Commit 909c45f1 authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

little refactoring

parent 01e99db6
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include <vtkCubeSource.h>
#include <vtkAxes.h>
#include <vtkFloatArray.h>
#include <vtkDoubleArray.h>
#include <vtkPointData.h>
#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include <vtkPolyDataReader.h>
......@@ -153,6 +154,15 @@
#include <vtkMapper2D.h>
#include <vtkLeaderActor2D.h>
#include <vtkAlgorithmOutput.h>
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __DEPRECATED_DISABLED__
#define __DEPRECATED
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -88,20 +88,22 @@ TEST(Viz_viz3d, accuracy)
float pos_z = 0.0f;
temp_viz::Mesh3d::Ptr mesh = temp_viz::mesh_load("d:/horse.ply");
v.addPolygonMesh(*mesh, "pq");
while(1) //TODO implement and replace with !viz.wasStopped()
// Creating new point cloud with id cloud1
cv::Affine3f cloudPosition(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z, cv::Vec3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z));
v.showPointCloud("cloud1", cloud, colors, cloudPosition);
angle_x += 0.1;
angle_y -= 0.1;
angle_z += 0.1;
pos_x = std::sin(angle_x);
pos_y = std::sin(angle_x);
pos_z = std::sin(angle_x);
// Creating new point cloud with id cloud1
cv::Affine3f cloudPosition(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z, cv::Vec3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z));
v.showPointCloud("cloud1", cloud, colors, cloudPosition);
angle_x += 0.1f;
angle_y -= 0.1f;
angle_z += 0.1f;
pos_x = std::sin(angle_x);
pos_y = std::sin(angle_x);
pos_z = std::sin(angle_x);
// cv::Mat normals(cloud.size(), CV_32FC3, cv::Scalar(0, 10, 0));
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