Commit 89528d7c authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

core(ocl): don't expose exceptions from OpenCL callback

to avoid silent crashes of OpenCL worker threads.
parent b41bc0ae
......@@ -2834,7 +2834,22 @@ extern "C" {
static void CL_CALLBACK oclCleanupCallback(cl_event e, cl_int, void *p)
catch (const cv::Exception& exc)
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "OCL: Unexpected OpenCV exception in OpenCL callback: " << exc.what());
catch (const std::exception& exc)
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "OCL: Unexpected C++ exception in OpenCL callback: " << exc.what());
catch (...)
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "OCL: Unexpected unknown C++ exception in OpenCL callback");
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