Commit 83cefcb9 authored by Alexander Karsakov's avatar Alexander Karsakov

FFmpeg 2.0.2 32-bit builded with mingw (4.6.1) with following additional…

FFmpeg 2.0.2 32-bit builded with mingw (4.6.1) with following additional options: --enable-w32threads --disable-iconv --cpu=i686 (workaroud for
parent 2e79dde3
set path=c:\dev\msys32\bin;%path% & gcc -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavdevice -lswscale -lavutil -liconv -lws2_32 set path=c:\dev\msys32\bin;%path% & gcc -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavdevice -lswscale -lavutil -lws2_32
set path=c:\dev\msys64\bin;%path% & gcc -m64 -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat64 -lavcodec64 -lavdevice64 -lswscale64 -lavutil64 -lws2_32 set path=c:\dev\msys64\bin;%path% & gcc -m64 -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat64 -lavcodec64 -lavdevice64 -lswscale64 -lavutil64 -lws2_32
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