Commit 8603c58f authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

Mat::setTo(with mask)

parent 0b678c24
......@@ -411,7 +411,77 @@ Mat& Mat::setTo(InputArray _value, InputArray _mask)
Mat value = _value.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
CV_Assert( checkScalar(value, type(), _value.kind(), _InputArray::MAT ));
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || mask.type() == CV_8U );
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || (mask.type() == CV_8U && size == mask.size) );
#if defined HAVE_IPP && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
if (!mask.empty() && (dims <= 2 || (isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())))
uchar buf[32];
convertAndUnrollScalar( value, type(), buf, 1 );
int cn = channels(), depth0 = depth();
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
IppiSize roisize = { cols, rows };
int mstep = (int)mask.step, dstep = (int)step;
if (isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
roisize.width = (int)total();
roisize.height = 1;
if (cn == 1)
if (depth0 == CV_8U)
status = ippiSet_8u_C1MR(*(Ipp8u *)buf, (Ipp8u *)data, dstep, roisize,, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_16U)
status = ippiSet_16u_C1MR(*(Ipp16u *)buf, (Ipp16u *)data, dstep, roisize,, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_16S)
status = ippiSet_16s_C1MR(*(Ipp16s *)buf, (Ipp16s *)data, dstep, roisize,, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_32S)
status = ippiSet_32s_C1MR(*(Ipp32s *)buf, (Ipp32s *)data, dstep, roisize,, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_32F)
status = ippiSet_32f_C1MR(*(Ipp32f *)buf, (Ipp32f *)data, dstep, roisize,, mstep);
else if (cn == 3 || cn == 3)
#define IPP_SET(ippfavor, ippcn) \
do \
{ \
typedef Ipp##ippfavor ipptype; \
ipptype ippvalue[4] = { ((ipptype *)buf)[0], ((ipptype *)buf)[1], ((ipptype *)buf)[2], ((ipptype *)buf)[4] }; \
status = ippiSet_##ippfavor##_C##ippcn##MR(ippvalue, (ipptype *)data, dstep, roisize,, mstep); \
} while ((void)0, 0)
#define IPP_SET_CN(ippcn) \
do \
{ \
if (cn == ippcn) \
{ \
if (depth0 == CV_8U) \
IPP_SET(8u, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_16U) \
IPP_SET(16u, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_16S) \
IPP_SET(16s, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_32S) \
IPP_SET(32s, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_32F) \
IPP_SET(32f, ippcn); \
} \
} while ((void)0, 0)
#undef IPP_SET_CN
#undef IPP_SET
if (status >= 0)
return *this;
size_t esz = elemSize();
BinaryFunc copymask = getCopyMaskFunc(esz);
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