cv::sortRowsByIndices only works on integer indices!");
Mat src = _src.getMat();
std::vector<int> indices = _indices.getMat();
_dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, src.type());
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ static Mat argsort(InputArray _src, bool ascending=true)
Mat src = _src.getMat();
if (src.rows != 1 && src.cols != 1)
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "cv::argsort only sorts 1D matrices.");
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "cv::argsort only sorts 1D matrices.");
Mat sorted_indices;
return sorted_indices;
......@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ static Mat interp1(InputArray _x, InputArray _Y, InputArray _xi)
Mat Y = _Y.getMat();
Mat xi = _xi.getMat();
// check types & alignment
assert((x.type() == Y.type()) && (Y.type() == xi.type()));
assert((x.cols == 1) && (x.rows == Y.rows) && (x.cols == Y.cols));
CV_Assert((x.type() == Y.type()) && (Y.type() == xi.type()));
CV_Assert((x.cols == 1) && (x.rows == Y.rows) && (x.cols == Y.cols));
// call templated interp1
switch(x.type()) {
case CV_8SC1: return interp1_<char>(x,Y,xi); break;
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static Mat interp1(InputArray _x, InputArray _Y, InputArray _xi)
case CV_32SC1: return interp1_<int>(x,Y,xi); break;
case CV_32FC1: return interp1_<float>(x,Y,xi); break;
case CV_64FC1: return interp1_<double>(x,Y,xi); break;
default: CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, ""); break;
default: CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, ""); break;
return Mat();
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ namespace colormap
void ColorMap::operator()(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst) const
if( != 256)
CV_Error(CV_StsAssert, "cv::LUT only supports tables of size 256.");
CV_Error(Error::StsAssert, "cv::LUT only supports tables of size 256.");
Mat src = _src.getMat();
// Return original matrix if wrong type is given (is fail loud better here?)
if(src.type() != CV_8UC1 && src.type() != CV_8UC3)
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ namespace colormap
colormap == COLORMAP_WINTER ? (colormap::ColorMap*)(new colormap::Winter) : 0;
if( !cm )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown colormap id; use one of COLORMAP_*");
CV_Error( Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown colormap id; use one of COLORMAP_*");
(*cm)(src, dst);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/contrib/compat.hpp"
CvFuzzyPoint::CvFuzzyPoint(double _x, double _y)
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void downsamplePoints( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, size_t count )<uchar>(0, maxLoc.x) = 0;
Mat minDists;
reduce( activedDists, minDists, 0, CV_REDUCE_MIN );
reduce( activedDists, minDists, 0, REDUCE_MIN );
minMaxLoc( minDists, 0, &maxVal, 0, &maxLoc, candidatePointsMask );<Point3_<uchar> >((int)i) =<Point3_<uchar> >(maxLoc.x);
......@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ static Mat argsort(InputArray _src, bool ascending=true)
Mat src = _src.getMat();
if (src.rows != 1 && src.cols != 1) {
String error_message = "Wrong shape of input matrix! Expected a matrix with one row or column.";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
Mat sorted_indices;
return sorted_indices;
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static Mat asRowMatrix(InputArrayOfArrays src, int rtype, double alpha=1, double
// make sure the input data is a vector of matrices or vector of vector
if(src.kind() != _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT && src.kind() != _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR) {
String error_message = "The data is expected as InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT (a std::vector<Mat>) or _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR (a std::vector< std::vector<...> >).";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// number of samples
size_t n =;
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static Mat asRowMatrix(InputArrayOfArrays src, int rtype, double alpha=1, double
// make sure data can be reshaped, throw exception if not!
