Commit 89935fc5 authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

fixed FernDescriptorMatch; optimized keypoint regions matching in…

fixed FernDescriptorMatch; optimized keypoint regions matching in detector/descriptor evaluation; added CalonderDescriptorExtractor to evaluation tests
parent 51822f20
......@@ -2128,7 +2128,8 @@ protected:
Params params;
CV_EXPORTS Ptr<GenericDescriptorMatch> createGenericDescriptorMatch( const string& genericDescritptorMatchType, const string &paramsFilename = string () );
CV_EXPORTS Ptr<GenericDescriptorMatch> createGenericDescriptorMatcher( const string& genericDescritptorMatcherType,
const string &paramsFilename = string () );
* VectorDescriptorMatch *
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void FernDescriptorMatch::trainFernClassifier()
assert( params.filename.empty() );
vector<vector<Point2f> > points;
vector<vector<Point2f> > points(collection.images.size());
for( size_t imgIdx = 0; imgIdx < collection.images.size(); imgIdx++ )
KeyPoint::convert( collection.points[imgIdx], points[imgIdx] );
......@@ -757,34 +757,34 @@ void VectorDescriptorMatch::write (FileStorage& fs) const
* Factory function for GenericDescriptorMatch creating *
Ptr<GenericDescriptorMatch> createGenericDescriptorMatch( const string& genericDescritptorMatchType,
const string &paramsFilename )
Ptr<GenericDescriptorMatch> createGenericDescriptorMatcher( const string& genericDescritptorMatcherType,
const string &paramsFilename )
GenericDescriptorMatch *descriptorMatch = 0;
if( !"ONEWAY") )
GenericDescriptorMatch *descriptorMatcher = 0;
if( !"ONEWAY") )
descriptorMatch = new OneWayDescriptorMatch();
descriptorMatcher = new OneWayDescriptorMatch();
else if( !"FERN") )
else if( !"FERN") )
descriptorMatch = new FernDescriptorMatch();
descriptorMatcher = new FernDescriptorMatch();
else if( ! ("CALONDER") )
else if( ! ("CALONDER") )
//descriptorMatch = new CalonderDescriptorMatch ();
if( !paramsFilename.empty() && descriptorMatch != 0 )
if( !paramsFilename.empty() && descriptorMatcher != 0 )
FileStorage fs = FileStorage( paramsFilename, FileStorage::READ );
if( fs.isOpened() )
descriptorMatch->read( fs.root() );
descriptorMatcher->read( fs.root() );
return descriptorMatch;
return descriptorMatcher;
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::string alg_name = std::string(argv[3]);
std::string params_filename = std::string(argv[4]);
GenericDescriptorMatch *descriptorMatch = createGenericDescriptorMatch(alg_name, params_filename);
if( descriptorMatch == 0 )
GenericDescriptorMatch *descriptorMatcher = createGenericDescriptorMatcher(alg_name, params_filename);
if( descriptorMatcher == 0 )
printf ("Cannot create descriptor\n");
return 0;
......@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("Finding nearest neighbors... \n");
// find NN for each of keypoints2 in keypoints1
descriptorMatch->add( img1, keypoints1 );
descriptorMatcher->add( img1, keypoints1 );
vector<int> matches2to1;
descriptorMatch->match( img2, keypoints2, matches2to1 );
descriptorMatcher->match( img2, keypoints2, matches2to1 );
IplImage* img_corr = DrawCorrespondences(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, matches2to1);
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
delete descriptorMatch;
delete descriptorMatcher;
IplImage* DrawCorrespondences(IplImage* img1, const vector<KeyPoint>& features1, IplImage* img2,
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