Commit 7b28d5b4 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #16263 from dkurt:dnn_tf_addv2

parents 1df148aa 76cfa65d
......@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ void TFImporter::populateNet(Net dstNet)
if (getDataLayout(name, data_layouts) == DATA_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN)
data_layouts[name] = DATA_LAYOUT_NHWC;
else if (type == "BiasAdd" || type == "Add" || type == "Sub" || type=="AddN")
else if (type == "BiasAdd" || type == "Add" || type == "AddV2" || type == "Sub" || type=="AddN")
bool haveConst = false;
for(int ii = 0; !haveConst && ii < layer.input_size(); ++ii)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class MultiscaleAnchorGenerator:
def createSSDGraph(modelPath, configPath, outputPath):
# Nodes that should be kept.
keepOps = ['Conv2D', 'BiasAdd', 'Add', 'Relu', 'Relu6', 'Placeholder', 'FusedBatchNorm',
keepOps = ['Conv2D', 'BiasAdd', 'Add', 'AddV2', 'Relu', 'Relu6', 'Placeholder', 'FusedBatchNorm',
'DepthwiseConv2dNative', 'ConcatV2', 'Mul', 'MaxPool', 'AvgPool', 'Identity',
'Sub', 'ResizeNearestNeighbor', 'Pad', 'FusedBatchNormV3']
......@@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ def createSSDGraph(modelPath, configPath, outputPath):
subgraphBatchNorm = ['Add',
['Mul', 'input', ['Mul', ['Rsqrt', ['Add', 'moving_variance', 'add_y']], 'gamma']],
['Sub', 'beta', ['Mul', 'moving_mean', 'Mul_0']]]
subgraphBatchNormV2 = ['AddV2',
['Mul', 'input', ['Mul', ['Rsqrt', ['AddV2', 'moving_variance', 'add_y']], 'gamma']],
['Sub', 'beta', ['Mul', 'moving_mean', 'Mul_0']]]
# Detect unfused nearest neighbor resize.
subgraphResizeNN = ['Reshape',
['Mul', ['Reshape', 'input', ['Pack', 'shape_1', 'shape_2', 'shape_3', 'shape_4', 'shape_5']],
......@@ -177,7 +180,8 @@ def createSSDGraph(modelPath, configPath, outputPath):
for node in graph_def.node:
inputs = {}
fusedNodes = []
if checkSubgraph(node, subgraphBatchNorm, inputs, fusedNodes):
if checkSubgraph(node, subgraphBatchNorm, inputs, fusedNodes) or \
checkSubgraph(node, subgraphBatchNormV2, inputs, fusedNodes):
name =
node.Clear() = name
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