if(src.getMat(i).total() != d) {
String error_message = format("Wrong number of elements in matrix #%d! Expected %d was %d.", i, (int)d, (int)src.getMat(i).total());
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// get a hold of the current row
Mat xi = data.row(i);
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static Mat asRowMatrix(InputArrayOfArrays src, int rtype, double alpha=1, double
static void sortMatrixColumnsByIndices(InputArray _src, InputArray _indices, OutputArray _dst) {
if(_indices.getMat().type() != CV_32SC1) {
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "cv::sortColumnsByIndices only works on integer indices!");
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "cv::sortColumnsByIndices only works on integer indices!");
Mat src = _src.getMat();
std::vector<int> indices = _indices.getMat();
......@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ Mat subspaceProject(InputArray _W, InputArray _mean, InputArray _src) {
// make sure the data has the correct shape
if(W.rows != d) {
String error_message = format("Wrong shapes for given matrices. Was size(src) = (%d,%d), size(W) = (%d,%d).", src.rows, src.cols, W.rows, W.cols);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// make sure mean is correct if not empty
if(!mean.empty() && ( != (size_t) d)) {
String error_message = format("Wrong mean shape for the given data matrix. Expected %d, but was %d.", d,;
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// create temporary matrices
Mat X, Y;
......@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ Mat subspaceReconstruct(InputArray _W, InputArray _mean, InputArray _src)
// make sure the data has the correct shape
if(W.cols != d) {
String error_message = format("Wrong shapes for given matrices. Was size(src) = (%d,%d), size(W) = (%d,%d).", src.rows, src.cols, W.rows, W.cols);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// make sure mean is correct if not empty
if(!mean.empty() && ( != (size_t) W.rows)) {
String error_message = format("Wrong mean shape for the given eigenvector matrix. Expected %d, but was %d.", W.cols,;
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// initalize temporary matrices
Mat X, Y;
......@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ public:
void LDA::save(const String& filename) const {
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);
if (!fs.isOpened()) {
CV_Error(CV_StsError, "File can't be opened for writing!");
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "File can't be opened for writing!");
......@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ void LDA::save(const String& filename) const {
void LDA::load(const String& filename) {
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
if (!fs.isOpened())
CV_Error(CV_StsError, "File can't be opened for writing!");
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "File can't be opened for writing!");
......@@ -1002,12 +1002,12 @@ void LDA::lda(InputArrayOfArrays _src, InputArray _lbls) {
// want to separate from each other then?
if(C == 1) {
String error_message = "At least two classes are needed to perform a LDA. Reason: Only one class was given!";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// throw error if less labels, than samples
if (labels.size() != static_cast<size_t>(N)) {
String error_message = format("The number of samples must equal the number of labels. Given %d labels, %d samples. ", labels.size(), N);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
// warn if within-classes scatter matrix becomes singular
if (N < D) {
......@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ void LDA::compute(InputArrayOfArrays _src, InputArray _lbls) {
String error_message= format("InputArray Datatype %d is not supported.", _src.kind());
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ namespace cv
void Octree::buildTree(const std::vector<Point3f>& points3d, int maxLevels, int _minPoints)
assert((size_t)maxLevels * 8 < MAX_STACK_SIZE);
CV_Assert((size_t)maxLevels * 8 < MAX_STACK_SIZE);
std::copy(points3d.begin(), points3d.end(), points.begin());
minPoints = _minPoints;
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ bool Retina::_convertCvMat2ValarrayBuffer(const cv::Mat inputMatToConvert, std::
