Commit 85dd3fbe authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

fixed meanShiftSegmentation test in gpu module

parent 2f4aeeac
......@@ -64,10 +64,17 @@ struct CV_GpuMeanShiftSegmentationTest : public CvTest {
Mat img;
cvtColor(img_rgb, img, CV_BGR2BGRA);
for (int minsize = 0; minsize < 2000; minsize = (minsize + 1) * 2)
int major, minor;
cv::gpu::getComputeCapability(cv::gpu::getDevice(), major, minor);
for (int minsize = 0; minsize < 2000; minsize = (minsize + 1) * 4)
stringstream path;
path << ts->get_data_path() << "meanshift/cones_segmented_sp10_sr10_minsize" << minsize << ".png";
path << ts->get_data_path() << "meanshift/cones_segmented_sp10_sr10_minsize" << minsize;
if (major == 1)
path << "_CC1X.png";
path << ".png";
Mat dst;
meanShiftSegmentation((GpuMat)img, dst, 10, 10, minsize);
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