Commit 7d6a2f1b authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Revert "skip of table header in MLData (#1962)"

This reverts commit 4d36be87.

parent 0dc3d610
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ MLData
.. highlight:: cpp
For the machine learning algorithms, the data set is often stored in a file of the ``.csv``-like format. The file contains a table of predictor and response values where each row of the table corresponds to a sample. Missing values are supported. The UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository ( provides many data sets stored in such a format to the machine learning community. The class ``MLData`` is implemented to easily load the data for training one of the OpenCV machine learning algorithms. For float values, only the ``'.'`` separator is supported. The table can have a header and in such case the user have to set the number of the header lines to skip them duaring the file reading.
For the machine learning algorithms, the data set is often stored in a file of the ``.csv``-like format. The file contains a table of predictor and response values where each row of the table corresponds to a sample. Missing values are supported. The UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository ( provides many data sets stored in such a format to the machine learning community. The class ``MLData`` is implemented to easily load the data for training one of the OpenCV machine learning algorithms. For float values, only the ``'.'`` separator is supported.
......@@ -182,20 +182,6 @@ Sets the variables types in the loaded data.
In the string, a variable type is followed by a list of variables indices. For example: ``"ord[0-17],cat[18]"``, ``"ord[0,2,4,10-12], cat[1,3,5-9,13,14]"``, ``"cat"`` (all variables are categorical), ``"ord"`` (all variables are ordered).
Returns a number of the table header lines.
.. ocv:function:: int CvMLData::get_header_lines_number() const
Sets a number of the table header lines.
.. ocv:function:: void CvMLData::set_header_lines_number( int n )
By default it is supposed that the table does not have a header, i.e. it contains only the data.
Returns type of the specified variable
......@@ -2026,9 +2026,6 @@ public:
const CvMat* get_responses();
const CvMat* get_missing() const;
void set_header_lines_number( int n );
int get_header_lines_number() const;
void set_response_idx( int idx ); // old response become predictors, new response_idx = idx
// if idx < 0 there will be no response
int get_response_idx() const;
......@@ -2069,7 +2066,6 @@ protected:
char delimiter;
char miss_ch;
short header_lines_number;
//char flt_separator;
CvMat* values;
......@@ -2081,8 +2077,6 @@ protected:
CvMat* var_idx_out; // mat
CvMat* var_types_out; // mat
int header_lines_number;
int response_idx;
int train_sample_count;
......@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ CvMLData::CvMLData()
values = missing = var_types = var_idx_mask = response_out = var_idx_out = var_types_out = 0;
train_sample_idx = test_sample_idx = 0;
header_lines_number = 0;
sample_idx = 0;
response_idx = -1;
......@@ -118,17 +117,6 @@ void CvMLData::clear()
train_sample_count = -1;
void CvMLData::set_header_lines_number( int idx )
header_lines_number = (short)std::max(0, idx);
int CvMLData::get_header_lines_number() const
return header_lines_number;
static char *fgets_chomp(char *str, int n, FILE *stream)
char *head = fgets(str, n, stream);
......@@ -165,15 +153,9 @@ int CvMLData::read_csv(const char* filename)
if( !file )
return -1;
// read the first line and determine the number of variables
std::vector<char> _buf(M);
char* buf = &_buf[0];
// skip header lines
for( int i = 0; i < header_lines_number; i++ )
if( fgets( buf, M, file ) == 0 )
return -1;
// read the first data line and determine the number of variables
if( !fgets_chomp( buf, M, file ))
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