Commit 8dd596b7 authored by atalaman's avatar atalaman Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #14892 from TolyaTalamanov:at/parameterized-render-tests

G-API: Parameterized render tests (#14892)

* Init commit

* Add mat size as test parameter

* Add test for text render

* Add test for rect render

* Add tests for line and circle

* Remove old render tests

* Init output mats

* Remove methods input arguments

* Add comment about data loss in BGR2NV12 conversion

* Add edge test cases

* Replace default color for out mats black -> white
parent 75c567b6
...@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(cv::Mat& bgr, const Prims& prims) ...@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(cv::Mat& bgr, const Prims& prims)
{ {
const auto& t_p = cv::util::get<Text>(p); const auto& t_p = cv::util::get<Text>(p);
cv::putText(bgr, t_p.text,, t_p.ff, t_p.fs, cv::putText(bgr, t_p.text,, t_p.ff, t_p.fs,
t_p.color, t_p.thick, t_p.bottom_left_origin); t_p.color, t_p.thick,, t_p.bottom_left_origin);
break; break;
} }
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "../test_precomp.hpp"
#include "gapi_render_tests_inl.hpp"
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "gapi_tests_common.hpp"
#include "api/render_priv.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
using Points = std::vector<cv::Point>;
using Rects = std::vector<cv::Rect>;
using PairOfPoints = std::pair<cv::Point, cv::Point>;
using VecOfPairOfPoints = std::vector<PairOfPoints>;
template<class T>
class RenderWithParam : public TestWithParam<T>
void Init()
MatType type = CV_8UC3;
out_mat_ocv = cv::Mat(sz, type, cv::Scalar(255));
out_mat_gapi = cv::Mat(sz, type, cv::Scalar(255));
if (isNV12Format) {
/* NB: When converting data from BGR to NV12, data loss occurs,
* so the reference data is subjected to the same transformation
* for correct comparison of the test results */
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(out_mat_ocv, y, uv);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
void Run()
if (isNV12Format) {
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(out_mat_gapi, y, uv);
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(y, uv, prims);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, out_mat_gapi, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
// NB: Also due to data loss
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(out_mat_ocv, y, uv);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
} else {
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(out_mat_gapi, prims);
cv::Size sz;
cv::Scalar color;
int thick;
int lt;
bool isNV12Format;
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
cv::Mat y, uv;
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv, out_mat_gapi;
struct RenderTextTest : public RenderWithParam <std::tuple<cv::Size,std::string,Points,int,double,cv::Scalar,int,int,bool,bool>> {};
struct RenderRectTest : public RenderWithParam <std::tuple<cv::Size,Rects,cv::Scalar,int,int,int,bool>> {};
struct RenderCircleTest : public RenderWithParam <std::tuple<cv::Size,Points,int,cv::Scalar,int,int,int,bool>> {};
struct RenderLineTest : public RenderWithParam <std::tuple<cv::Size,VecOfPairOfPoints,cv::Scalar,int,int,int,bool>> {};
} // opencv_test
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "gapi_render_tests.hpp"
#include <opencv2/gapi/render.hpp>
namespace opencv_test
TEST_P(RenderTextTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point> points;
std::string text;
int ff;
double fs;
bool blo;
std::tie(sz, text, points, ff, fs, color, thick, lt, blo, isNV12Format) = GetParam();
for (const auto& p : points) {
cv::putText(out_mat_ocv, text, p, ff, fs, color, thick, lt, blo);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Text{text, p, ff, fs, color, thick, lt, blo});
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat_gapi != out_mat_ocv));
TEST_P(RenderRectTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Rect> rects;
int shift;
std::tie(sz, rects, color, thick, lt, shift, isNV12Format) = GetParam();
for (const auto& r : rects) {
cv::rectangle(out_mat_ocv, r, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Rect{r, color, thick, lt, shift});
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat_gapi != out_mat_ocv));
TEST_P(RenderCircleTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point> points;
int radius;
int shift;
std::tie(sz, points, radius, color, thick, lt, shift, isNV12Format) = GetParam();
for (const auto& p : points) {
cv::circle(out_mat_ocv, p, radius, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Circle{p, radius, color, thick, lt, shift});
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat_gapi != out_mat_ocv));
TEST_P(RenderLineTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<std::pair<cv::Point, cv::Point>> points;
int shift;
std::tie(sz, points, color, thick, lt, shift, isNV12Format) = GetParam();
for (const auto& p : points) {
cv::line(out_mat_ocv, p.first, p.second, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Line{p.first, p.second, color, thick, lt, shift});
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat_gapi != out_mat_ocv));
} // opencv_test
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "../test_precomp.hpp"
#include "../common/gapi_render_tests.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RenderTextTestCPU, RenderTextTest,
Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720),
cv::Size(640, 480),
cv::Size(128, 128)),
Values(Points{Point(5, 30), Point(40, 70), Point(-1, -1)}),
/* Font face */ Values(FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX),
/* Font scale */ Values(2),
/* Color */ Values(cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0)),
/* Thickness */ Values(1),
/* Line type */ Values(LINE_8),
/* Bottom left origin */ testing::Bool(),
/* NV12 format or not */ testing::Bool()));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RenderRectTestCPU, RenderRectTest,
Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720),
cv::Size(640, 480),
cv::Size(128, 128)),
Values(Rects{Rect(5, 30, 40, 50),
Rect(40, 70, 40, 50),
/* Edge case, rectangle will not be drawn */ Rect(75, 110, -40, 50),
/* Edge case, rectangle will not be drawn */ Rect(70, 100, 0, 50)}),
/* Color */ Values(cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0)),
/* Thickness */ Values(1),
/* Line type */ Values(LINE_8),
/* Shift */ Values(0),
/* NV12 format or not */ testing::Bool()));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RenderCircleTestCPU, RenderCircleTest,
Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720),
cv::Size(640, 480),
cv::Size(128, 128)),
Values(Points{Point(5, 30), Point(40, 70), Point(75, 110)}),
