Commit 800266dd authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

parallel training of a neural net using TBB (thanks to Konstantin Krivakin)

parent d002c137
......@@ -2001,6 +2001,7 @@ public:
return layer_sizes && weights &&
(unsigned)layer <= (unsigned)layer_sizes->cols ? weights[layer] : 0;
virtual void calc_activ_func_deriv( CvMat* xf, CvMat* deriv, const double* bias ) const;
......@@ -2015,7 +2016,6 @@ protected:
virtual int train_rprop( CvVectors _ivecs, CvVectors _ovecs, const double* _sw );
virtual void calc_activ_func( CvMat* xf, const double* bias ) const;
virtual void calc_activ_func_deriv( CvMat* xf, CvMat* deriv, const double* bias ) const;
virtual void set_activ_func( int _activ_func=SIGMOID_SYM,
double _f_param1=0, double _f_param2=0 );
virtual void init_weights();
......@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
#include <tbb/tbb.h>
term_crit = cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 1000, 0.01 );
......@@ -1019,142 +1023,124 @@ int CvANN_MLP::train_backprop( CvVectors x0, CvVectors u, const double* sw )
return iter;
int CvANN_MLP::train_rprop( CvVectors x0, CvVectors u, const double* sw )
const int max_buf_sz = 1 << 16;
CvMat* dw = 0;
CvMat* dEdw = 0;
CvMat* prev_dEdw_sign = 0;
CvMat* buf = 0;
double **x = 0, **df = 0;
int iter = -1, count = x0.count;
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvANN_MLP::train" );
int i, ivcount, ovcount, l_count, total = 0, max_iter, buf_sz, dcount0, dcount=0;
double *buf_ptr;
double prev_E = DBL_MAX*0.5, epsilon;
double dw_plus, dw_minus, dw_min, dw_max;
struct rprop_loop {
rprop_loop(const CvANN_MLP* _point, double**& _weights, int& _count, int& _ivcount, CvVectors* _x0,
int& _l_count, CvMat*& _layer_sizes, int& _ovcount, int& _max_count,
CvVectors* _u, const double*& _sw, double& _inv_count, CvMat*& _dEdw, int& _dcount0, double* _E, int _buf_sz)
point = _point;
weights = _weights;
count = _count;
ivcount = _ivcount;
x0 = _x0;
l_count = _l_count;
layer_sizes = _layer_sizes;
ovcount = _ovcount;
max_count = _max_count;
u = _u;
sw = _sw;
inv_count = _inv_count;
dEdw = _dEdw;
dcount0 = _dcount0;
E = _E;
buf_sz = _buf_sz;
const CvANN_MLP* point;
double** weights;
int count;
int ivcount;
CvVectors* x0;
int l_count;
CvMat* layer_sizes;
int ovcount;
int max_count;
CvVectors* u;
const double* sw;
double inv_count;
CvMat* dEdw;
int dcount0;
double* E;
int buf_sz;
max_iter = params.term_crit.max_iter;
epsilon = params.term_crit.epsilon;
dw_plus = params.rp_dw_plus;
dw_minus = params.rp_dw_minus;
dw_min = params.rp_dw_min;
dw_max = params.rp_dw_max;
l_count = layer_sizes->cols;
ivcount = layer_sizes->data.i[0];
ovcount = layer_sizes->data.i[l_count-1];
void operator()( const cv::BlockedRange& range ) const
double* buf_ptr;
double** x = 0;
double **df = 0;
int total = 0;
// allocate buffers
for( i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
for(int i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
total += layer_sizes->data.i[i];
CV_CALL( dw = cvCreateMat( wbuf->rows, wbuf->cols, wbuf->type ));
cvSet( dw, cvScalarAll(params.rp_dw0) );
CV_CALL( dEdw = cvCreateMat( wbuf->rows, wbuf->cols, wbuf->type ));
cvZero( dEdw );
CV_CALL( prev_dEdw_sign = cvCreateMat( wbuf->rows, wbuf->cols, CV_8SC1 ));
cvZero( prev_dEdw_sign );
inv_count = 1./count;
dcount0 = max_buf_sz/(2*total);
dcount0 = MAX( dcount0, 1 );
dcount0 = MIN( dcount0, count );
buf_sz = dcount0*(total + max_count)*2;
CV_CALL( buf = cvCreateMat( 1, buf_sz, CV_64F ));
CV_CALL( x = (double**)cvAlloc( total*2*sizeof(x[0]) ));
CvMat* buf;
buf = cvCreateMat( 1, buf_sz, CV_64F );
x = (double**)cvAlloc( total*2*sizeof(x[0]) );
df = x + total;
buf_ptr = buf->data.db;
