Commit 8007e07a authored by ozantonkal's avatar ozantonkal Committed by Ozan Tonkal

load mesh function is finalized: color range is always 0-255 and RGB due to…

load mesh function is finalized: color range is always 0-255 and RGB due to vtkPLYReader limitations
parent e4b13f2e
......@@ -72,11 +72,12 @@ struct cv::viz::Mesh3d::loadMeshImpl
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPLYReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPLYReader>::New();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> poly_data = reader->GetOutput ();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> mesh_points = poly_data->GetPoints ();
vtkIdType nr_points = mesh_points->GetNumberOfPoints ();
//vtkIdType nr_polygons = poly_data->GetNumberOfPolys ();, nr_points, CV_32FC3);
......@@ -89,18 +90,10 @@ struct cv::viz::Mesh3d::loadMeshImpl
// Then the color information, if any
vtkUnsignedCharArray* poly_colors = NULL;
if (poly_data->GetPointData() != NULL)
poly_colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast (poly_data->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ("Colors"));
// some applications do not save the name of scalars (including PCL's native vtk_io)
if (!poly_colors && poly_data->GetPointData () != NULL)
poly_colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast (poly_data->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ("scalars"));
if (!poly_colors && poly_data->GetPointData () != NULL)
poly_colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast (poly_data->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ("RGB"));
// TODO: currently only handles rgb values with 3 components
vtkUnsignedCharArray* poly_colors = 0;
if (poly_data->GetPointData())
poly_colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast(poly_data->GetPointData()->GetScalars());
if (poly_colors && (poly_colors->GetNumberOfComponents () == 3))
mesh.colors.create(1, nr_points, CV_8UC3);
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ cv::viz::Widget cv::viz::Widget::fromPlyFile(const String &file_name)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPLYReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPLYReader>::New ();
reader->SetFileName (file_name.c_str ());
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> data = reader->GetOutput();
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