/* Radius */ Values(5),
/* Color */ Values(cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0)),
/* Thickness */ Values(1),
/* Line type */ Values(LINE_8),
/* Shift */ Values(0),
/* NV12 format or not */ testing::Bool()));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RenderLineTestCPU, RenderLineTest,
Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720),
cv::Size(640, 480),
cv::Size(128, 128)),
Values(VecOfPairOfPoints{ {Point(5, 30) , Point(5, 40) },
{Point(40, 70) , Point(50, 70) },
{Point(75, 110), Point(100, 115)} }),
/* Color */ Values(cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0)),
/* Thickness */ Values(1),
/* Line type */ Values(LINE_8),
/* Shift */ Values(0),
/* NV12 format or not */ testing::Bool()));
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include "api/render_priv.hpp"
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/render.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/scalar.hpp>
namespace opencv_test
struct RenderTestFixture : public ::testing::Test
cv::Size size = {30, 40};
int thick = 2;
int lt = LINE_8;
double fs = 1;
int radius = 15;
int shift = 0;
cv::Mat ref_mat {320, 480, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar::all(255)};
cv::Mat out_mat {320, 480, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar::all(255)};
cv::Scalar color {0, 255, 0};
std::string text {"some text"};
} // namespace
TEST(BGR2NV12Test, CorrectConversion)
cv::Mat in_mat(320, 240, CV_8UC3);
cv::Mat out_y, out_uv, ref_y, yuv;
cv::randu(in_mat, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255));
cv::cvtColor(in_mat, yuv, cv::COLOR_BGR2YUV);
cv::Mat channels[3];
cv::split(yuv, channels);
ref_y = channels[0];
cv::Mat ref_uv(in_mat.size() / 2, CV_8UC2);
cv::resize(channels[1], channels[1], channels[1].size() / 2, 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
cv::resize(channels[2], channels[2], channels[2].size() / 2, 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
cv::merge(channels + 1, 2, ref_uv);
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(in_mat, out_y, out_uv);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_y != ref_y));
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_uv != ref_uv));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, PutText)
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point point {30 + i * 60, 40 + i * 50};
cv::putText(ref_mat, text, point, ff, fs, color, thick);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Text{text, point, ff, fs, color, thick, lt, false});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(out_mat, prims);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, Rectangle)
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Rect rect {30 + i * 60, 40 + i * 50, size.width, size.height};
cv::rectangle(ref_mat, rect, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Rect{rect, color, thick, lt, shift});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(out_mat, prims);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, Circle)
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point center {30 + i * 60, 40 + i * 50};
cv::circle(ref_mat, center, radius, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Circle{center, radius, color, thick, lt, shift});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(out_mat, prims);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, Line)
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point pt1{30 + i * 60 , 40 + i * 50};
cv::Point pt2{30 + i * 60 + 40, 40 + i * 50};
cv::line(ref_mat, pt1, pt2, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Line{pt1, pt2, color, thick, lt, shift});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(out_mat, prims);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, PutTextAndRectangle)
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point point {30 + i * 60, 40 + i * 50};
cv::Rect rect {point, size};
cv::rectangle(ref_mat, rect, color, thick);
cv::putText(ref_mat, text, point, ff, fs, color, thick);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Rect{rect, color, thick, lt, shift});
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Text{text, point, ff, fs, color, thick, lt, false});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(out_mat, prims);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, PutTextAndRectangleNV12)
cv::Mat y;
cv::Mat uv;
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(out_mat, y, uv);
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point point {30 + i * 60, 40 + i * 50};
cv::Rect rect {point, size};
cv::rectangle(ref_mat, rect, color, thick);
cv::putText(ref_mat, text, point, ff, fs, color, thick);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Rect{rect, color, thick, lt, shift});
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Text{text, point, ff, fs, color, thick, lt, false});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(y, uv, prims);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, out_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(ref_mat, y, uv);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, ref_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, CircleNV12)
cv::Mat y;
cv::Mat uv;
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(out_mat, y, uv);
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point center {30 + i * 60, 40 + i * 50};
cv::circle(ref_mat, center, radius, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Circle{center, radius, color, thick, lt, shift});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(y, uv, prims);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, out_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(ref_mat, y, uv);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, ref_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
TEST_F(RenderTestFixture, LineNV12)
cv::Mat y;
cv::Mat uv;
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(out_mat, y, uv);
std::vector<cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim> prims;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
cv::Point pt1{30 + i * 60 , 40 + i * 50};
cv::Point pt2{30 + i * 60 + 40, 40 + i * 50};
cv::line(ref_mat, pt1, pt2, color, thick, lt, shift);
prims.emplace_back(cv::gapi::wip::draw::Line{pt1, pt2, color, thick, lt, shift});
cv::gapi::wip::draw::render(y, uv, prims);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, out_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
cv::gapi::wip::draw::BGR2NV12(ref_mat, y, uv);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(y, uv, ref_mat, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat != ref_mat));
} // opencv_test
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