Commit 7fe4fbfc authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

modified grabCut test to stable verification

parent cfda65a1
......@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class CV_GrabcutTest : public CvTest
bool verify(const Mat& mask, const Mat& exp);
void run(int);
......@@ -62,18 +63,15 @@ CV_GrabcutTest::CV_GrabcutTest(): CvTest( "segmentation-grabcut", "cv::grabCut"
CV_GrabcutTest::~CV_GrabcutTest() {}
bool verify(const Mat& mask, const Mat& exp)
if (0 == norm(mask, exp, NORM_INF))
return true;
Mat mask_dilated, exp_dilated;
const int inter_num = 2;
dilate(mask, mask_dilated, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), inter_num);
dilate(exp, exp_dilated, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), inter_num);
bool CV_GrabcutTest::verify(const Mat& mask, const Mat& exp)
const float maxDiffRatio = 0.005f;
int expArea = countNonZero( exp );
int nonIntersectArea = countNonZero( mask != exp );
return countNonZero(mask-exp_dilated) + countNonZero(mask_dilated-exp) == 0;
float curRatio = (float)nonIntersectArea / (float)expArea;
ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "nonIntersectArea/expArea = %f\n", curRatio );
return curRatio < maxDiffRatio;
void CV_GrabcutTest::run( int /* start_from */)
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ const char* blacklist[] =
"latentsvmdetector", //ticket 661
"warp-affine", //ticket 572
"warp-perspective", //ticket 575
"segmentation-grabcut", //ticket 666
"_3d-fundam", //ticket 434
"posit", //ticket 430
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