Commit 896c34fa authored by Vladislav Sovrasov's avatar Vladislav Sovrasov

Add support of type headings from YAML1.2

parent 89a740a6
......@@ -1475,6 +1475,26 @@ icvYMLParseValue( CvFileStorage* fs, char* ptr, CvFileNode* node,
value_type |= CV_NODE_USER;
if ( d == '<') //support of full type heading from YAML 1.2
const char* yamlTypeHeading = "<,2002:";
const size_t headingLenght = strlen(yamlTypeHeading);
char* typeEndPtr = ++ptr;
do d = *++typeEndPtr;
while( cv_isprint(d) && d != ' ' && d != '>' );
if ( d == '>' && (size_t)(typeEndPtr - ptr) > headingLenght )
if ( memcmp(ptr, yamlTypeHeading, headingLenght) == 0 )
value_type |= CV_NODE_USER;
*typeEndPtr = ' ';
ptr += headingLenght - 1;
endptr = ptr++;
do d = *++endptr;
......@@ -996,3 +996,20 @@ TEST(Core_InputOutput, filestorage_vec_vec_io)
remove((fileName + formats[i]).c_str());
TEST(Core_InputOutput, filestorage_yaml_advanvced_type_heading)
String content = "%YAML:1.0\n cameraMatrix: !<,2002:opencv-matrix>\n"
" rows: 1\n"
" cols: 1\n"
" dt: d\n"
" data: [ 1. ]";
cv::FileStorage fs(content, cv::FileStorage::READ | cv::FileStorage::MEMORY);
cv::Mat inputMatrix;
cv::Mat actualMatrix = cv::Mat::eye(1, 1, CV_64F);
fs["cameraMatrix"] >> inputMatrix;
ASSERT_EQ(cv::norm(inputMatrix, actualMatrix, NORM_INF), 0.);
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