for( i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
for(int i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
x[i] = buf_ptr;
df[i] = x[i] + layer_sizes->data.i[i]*dcount0;
buf_ptr += (df[i] - x[i])*2;
// run rprop loop
y_i(t) = w_i(t)*x_{i-1}(t)
x_i(t) = f(y_i(t))
E = sum_over_all_samples(1/2*||u - x_N||^2)
grad_N = (x_N - u)*f'(y_i)
MIN(dw_i{jk}(t)*dw_plus, dw_max), if dE/dw_i{jk}(t)*dE/dw_i{jk}(t-1) > 0
dw_i{jk}(t) = MAX(dw_i{jk}(t)*dw_minus, dw_min), if dE/dw_i{jk}(t)*dE/dw_i{jk}(t-1) < 0
dw_i{jk}(t-1) else
if (dE/dw_i{jk}(t)*dE/dw_i{jk}(t-1) < 0)
w_i{jk}(t+1) = w_i{jk}(t) + dw_i{jk}(t)
grad_{i-1}(t) = w_i^t(t)*grad_i(t)
for( iter = 0; iter < max_iter; iter++ )
for(int si = range.begin(); si < range.end(); si++ )
int n1, n2, si, j, k;
if (si % dcount0 != 0) continue;
int n1, n2, j, k;
double* w;
CvMat _w, _dEdw, hdr1, hdr2, ghdr1, ghdr2, _df;
CvMat *x1, *x2, *grad1, *grad2, *temp;
double E = 0;
int dcount = 0;
// first, iterate through all the samples and compute dEdw
for( si = 0; si < count; si += dcount )
dcount = MIN( count - si, dcount0 );
dcount = MIN(count - si , dcount0 );
w = weights[0];
grad1 = &ghdr1; grad2 = &ghdr2;
x1 = &hdr1; x2 = &hdr2;
// grab and preprocess input data
if( x0.type == CV_32F )
for( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
if( x0->type == CV_32F )
const float* x0data =[si+i];
for(int i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
const float* x0data = x0->data.fl[si+i];
double* xdata = x[0]+i*ivcount;
for( j = 0; j < ivcount; j++ )
xdata[j] = x0data[j]*w[j*2] + w[j*2+1];
for( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
for(int i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
const double* x0data =[si+i];
const double* x0data = x0->data.db[si+i];
double* xdata = x[0]+i*ivcount;
for( j = 0; j < ivcount; j++ )
xdata[j] = x0data[j]*w[j*2] + w[j*2+1];
cvInitMatHeader( x1, dcount, ivcount, CV_64F, x[0] );
// forward pass, compute y[i]=w*x[i-1], x[i]=f(y[i]), df[i]=f'(y[i])
for( i = 1; i < l_count; i++ )
for(int i = 1; i < l_count; i++ )
cvInitMatHeader( x2, dcount, layer_sizes->data.i[i], CV_64F, x[i] );
cvInitMatHeader( &_w, x1->cols, x2->cols, CV_64F, weights[i] );
cvGEMM( x1, &_w, 1, 0, 0, x2 );
_df = *x2; = df[i];
calc_activ_func_deriv( x2, &_df, + _w.rows*_w.cols );
point->calc_activ_func_deriv( x2, &_df, + _w.rows*_w.cols );
CV_SWAP( x1, x2, temp );
cvInitMatHeader( grad1, dcount, ovcount, CV_64F, buf_ptr );
w = weights[l_count+1];
grad2->data.db = buf_ptr + max_count*dcount;
// calculate error
if( u.type == CV_32F )
for( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
if( u->type == CV_32F )
for(int i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
const float* udata =[si+i];
const float* udata = u->data.fl[si+i];
const double* xdata = x[l_count-1] + i*ovcount;
double* gdata = grad1->data.db + i*ovcount;
double sweight = sw ? sw[si+i] : inv_count, E1 = 0;
......@@ -1165,34 +1151,42 @@ int CvANN_MLP::train_rprop( CvVectors x0, CvVectors u, const double* sw )
gdata[j] = t*sweight;
E1 += t*t;
E += sweight*E1;
*E += sweight*E1;
for( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
for(int i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
const double* udata =[si+i];
const double* udata = u->data.db[si+i];
const double* xdata = x[l_count-1] + i*ovcount;
double* gdata = grad1->data.db + i*ovcount;
double sweight = sw ? sw[si+i] : inv_count, E1 = 0;
for( j = 0; j < ovcount; j++ )
for(int j = 0; j < ovcount; j++ )
double t = udata[j]*w[j*2] + w[j*2+1] - xdata[j];
gdata[j] = t*sweight;
E1 += t*t;
E += sweight*E1;
*E += sweight*E1;
// backward pass, update dEdw
for( i = l_count-1; i > 0; i-- )
