Commit 79bcae4e authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

fixed background image reader (thanks to albertzeyer for the patch - ticket #651)

parent d7c0c72b
......@@ -1227,9 +1227,11 @@ CvBackgroundData* icvCreateBackgroundData( const char* filename, CvSize winsize
while( !feof( input ) )
*imgfilename = '\0';
if( !fscanf( input, "%s", imgfilename ))
if( !fgets( imgfilename, PATH_MAX - (imgfilename - full) - 1, input ))
len = (int)strlen( imgfilename );
if( len > 0 && imgfilename[len-1] == '\n' )
imgfilename[len-1] = 0, len--;
if( len > 0 )
if( (*imgfilename) == '#' ) continue; /* comment */
......@@ -1254,9 +1256,11 @@ CvBackgroundData* icvCreateBackgroundData( const char* filename, CvSize winsize
while( !feof( input ) )
*imgfilename = '\0';
if( !fscanf( input, "%s", imgfilename ))
if( !fgets( imgfilename, PATH_MAX - (imgfilename - full) - 1, input ))
len = (int)strlen( imgfilename );
if( len > 0 && imgfilename[len-1] == '\n' )
imgfilename[len-1] = 0, len--;
if( len > 0 )
if( (*imgfilename) == '#' ) continue; /* comment */
......@@ -1351,11 +1355,11 @@ void icvGetNextFromBackgroundData( CvBackgroundData* data,
//#endif /* CV_VERBOSE */
img = cvLoadImage( data->filename[data->last++], 0 );
if( !img )
data->last %= data->count;
if( !img )
data->round += data->last / data->count;
data->round = data->round % (data->winsize.width * data->winsize.height);
data->last %= data->count;
offset.x = round % data->winsize.width;
offset.y = round / data->winsize.width;
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