Commit 7c8a49b4 authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Java API: Removed meaningless tests

parent c0cd3172
......@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import org.opencv.test.OpenCVTestCase;
public class KeyPointTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
private float angle;
private int classId;
private KeyPoint keyPoint;
private int octave;
private float response;
private float size;
private float x;
private float y;
private float angle;
private float response;
private int octave;
private int classId;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
......@@ -29,89 +29,34 @@ public class KeyPointTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
classId = 1;
public void testGet_angle() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle);
assertEquals(30.0f, keyPoint.angle);
public void testGet_class_id() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle, response, octave, classId);
assertEquals(1, keyPoint.class_id);
public void testGet_octave() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle, response, octave);
assertEquals(1, keyPoint.octave);
public void testGet_pt() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size);
assertPointEquals(new Point(1, 2),, EPS);
public void testGet_response() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle, response);
assertEquals(2.0f, keyPoint.response);
public void testGet_size() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size);
assertEquals(3.0f, keyPoint.size);
public void testKeyPoint() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint();
assertPointEquals(new Point(0, 0),, EPS);
public void testKeyPointFloatFloatFloat() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size);
assertPointEquals(new Point(1, 2),, EPS);
public void testKeyPointFloatFloatFloatFloat() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, 10.0f);
assertEquals(10.0f, keyPoint.angle);
public void testKeyPointFloatFloatFloatFloatFloat() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, 1.0f, 1.0f);
assertEquals(1.0f, keyPoint.response);
public void testKeyPointFloatFloatFloatFloatFloatInt() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1);
assertEquals(1, keyPoint.octave);
public void testKeyPointFloatFloatFloatFloatFloatIntInt() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 1);
public void testSet_angle() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle);
keyPoint.angle = 10f;
public void testSet_class_id() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle, response, octave, classId);
keyPoint.class_id = 2;
public void testSet_octave() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle, response, octave);
keyPoint.octave = 0;
public void testSet_pt() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size); = new Point(4, 3);
assertPointEquals(new Point(4, 3),, EPS);
public void testSet_response() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size, angle, response);
keyPoint.response = 1.5f;
public void testSet_size() {
keyPoint = new KeyPoint(x, y, size);
keyPoint.size = 5.0f;
assertEquals(1, keyPoint.class_id);
public void testToString() {
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