inputMatToConvert.convertTo(dst, dsttype);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "input image must be single channel (gray levels), bgr format (color) or bgra (color with transparency which won't be considered");
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "input image must be single channel (gray levels), bgr format (color) or bgra (color with transparency which won't be considered");
return imageNumberOfChannels>1; // return bool : false for gray level image processing, true for color mode
......@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ bool computeKsi( int transformType,
computeCFuncPtr = computeC_Translation;
CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "Unsupported value of transformation type flag.");
CV_Error(Error::StsBadFlag, "Unsupported value of transformation type flag.");
Mat C( correspsCount, Cwidth, CV_64FC1 );
Mat dI_dt( correspsCount, 1, CV_64FC1 );
......@@ -56,24 +56,24 @@ namespace
const static Scalar colors[] =
CV_RGB(255, 0, 0),
CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0),
CV_RGB( 0, 0, 255),
CV_RGB(255, 255, 0),
CV_RGB(255, 0, 255),
CV_RGB( 0, 255, 255),
CV_RGB(255, 127, 127),
CV_RGB(127, 127, 255),
CV_RGB(127, 255, 127),
CV_RGB(255, 255, 127),
CV_RGB(127, 255, 255),
CV_RGB(255, 127, 255),
CV_RGB(127, 0, 0),
CV_RGB( 0, 127, 0),
CV_RGB( 0, 0, 127),
CV_RGB(127, 127, 0),
CV_RGB(127, 0, 127),
CV_RGB( 0, 127, 127)
Scalar(255, 0, 0),
Scalar( 0, 255, 0),
Scalar( 0, 0, 255),
Scalar(255, 255, 0),
Scalar(255, 0, 255),
Scalar( 0, 255, 255),
Scalar(255, 127, 127),
Scalar(127, 127, 255),
Scalar(127, 255, 127),
Scalar(255, 255, 127),
Scalar(127, 255, 255),
Scalar(255, 127, 255),
Scalar(127, 0, 0),
Scalar( 0, 127, 0),
Scalar( 0, 0, 127),
Scalar(127, 127, 0),
Scalar(127, 0, 127),
Scalar( 0, 127, 127)
size_t colors_mum = sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0]);
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void convertTransformMatrix(const float* matrix, float* sseMatrix)
inline __m128 transformSSE(const __m128* matrix, const __m128& in)
assert(((size_t)matrix & 15) == 0);
CV_DbgAssert(((size_t)matrix & 15) == 0);
__m128 a0 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps((float*)(matrix+0)), _mm_shuffle_ps(in,in,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,0,0,0)));
__m128 a1 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps((float*)(matrix+1)), _mm_shuffle_ps(in,in,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,1,1,1)));
__m128 a2 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps((float*)(matrix+2)), _mm_shuffle_ps(in,in,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,2,2,2)));
......@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ void computeSpinImages( const Octree& Octree, const std::vector<Point3f>& points
float pixelsPerMeter = 1.f / binSize;
float support = imageWidth * binSize;
assert(normals.size() == points.size());
assert(mask.size() == points.size());
CV_Assert(normals.size() == points.size());
CV_Assert(mask.size() == points.size());
size_t points_size = points.size();
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void computeSpinImages( const Octree& Octree, const std::vector<Point3f>& points
if (mask[i] == 0)
int t = cvGetThreadNum();
int t = getThreadNum();
std::vector<Point3f>& pointsInSphere = pointsInSpherePool[t];
const Point3f& center = points[i];
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ void computeSpinImages( const Octree& Octree, const std::vector<Point3f>& points
__m128 ppm4 = _mm_set1_ps(pixelsPerMeter);
__m128i height4m1 = _mm_set1_epi32(spinImage.rows-1);
__m128i width4m1 = _mm_set1_epi32(spinImage.cols-1);
assert( spinImage.step <= 0xffff );
CV_Assert( spinImage.step <= 0xffff );
__m128i step4 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)step);
__m128i zero4 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i one4i = _mm_set1_epi32(1);
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ float cv::Mesh3D::estimateResolution(float /*tryRatio*/)
return resolution = (float)dist[ dist.size() / 2 ];
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "");
CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "");
return 1.f;
......@@ -686,16 +686,15 @@ inline float cv::SpinImageModel::groupingCreteria(const Point3f& pointScene1, co
