Commit 7c1f1d88 authored by yao's avatar yao

fix bug #2787

parent 9ec5333a
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ uchar read_imgTex(IMAGE_INT8 img, sampler_t sam, float2 coord, int rows, int col
// dynamically change the precision used for floating type
#if defined (__ATI__) || defined (__NVIDIA__)
#if defined DOUBLE_SUPPORT
#define F double
#define F float
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ __kernel
__global const float * det,
__global const float * trace,
__global int4 * maxPosBuffer,
volatile __global unsigned int* maxCounter,
volatile __global int* maxCounter,
int counter_offset,
int det_step, // the step of det in bytes
int trace_step, // the step of trace in bytes
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ __kernel
unsigned int ind = atomic_inc(maxCounter);
int ind = atomic_inc(maxCounter);
if (ind < c_max_candidates)
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ __kernel
__global float * det,
__global float * trace,
__global int4 * maxPosBuffer,
volatile __global unsigned int* maxCounter,
volatile __global int* maxCounter,
int counter_offset,
int det_step, // the step of det in bytes
int trace_step, // the step of trace in bytes
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ __kernel
unsigned int ind = atomic_inc(maxCounter);
int ind = atomic_inc(maxCounter);
if (ind < c_max_candidates)
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ __kernel
__global const float * det,
__global const int4 * maxPosBuffer,
__global float * keypoints,
volatile __global unsigned int * featureCounter,
volatile __global int * featureCounter,
int det_step,
int keypoints_step,
int c_img_rows,
......@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ __kernel
if ((c_img_rows + 1) >= grad_wav_size && (c_img_cols + 1) >= grad_wav_size)
// Get a new feature index.
unsigned int ind = atomic_inc(featureCounter);
int ind = atomic_inc(featureCounter);
if (ind < c_max_features)
......@@ -737,19 +737,19 @@ __constant float c_aptW[ORI_SAMPLES] = {0.001455130288377404f, 0.001707611023448
__constant float c_NX[2][5] = {{0, 0, 2, 4, -1}, {2, 0, 4, 4, 1}};
__constant float c_NY[2][5] = {{0, 0, 4, 2, 1}, {0, 2, 4, 4, -1}};
void reduce_32_sum(volatile __local float * data, float partial_reduction, int tid)
void reduce_32_sum(volatile __local float * data, volatile float* partial_reduction, int tid)
#define op(A, B) (A)+(B)
data[tid] = partial_reduction;
#define op(A, B) (*A)+(B)
data[tid] = *partial_reduction;
if (tid < 16)
data[tid] = partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 16]);
data[tid] = partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 8 ]);
data[tid] = partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 4 ]);
data[tid] = partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 2 ]);
data[tid] = partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 1 ]);
data[tid] = *partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 16]);
data[tid] = *partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 8 ]);
data[tid] = *partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 4 ]);
data[tid] = *partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 2 ]);
data[tid] = *partial_reduction = op(partial_reduction, data[tid + 1 ]);
#undef op
......@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ __kernel
const int dir = (i * 4 + get_local_id(1)) * ORI_SEARCH_INC;
float sumx = 0.0f, sumy = 0.0f;
volatile float sumx = 0.0f, sumy = 0.0f;
int d = abs(convert_int_rte(s_angle[get_local_id(0)]) - dir);
if (d < ORI_WIN / 2 || d > 360 - ORI_WIN / 2)
......@@ -856,8 +856,8 @@ __kernel
sumx += s_X[get_local_id(0) + 96];
sumy += s_Y[get_local_id(0) + 96];
reduce_32_sum(s_sumx + get_local_id(1) * 32, sumx, get_local_id(0));
reduce_32_sum(s_sumy + get_local_id(1) * 32, sumy, get_local_id(0));
reduce_32_sum(s_sumx + get_local_id(1) * 32, &sumx, get_local_id(0));
reduce_32_sum(s_sumy + get_local_id(1) * 32, &sumy, get_local_id(0));
const float temp_mod = sumx * sumx + sumy * sumy;
if (temp_mod > best_mod)
......@@ -892,14 +892,32 @@ __kernel
kp_dir += 2.0f * CV_PI_F;
kp_dir *= 180.0f / CV_PI_F;
kp_dir = 360.0f - kp_dir;
if (fabs(kp_dir - 360.f) < FLT_EPSILON)
kp_dir = 0.f;
//kp_dir = 360.0f - kp_dir;
//if (fabs(kp_dir - 360.f) < FLT_EPSILON)
// kp_dir = 0.f;
featureDir[get_group_id(0)] = kp_dir;
void icvSetUpright(
__global float * keypoints,
int keypoints_step,
int nFeatures
keypoints_step /= sizeof(*keypoints);
__global float* featureDir = keypoints + ANGLE_ROW * keypoints_step;
if(get_global_id(0) <= nFeatures)
featureDir[get_global_id(0)] = 90.0f;
#undef ORI_WIN
......@@ -993,10 +1011,7 @@ void calc_dx_dy(
const float centerX = featureX[get_group_id(0)];
const float centerY = featureY[get_group_id(0)];
const float size = featureSize[get_group_id(0)];
float descriptor_dir = 360.0f - featureDir[get_group_id(0)];
if (fabs(descriptor_dir - 360.f) < FLT_EPSILON)
descriptor_dir = 0.f;
descriptor_dir *= (float)(CV_PI_F / 180.0f);
float descriptor_dir = featureDir[get_group_id(0)] * (float)(CV_PI_F / 180.0f);
/* The sampling intervals and wavelet sized for selecting an orientation
and building the keypoint descriptor are defined relative to 's' */
......@@ -1125,11 +1140,15 @@ __kernel
sdxabs[tid] = fabs(sdx[tid]); // |dx| array
sdyabs[tid] = fabs(sdy[tid]); // |dy| array
if (tid < 25)
reduce_sum25(sdx, sdy, sdxabs, sdyabs, tid);
if (tid < 25)
volatile __global float* descriptors_block = descriptors + descriptors_step * get_group_id(0) + (get_group_id(1) << 2);
// write dx, dy, |dx|, |dy|
This diff is collapsed.
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