Commit 87fc3441 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

workaround for cv::multiply bug

parent a54d36bd
......@@ -181,9 +181,6 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(ArithmTestBase, MatDepth, Channels, bool)
depth = GET_PARAM(0);
cn = GET_PARAM(1);
use_roi = GET_PARAM(2);
val = cv::Scalar(rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0), rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0),
rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0), rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0));
void random_roi()
......@@ -213,6 +210,9 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(ArithmTestBase, MatDepth, Channels, bool)
generateOclMat(gdst1_whole, gdst1_roi, dst1, roiSize, dst1Border);
generateOclMat(gdst2_whole, gdst2_roi, dst2, roiSize, dst2Border);
generateOclMat(gmask_whole, gmask_roi, mask, roiSize, maskBorder);
val = cv::Scalar(rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0), rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0),
rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0), rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0));
void Near(double threshold = 0.)
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ OCL_TEST_P(Mul, Scalar)
cv::multiply(val[0], src1_roi, dst1_roi);
cv::multiply(Scalar::all(val[0]), src1_roi, dst1_roi);
cv::ocl::multiply(val[0], gsrc1_roi, gdst1_roi);
Near(gdst1_roi.depth() >= CV_32F ? 1e-3 : 1);
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