cv::SpinImageModel::SpinImageModel(const Mesh3D& _mesh) : mesh(_mesh) , out(0)
cv::SpinImageModel::SpinImageModel(const Mesh3D& _mesh) : mesh(_mesh)
if (mesh.vtx.empty())
throw Mesh3D::EmptyMeshException();
cv::SpinImageModel::SpinImageModel() : out(0) { defaultParams(); }
cv::SpinImageModel::~SpinImageModel() {}
void cv::SpinImageModel::setLogger(std::ostream* log) { out = log; }
cv::SpinImageModel::SpinImageModel() { defaultParams(); }
cv::SpinImageModel::~SpinImageModel() {}
void cv::SpinImageModel::defaultParams()
......@@ -756,7 +755,7 @@ Mat cv::SpinImageModel::packRandomScaledSpins(bool separateScale, size_t xCount,
int sz = spins.front().cols;
Mat result((int)(yCount * sz + (yCount - 1)), (int)(xCount * sz + (xCount - 1)), CV_8UC3);
result = colors[(static_cast<int64>(cvGetTickCount()/cvGetTickFrequency())/1000) % colors_mum];
result = colors[(static_cast<int64>(getTickCount()/getTickFrequency())/1000) % colors_mum];
int pos = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < (int)yCount; ++y)
......@@ -1030,12 +1029,8 @@ private:
matchSpinToModel(scene.spinImages.row(i), indeces, coeffs);
for(size_t t = 0; t < indeces.size(); ++t)
allMatches.push_back(Match(i, indeces[t], coeffs[t]));
if (out) if (i % 100 == 0) *out << "Comparing scene spinimage " << i << " of " << scene.spinImages.rows << std::endl;
if (out) *out << "Spin correlation time = " << corr_timer << std::endl;
if (out) *out << "Matches number = " << allMatches.size() << std::endl;
......@@ -1046,7 +1041,6 @@ private:
remove_if(allMatches.begin(), allMatches.end(), bind2nd(std::less<float>(), maxMeasure * fraction)),
if (out) *out << "Matches number [filtered by similarity measure] = " << allMatches.size() << std::endl;
int matchesSize = (int)allMatches.size();
if(matchesSize == 0)
......@@ -1095,15 +1089,12 @@ private:
std::remove_if(allMatches.begin(), allMatches.end(), std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<float>(), infinity)),
if (out) *out << "Matches number [filtered by geometric consistency] = " << allMatches.size() << std::endl;
matchesSize = (int)allMatches.size();
if(matchesSize == 0)
if (out) *out << "grouping ..." << std::endl;
Mat groupingMat((int)matchesSize, (int)matchesSize, CV_32F);
groupingMat = Scalar(0);
......@@ -1151,8 +1142,6 @@ private:
for(int g = 0; g < matchesSize; ++g)
if (out) if (g % 100 == 0) *out << "G = " << g << std::endl;
group_t left = allMatchesInds;
group_t group;
......@@ -1201,16 +1190,16 @@ private:
cv::TickMeter::TickMeter() { reset(); }
int64 cv::TickMeter::getTimeTicks() const { return sumTime; }
double cv::TickMeter::getTimeMicro() const { return (double)getTimeTicks()/cvGetTickFrequency(); }
double cv::TickMeter::getTimeMicro() const { return (double)getTimeTicks()/getTickFrequency(); }
double cv::TickMeter::getTimeMilli() const { return getTimeMicro()*1e-3; }
double cv::TickMeter::getTimeSec() const { return getTimeMilli()*1e-3; }
int64 cv::TickMeter::getCounter() const { return counter; }
void cv::TickMeter::reset() {startTime = 0; sumTime = 0; counter = 0; }
void cv::TickMeter::start(){ startTime = cvGetTickCount(); }
void cv::TickMeter::start(){ startTime = getTickCount(); }
void cv::TickMeter::stop()
int64 time = cvGetTickCount();
int64 time = getTickCount();
if ( startTime == 0 )
......@@ -1220,4 +1209,4 @@ void cv::TickMeter::stop()
startTime = 0;
std::ostream& cv::operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TickMeter& tm){ return out << tm.getTimeSec() << "sec"; }
//std::ostream& cv::operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TickMeter& tm){ return out << tm.getTimeSec() << "sec"; }
......@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ void StereoVar::VariationalSolver(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &u, int level)
void StereoVar::VCycle_MyFAS(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &_u, int level)
CvSize imgSize = _u.size();
CvSize frmSize = cvSize((int) (imgSize.width * pyrScale + 0.5), (int) (imgSize.height * pyrScale + 0.5));
Size imgSize = _u.size();
Size frmSize = Size((int) (imgSize.width * pyrScale + 0.5), (int) (imgSize.height * pyrScale + 0.5));
Mat I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, u_h, U, U_h;
//PRE relaxation
