Commit 8d43e2b9 authored by Andreas Franek's avatar Andreas Franek

fixed the cuda optical flow error normalization factor

texture channels were not considered correctly, nor was the cuda texture
parent bbc327aa
......@@ -344,6 +344,18 @@ namespace pyrlk
return ret;
template <typename T>
struct DenormalizationFactor
static const float factor = 1.0;
template <>
struct DenormalizationFactor<uchar>
static const float factor = 255.0;
template <int cn, int PATCH_X, int PATCH_Y, bool calcErr, typename T>
__global__ void sparseKernel(const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, const int level, const int rows, const int cols)
......@@ -532,7 +544,7 @@ namespace pyrlk
nextPts[blockIdx.x] = nextPt;
if (calcErr)
err[blockIdx.x] = static_cast<float>(errval) / (cn * c_winSize_x * c_winSize_y);
err[blockIdx.x] = static_cast<float>(errval) / (::min(cn, 3) * c_winSize_x * c_winSize_y) * DenormalizationFactor<T>::factor;
......@@ -725,7 +737,7 @@ namespace pyrlk
nextPts[blockIdx.x] = nextPt;
if (calcErr)
err[blockIdx.x] = static_cast<float>(errval) / (3 * c_winSize_x * c_winSize_y);
err[blockIdx.x] = static_cast<float>(errval) / (::min(cn, 3)*c_winSize_x * c_winSize_y);
} // __global__ void sparseKernel_
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