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
static tbb::spin_mutex mutex;
tbb::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock;
for(int i = l_count-1; i > 0; i-- )
n1 = layer_sizes->data.i[i-1]; n2 = layer_sizes->data.i[i];
cvInitMatHeader( &_df, dcount, n2, CV_64F, df[i] );
cvMul( grad1, &_df, grad1 );
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
cvInitMatHeader( &_dEdw, n1, n2, CV_64F, dEdw->data.db+(weights[i]-weights[0]) );
cvInitMatHeader( x1, dcount, n1, CV_64F, x[i-1] );
cvGEMM( x1, grad1, 1, &_dEdw, 1, &_dEdw, CV_GEMM_A_T );
// update bias part of dEdw
for( k = 0; k < dcount; k++ )
......@@ -1201,14 +1195,116 @@ int CvANN_MLP::train_rprop( CvVectors x0, CvVectors u, const double* sw )
for( j = 0; j < n2; j++ )
dst[j] += src[j];
if (i > 1)
cvInitMatHeader( &_w, n1, n2, CV_64F, weights[i] );
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
cvInitMatHeader( grad2, dcount, n1, CV_64F, grad2->data.db );
if( i > 1 )
cvGEMM( grad1, &_w, 1, 0, 0, grad2, CV_GEMM_B_T );
CV_SWAP( grad1, grad2, temp );
cvReleaseMat( &buf );
int CvANN_MLP::train_rprop( CvVectors x0, CvVectors u, const double* sw )
const int max_buf_sz = 1 << 16;
CvMat* dw = 0;
CvMat* dEdw = 0;
CvMat* prev_dEdw_sign = 0;
CvMat* buf = 0;
double **x = 0, **df = 0;
int iter = -1, count = x0.count;
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvANN_MLP::train" );
int i, ivcount, ovcount, l_count, total = 0, max_iter, buf_sz, dcount0, dcount=0;
double *buf_ptr;
double prev_E = DBL_MAX*0.5, epsilon;
double dw_plus, dw_minus, dw_min, dw_max;
double inv_count;
max_iter = params.term_crit.max_iter;
epsilon = params.term_crit.epsilon;
dw_plus = params.rp_dw_plus;
dw_minus = params.rp_dw_minus;
dw_min = params.rp_dw_min;
dw_max = params.rp_dw_max;
l_count = layer_sizes->cols;
ivcount = layer_sizes->data.i[0];
ovcount = layer_sizes->data.i[l_count-1];
// allocate buffers
for( i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
total += layer_sizes->data.i[i];
CV_CALL( dw = cvCreateMat( wbuf->rows, wbuf->cols, wbuf->type ));
cvSet( dw, cvScalarAll(params.rp_dw0) );
CV_CALL( dEdw = cvCreateMat( wbuf->rows, wbuf->cols, wbuf->type ));
cvZero( dEdw );
CV_CALL( prev_dEdw_sign = cvCreateMat( wbuf->rows, wbuf->cols, CV_8SC1 ));
cvZero( prev_dEdw_sign );
inv_count = 1./count;
dcount0 = max_buf_sz/(2*total);
dcount0 = MAX( dcount0, 1 );
dcount0 = MIN( dcount0, count );
buf_sz = dcount0*(total + max_count)*2;
CV_CALL( buf = cvCreateMat( 1, buf_sz, CV_64F ));
CV_CALL( x = (double**)cvAlloc( total*2*sizeof(x[0]) ));
df = x + total;
buf_ptr = buf->data.db;
for( i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
x[i] = buf_ptr;
df[i] = x[i] + layer_sizes->data.i[i]*dcount0;
buf_ptr += (df[i] - x[i])*2;
// run rprop loop
y_i(t) = w_i(t)*x_{i-1}(t)
x_i(t) = f(y_i(t))
E = sum_over_all_samples(1/2*||u - x_N||^2)
grad_N = (x_N - u)*f'(y_i)
MIN(dw_i{jk}(t)*dw_plus, dw_max), if dE/dw_i{jk}(t)*dE/dw_i{jk}(t-1) > 0
dw_i{jk}(t) = MAX(dw_i{jk}(t)*dw_minus, dw_min), if dE/dw_i{jk}(t)*dE/dw_i{jk}(t-1) < 0
dw_i{jk}(t-1) else
if (dE/dw_i{jk}(t)*dE/dw_i{jk}(t-1) < 0)
w_i{jk}(t+1) = w_i{jk}(t) + dw_i{jk}(t)
grad_{i-1}(t) = w_i^t(t)*grad_i(t)
for( iter = 0; iter < max_iter; iter++ )
int n1, n2, si, j, k;
double* w;
CvMat _w, _dEdw, hdr1, hdr2, ghdr1, ghdr2, _df;
CvMat *x1, *x2, *grad1, *grad2, *temp;
double E = 0;
// first, iterate through all the samples and compute dEdw
cv::parallel_for(cv::BlockedRange(0, count),
rprop_loop(this, weights, count, ivcount, &x0, l_count, layer_sizes,
ovcount, max_count, &u, sw, inv_count, dEdw, dcount0, &E, buf_sz)
// now update weights
for( i = 1; i < l_count; i++ )
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