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void StereoVar::VCycle_MyFAS(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &_u, int level)
void StereoVar::FMG(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &u, int level)
double scale = std::pow(pyrScale, (double) level);
CvSize frmSize = cvSize((int) (u.cols * scale + 0.5), (int) (u.rows * scale + 0.5));
Size frmSize = Size((int) (u.cols * scale + 0.5), (int) (u.rows * scale + 0.5));
Mat I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, u_h;
//scaling DOWN
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void StereoVar::autoParams()
void StereoVar::operator ()( const Mat& left, const Mat& right, Mat& disp )
CV_Assert(left.size() == right.size() && left.type() == right.type());
CvSize imgSize = left.size();
Size imgSize = left.size();
int MaxD = MAX(labs(minDisp), labs(maxDisp));
int SignD = 1; if (MIN(minDisp, maxDisp) < 0) SignD = -1;
if (minDisp >= maxDisp) {MaxD = 256; SignD = 1;}
......@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ void StereoVar::operator ()( const Mat& left, const Mat& right, Mat& disp )
equalizeHist(rightgray, rightgray);
if (poly_sigma > 0.0001) {
GaussianBlur(leftgray, leftgray, cvSize(poly_n, poly_n), poly_sigma);
GaussianBlur(rightgray, rightgray, cvSize(poly_n, poly_n), poly_sigma);
GaussianBlur(leftgray, leftgray, Size(poly_n, poly_n), poly_sigma);
GaussianBlur(rightgray, rightgray, Size(poly_n, poly_n), poly_sigma);
if (flags & USE_AUTO_PARAMS) {
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include "opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp"
#include "opencv2/contrib/compat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h"
static void help(char **argv)
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ static Mat toGrayscale(InputArray _src) {
Mat src = _src.getMat();
// only allow one channel
if(src.channels() != 1) {
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Only Matrices with one channel are supported");
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Only Matrices with one channel are supported");
// create and return normalized image
Mat dst;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static void read_csv(const string& filename, vector<Mat>& images, vector<int>& l
std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ifstream::in);
if (!file) {
string error_message = "No valid input file was given, please check the given filename.";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);
string line, path, classlabel;
while (getline(file, line)) {
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
// Quit if there are not enough images for this demo.
if(images.size() <= 1) {
string error_message = "This demo needs at least 2 images to work. Please add more images to your data set!";
CV_Error(CV_StsError, error_message);
CV_Error(Error::StsError, error_message);
// Get the height from the first image. We'll need this
// later in code to reshape the images to their original
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if( intrinsic_filename )
// reading intrinsic parameters
FileStorage fs(intrinsic_filename, CV_STORAGE_READ);
FileStorage fs(intrinsic_filename, FileStorage::READ);
printf("Failed to open file %s\n", intrinsic_filename);
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
M1 *= scale;
M2 *= scale;, CV_STORAGE_READ);, FileStorage::READ);
printf("Failed to open file %s\n", extrinsic_filename);
......@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ static void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const string &ss
Point org;
org.x = 1;
org.y = 3 * fontSize.height * (lineOffsY + 1) / 2;
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 5*fontThickness/2, 16);
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, Scalar(0,0,0), 5*fontThickness/2, 16);
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, fontColor, fontThickness, 16);
static void displayState(Mat &canvas, bool bHelp, bool bGpu, bool bLargestFace, bool bFilter, double fps)
Scalar fontColorRed = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
Scalar fontColorNV = CV_RGB(118,185,0);
Scalar fontColorRed = Scalar(255,0,0);
Scalar fontColorNV = Scalar(118,185,0);
ostringstream ss;
ss << "FPS = " << setprecision(1) << fixed << fps;
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