Commit 893fb90b authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

extended Python bindings; not merged into cv.cpp yet; and many of the helper…

extended Python bindings; not merged into cv.cpp yet; and many of the helper functions, like pyopencv_to_*, pyopencv_from_* etc. are still missing
parent 69e329c9
......@@ -2202,11 +2202,11 @@ public:
SVD& operator ()( const Mat& src, int flags=0 );
//! decomposes matrix and stores the results to user-provided matrices
CV_WRAP_AS(SVDecomp) static void compute( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& w, CV_OUT Mat& u, CV_OUT Mat& vt, int flags=0 );
static void compute( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& w, CV_OUT Mat& u, CV_OUT Mat& vt, int flags=0 );
//! computes singular values of a matrix
CV_WRAP_AS(SVDecomp) static void compute( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& w, int flags=0 );
static void compute( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& w, int flags=0 );
//! performs back substitution
CV_WRAP_AS(SVBackSubst) static void backSubst( const Mat& w, const Mat& u, const Mat& vt,
static void backSubst( const Mat& w, const Mat& u, const Mat& vt,
const Mat& rhs, CV_OUT Mat& dst );
template<typename _Tp, int m, int n, int nm> static void compute( const Matx<_Tp, m, n>& a,
......@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ public:
void writeObj( const string& name, const void* obj );
//! returns the normalized object name for the specified file name
CV_WRAP static string getDefaultObjectName(const string& filename);
static string getDefaultObjectName(const string& filename);
Ptr<CvFileStorage> fs; //!< the underlying C FileStorage structure
string elname; //!< the currently written element
......@@ -565,15 +565,15 @@ CV_EXPORTS_AS(integral2) void integral( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& sum, CV_OUT
CV_EXPORTS_AS(integral3) void integral( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& sum, CV_OUT Mat& sqsum, CV_OUT Mat& tilted, int sdepth=-1 );
//! adds image to the accumulator (dst += src). Unlike cv::add, dst and src can have different types.
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulate( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulate( const Mat& src, CV_IN_OUT Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
//! adds squared src image to the accumulator (dst += src*src).
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulateSquare( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulateSquare( const Mat& src, CV_IN_OUT Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
//! adds product of the 2 images to the accumulator (dst += src1*src2).
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulateProduct( const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2,
CV_OUT Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
CV_IN_OUT Mat& dst, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
//! updates the running average (dst = dst*(1-alpha) + src*alpha)
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulateWeighted( const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& dst,
double alpha, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
CV_EXPORTS_W void accumulateWeighted( const Mat& src, CV_IN_OUT Mat& dst,
double alpha, const Mat& mask=Mat() );
//! type of the threshold operation
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ CV_EXPORTS_W double calcGlobalOrientation( const Mat& orientation, const Mat& ma
// TODO: need good API for cvSegmentMotion
//! updates the object tracking window using CAMSHIFT algorithm
CV_EXPORTS_W RotatedRect CamShift( const Mat& probImage, CV_OUT Rect& window,
CV_EXPORTS_W RotatedRect CamShift( const Mat& probImage, CV_IN_OUT Rect& window,
TermCriteria criteria );
//! updates the object tracking window using meanshift algorithm
CV_EXPORTS_W int meanShift( const Mat& probImage, CV_OUT Rect& window,
CV_EXPORTS_W int meanShift( const Mat& probImage, CV_IN_OUT Rect& window,
TermCriteria criteria );
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