Commit 87b1835c authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #12587 from alalek:ts_update_valgrind_test_filter

parents 15e9e330 ec9c53ee
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class AndroidTestSuite(TestSuite):
def checkPrerequisites(self):
def runTest(self, path, logfile, workingDir, args=[]):
def runTest(self, module, path, logfile, workingDir, args=[]):
args = args[:]
exe = os.path.abspath(path)
......@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ from pprint import PrettyPrinter as PP
('calib3d', 'Calib3d_InitUndistortRectifyMap.accuracy', 2017.22),
('dnn', 'Reproducibility*', 1000), # large DNN models
('dnn', '*RCNN*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*RFCN*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*EAST*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*VGG16*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*ZFNet*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*ResNet101_DUC_HDC*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*LResNet100E_IR*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*read_yolo_voc_stream*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*eccv16*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*OpenPose*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('dnn', '*SSD/*', 1000), # very large DNN models
('face', 'CV_Face_FacemarkLBF.test_workflow', 10000.0), # >40min on i7
('features2d', 'Features2d/DescriptorImage.no_crash/3', 1000),
('features2d', 'Features2d/DescriptorImage.no_crash/4', 1000),
('features2d', 'Features2d/DescriptorImage.no_crash/5', 1000),
......@@ -29,6 +41,8 @@ LONG_TESTS_DEBUG_VALGRIND = [
('shape', 'Shape_SCD.regression', 3311.46),
('tracking', 'AUKF.br_mean_squared_error', 10764.6),
('tracking', 'UKF.br_mean_squared_error', 5228.27),
('tracking', '*DistanceAndOverlap*/1', 1000.0), # dudek
('tracking', '*DistanceAndOverlap*/2', 1000.0), # faceocc2
('videoio', 'Videoio_Video.ffmpeg_writebig', 1000),
('xfeatures2d', 'Features2d_RotationInvariance_Descriptor_BoostDesc_LBGM.regression', 1124.51),
('xfeatures2d', 'Features2d_RotationInvariance_Descriptor_VGG120.regression', 2198.1),
......@@ -41,17 +55,21 @@ LONG_TESTS_DEBUG_VALGRIND = [
('xfeatures2d', 'Features2d_ScaleInvariance_Descriptor_VGG64.regression', 1163.41),
('xfeatures2d', 'Features2d_ScaleInvariance_Descriptor_VGG80.regression', 1179.06),
('ximgproc', 'L0SmoothTest.SplatSurfaceAccuracy', 6382.26),
('ximgproc', 'L0SmoothTest_perf.perf/17', 2052.16),
('ximgproc', 'RollingGuidanceFilterTest_perf.perf/59', 2760.29),
('ximgproc', 'perf*/1*:perf*/2*:perf*/3*:perf*/4*:perf*/5*:perf*/6*:perf*/7*:perf*/8*:perf*/9*', 1000.0), # only first 10 parameters
('ximgproc', 'TypicalSet1/RollingGuidanceFilterTest.MultiThreadReproducibility/5', 1086.33),
('ximgproc', 'TypicalSet1/RollingGuidanceFilterTest.MultiThreadReproducibility/7', 1405.05),
('ximgproc', 'TypicalSet1/RollingGuidanceFilterTest.SplatSurfaceAccuracy/5', 1253.07),
('ximgproc', 'TypicalSet1/RollingGuidanceFilterTest.SplatSurfaceAccuracy/7', 1599.98),
('ximgproc', '*MultiThreadReproducibility*/1:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/2:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/3:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/4:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/5:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/6:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/7:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/8:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/9:*MultiThreadReproducibility*/1*', 1000.0),
('ximgproc', '*AdaptiveManifoldRefImplTest*/1:*AdaptiveManifoldRefImplTest*/2:*AdaptiveManifoldRefImplTest*/3', 1000.0),
('ximgproc', '*JointBilateralFilterTest_NaiveRef*', 1000.0),
('ximgproc', '*RollingGuidanceFilterTest_BilateralRef*/1*:*RollingGuidanceFilterTest_BilateralRef*/2*:*RollingGuidanceFilterTest_BilateralRef*/3*', 1000.0),
('ximgproc', '*JointBilateralFilterTest_NaiveRef*', 1000.0),
def longTestFilter(data, module=None):
res = ['*', '-'] + [v for _, v, m in data if module is None or m == module]
res = ['*', '-'] + [v for m, v, _time in data if module is None or m == module]
return '--gtest_filter={}'.format(':'.join(res))
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
return False
return os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK)
def wrapCommand(self, cmd, env):
def wrapCommand(self, module, cmd, env):
if self.options.valgrind:
res = ['valgrind']
supp = self.options.valgrind_supp or []
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
print("WARNING: Valgrind suppression file is missing, SKIP: %s" % f)
has_gtest_filter = next((True for x in cmd if x.startswith('--gtest_filter=')), False)
return res + cmd + ([longTestFilter(LONG_TESTS_DEBUG_VALGRIND)] if not has_gtest_filter else [])
return res + cmd + ([longTestFilter(LONG_TESTS_DEBUG_VALGRIND, module)] if not has_gtest_filter else [])
elif self.options.qemu:
import shlex
res = shlex.split(self.options.qemu)
......@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ class TestSuite(object):
return False
def runTest(self, path, logfile, workingDir, args=[]):
def runTest(self, module, path, logfile, workingDir, args=[]):
args = args[:]
exe = os.path.abspath(path)
if path == "java":
if module == "java":
cmd = [self.cache.ant_executable, "" % self.cache.build_type, "buildAndTest"]
ret = execute(cmd, cwd=self.cache.java_test_dir)
return None, ret
elif path in ['python2', 'python3']:
elif module in ['python2', 'python3']:
executable = os.getenv('OPENCV_PYTHON_BINARY', None)
if executable is None:
executable = path
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
tempDir = TempEnvDir('OPENCV_TEMP_PATH', "__opencv_temp.")
cmd = self.wrapCommand([exe] + args, env)
cmd = self.wrapCommand(module, [exe] + args, env)
log.warning("Run: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
ret = execute(cmd, cwd=workingDir, env=env)
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
if self.options.dry_run:
logfile, r = None, 0
logfile, r = self.runTest(exe, logname, workingDir, args + more_args)
logfile, r = self.runTest(test, exe, logname, workingDir, args + more_args)
log.debug("Test returned: %s ==> %s", r, logfile)
if r != 0:
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