Commit 7a59d6c7 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

improved convergence of minEnclosingCircle algorithm, patch #947 (thanks to Hannes Sommer)

parent 29077f11
......@@ -371,9 +371,11 @@ cvMinEnclosingCircle( const void* array, CvPoint2D32f * _center, float *_radius
for( k = 0; k < max_iters; k++ )
double min_delta = 0, delta;
CvPoint2D32f ptfl;
icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f( pts, &center, &radius );
CvPoint2D32f ptfl, farAway = { 0, 0};
/*only for first iteration because the alg is repared at the loop's foot*/
icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f( pts, &center, &radius );
cvStartReadSeq( sequence, &reader, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
......@@ -393,12 +395,29 @@ cvMinEnclosingCircle( const void* array, CvPoint2D32f * _center, float *_radius
if( delta < min_delta )
min_delta = delta;
pts[3] = ptfl;
farAway = ptfl;
result = min_delta >= 0;
if( result )
CvPoint2D32f ptsCopy[4];
/* find good replacement partner for the point which is at most far away,
starting with the one that lays in the actual circle (i=3) */
for(int i = 3; i >=0; i-- )
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
ptsCopy[j]=(i != j)? pts[j]: farAway;
icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f(ptsCopy, &center, &radius );
if( icvIsPtInCircle( pts[i], center, radius )>=0){ // replaced one again in the new circle?
pts[i] = farAway;
if( !result )
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